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Friday 3 November 2023

Flying Tigers veterans return to China after 80 years, receiving warm welcome

 Flying Tigers Veterans' Legacy to Propel China-US Cooperation: California Mayors

Flying Tigers veteran Harry Moyer waves to Chinese primary school students at the Museum of the War of the Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Beijing on October 30, 2023. Photo: Li Hao/GT

Over the past week, Flying Tigers veterans and their family members received the warmest of welcomes in China.

On the Great Wall, tourists waved at them and took photos with them. At the Museum of the War of the Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression, local school children lined up to salute and applaud them, while Chinese media closely followed their every move.

In 1941, a group of volunteer US pilots, later known as the Flying Tigers, came to China, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese people to fight invading Japanese troops. They flew over the Himalayas, helping to ship strategic supplies to break through the Japanese blockade.

Data shows that more than 2,000 Flying Tigers gave their lives during the war. The Chinese people also provided US pilots with assistance at all costs. More than 200 pilots in distress were rescued, with thousands of Chinese people giving their lives during the rescue operations.

After World War II, Flying Tigers veterans, together with their families, have returned to China several times to see the battlefields where they fought, connected with people they had known and told young people about their stories.

This time, two made it to China. Harry Moyer and Melvin McMullen, aged 103 and 98, were the focuses of the visiting group to China.

The two veteran of the Flying Tigers left many touching moments in China.

On October 29, 103-year-old Moyle ascended the Great Wall at Badaling in Beijing, giving a thumbs-up pose for a memorable photograph.

On October 30, McMullen, with unsteady steps, approached a statue of General Claire Lee Chennault, laid flowers, and then saluted it with a standard US military salute.

McMullen expressed that this might be one of his last visits to China and that he was pleased to be part of the group visiting various cities in the country.

"I just want to come back," he said.

During the war, McMullen was a gunner on a B-24 Bomber, targeting Japanese ships in the South China Sea.

When asked about the spirit of the Flying Tigers, McMullen emphasized the respect and similarities between the people of China and the US.

"People in China and people in the US speak different languages, but they have the same desires that all people should live in peace," he said.

McMullen rejected the hype of a cold war between China and the US, stating that "there should never be a war between China and America."

Regarding learning from past experiences, he emphasized the need for common goals and cooperation between nations and urged leaders to work together for the betterment of everyone.

Margaret Mills Kincannon, daughter of Flying Tigers pilot James Mills, also the vice chairman of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation, wrote a book on this special period of history.

"I still can't believe we are here after we've talked about it for so long. That we're finally here in China," she told the Global Times. "China was in my childhood stories."

"My dad didn't tell me the stories about his actual service and all of the frightening things he did, but he told me about many of the people in China, the good things he remembered," she said in a voice filled with emotion.

"There are many good things and I'm discovering those good things now, too."

Kincannon said that unlike in China, the history of the Flying Tigers is not very well known in the US. Moreover, there has been no major film or TV works about it.

"I don't know why nobody was writing about it in America," she said. "That was why I wrote this book."

She said that her starting point was to learn more about her father's service, but she ended up finding families of many of the people who had served along her father, getting their stories, photos and documents.

"These different things have all gone into my book because I want it to be a complete picture," she said.

Her book The Spray and Pray Squadron will be published next spring.

After their visit to Beijing, members of the Flying Tigers and their families also traveled to cities such as Chongqing Municipality, Kunming in Yunnan Province, and Liuzhou in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to explore the stories of the Flying Tigers and the history of the joint Chinese-US resistance during World War II.

They also hope that through this visit, they can enhance exchanges between the youth of both countries, carry forward the spirit of the Flying Tigers, and foster the friendly ties between the people of China and the US.

"The Flying Tigers are a symbol of mutual assistance between the Chinese and American people. During their operations to aid China, over 2,000 Flying Tigers members sacrificed their lives, and thousands of Chinese citizens gave their precious lives while assisting endangered aviators," Wang Wenbin, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, said at a press conference on Wednesday when asked about the visiting Flying Tigers veterans. "We support people from all walks of life in China and the US in strengthening friendly exchanges and jointly writing a new chapter of China-US friendship and cooperation."

"Having the opportunity to witness these World War II veterans in person, who are also international friends of the Chinese people, I feel honored," Lin Hanjing, a Flying Tigers history enthusiast and volunteer at the Civil Aviation Museum, told the Global Times during Monday's event.

"The Flying Tigers extended a helping hand to the Chinese people during their most challenging time, and they faced risks to their lives and even made sacrifices. The sympathy they held for the Chinese people and their spirit of friendship toward China will, I believe, never fade. We, the Chinese people, should always remember that," Lin noted.

"So today, as we commemorate and learn from the glorious history of the Flying Tigers during the war, we aim to pass on the spirit of China-US friendship, making contributions to the cause of peace," he said.

On September 15, 1944, at an airport in China, a B-29 bomber takes off again after undergoing repairs, thanks to the efforts of the mechanics. Photo: VCG

Families of the Flying Tigers pose on the Great Wall in Beijing on October 29, 2023. Photo: VCG

Flying Tigers veteran Melvin McMullen (middle) salutes to the camera at the ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of US 14th Air Force's participation in China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) at the Museum of the War of the Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Beijing on October 30, 2023. Photo: Li Hao/GT

Tourists view exhibitions at the Flying Tigers Memorial in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan Province on September 21, 2023. Photo: VCG

A visitor checks information on the Flying Tigers in Kunming Museum in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan Province in November 2021. Photo: VCG


Thursday 2 November 2023

Do not interpret China's participation in global AI safety summit narrowly as Biden signs executive order on AI regulation with Chinese experts warn against US politicizing technology


Do not interpret China's participation in global AI safety summit narrowly

The first global AI safety summit ambitiously organized by the UK is set to take place on November 1 and 2. Right from the inception of the event's planning in the UK, there was a question of whether China would be invited and whether China would attend. According to latest UK media reports, Wu Zhaohui, vice minister of science and technology, along with representatives from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tech companies, and academic institutions, have been invited to attend. They will engage in discussions with peers from around the world on issues related to the secure development of AI technology in pursuit of international consensus.

The participation of Chinese representatives has sparked a lot of discussions in the international media and has been given additional significance. Some people view it as "another sign of the thaw in China-UK relations," and the POLITICO Europe has stated that if the UK brings China and the US together, it will be a major diplomatic coup. These interpretations are all from a perspective of international relations or geopolitics, and frankly speaking, they are somewhat narrow and limited. Although AI is primarily a technological topic, the global AI safety summit hosted by the UK has never been devoid of the influence of domestic politics, geopolitics, values and ideologies all along. These factors will be obstacles and constraints on the achievement of results at this conference in the future.

Since it's called as a "global AI safety summit," excluding China, which boasts the world's largest AI application market, would be ironic. The UK is just a step away from this. The voices of opposition against inviting China have been quite loud among some British politicians. Even after the UK government decided to extend the invitation, there were still some vehement "dissenting voices" within the UK, with former prime minister Liz Truss even writing a letter requesting incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to rescind the invitation. This forced Sunak to provide an explanation and emphasize that inviting China is "the right thing to do." The resistance faced by the UK in making the right decision has been a common theme in recent years among Western countries.

In contrast, China considers the inherent complexity and necessity of things when making decisions. China's decision to send representatives to the summit is rooted in the belief that it is necessary, without allowing some narrow-minded attitudes within the UK to deter its participation. This demonstrates China's openness and its responsible approach to the well-being of all humanity.

AI is a new field of human development. Everyone can see the tremendous opportunities brought about by the rapid development of global AI technology, as well as the unpredictable risks and complex challenges. This is a common issue that concerns the fate of all mankind and the countries of the world. However, global AI governance lags far behind the speed of technological development. The world urgently needs to reach a basic consensus on this issue in order to equip rapidly developing AI technology with a global unified standard steering wheel and brakes, so that it can better serve the well-being of all mankind, rather than becoming a new tool of hegemony for some major countries or even facilitating large-scale new types of crimes. Therefore, the world needs more comprehensive discussions. The UK hosting this global AI safety summit provides an opportunity for such discussions, regardless of any subjective calculations. China has supported the UK's move with practical actions.

It is worth mentioning that the three major global powers, China, the US and Europe, have recently made efforts in the global AI governance. On October 18, President Xi Jinping proposed the "Global AI Governance Initiative" in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, systematically outlining China's proposals on AI governance from three aspects, namely, the development, security and governance. On October 30, US President Biden signed an executive order on AI, which was called the "most significant action any government anywhere in the world has ever taken on AI safety, security and trust." Prior to this, President Biden's top science advisor praised the UK's invitation to China to participate in the AI summit as a "terrific idea." The long-awaited Artificial Intelligence Act of the European Union has also entered the final negotiation stage.

If China, the US and the EU can reach some consensus on global AI governance, it would be of great significance. One key aspect, as mentioned in China's "Global AI Governance Initiative," is to oppose drawing ideological lines or forming exclusive groups to obstruct other countries from developing AI, as well as to oppose creating barriers and disrupting the global AI supply chain through technological monopolies and unilateral coercive measures. Whether this healthy and constructive mindset can be maintained not only affects the specific outcomes of this summit, but also the safe development of AI.

Biden signs executive order on AI regulation as Chinese experts warn against US politicizing technology

International cooperation needed in burgeoning sector to boost innovation, benefit humanity: expert By GT staff reporters

US President Joe Biden has issued an executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to monitor the cutting-edge technology while tapping its potential. Although they touch on matters of consumer protection, civil rights and innovation, the Biden administration's new rules are narrow-minded and risk turning AI into a political tool in next-generation technology competition, Chinese observers said.

They called for international cooperation in the research and development (R&D) and application of the state-of-the-art technology, which is the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and a sector that will have profound implications for all human beings.

According to a circular on the White House website, the executive order requires developers of AI systems that pose risks to US national security, economy, public health or safety to share the results of safety tests with the US government, in line with the Defense Production Act, before companies make them public.

Claiming that it has consulted widely on its AI governance frameworks with its allies and partners including Australia, Canada, the EU and Japan, the White House said that the document will "direct actions to counter adversaries' military use of AI."

Generally, AI can be applied in every industry, including the military. However, the Biden administration especially pointed out the need to "counter adversaries' military use of AI," reflecting its concerns in this respect, Wang Peng, an associate research fellow at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

While the US attaches importance to international competition by vowing to continue to lead in AI innovation, the Chinese regulations on generative AI content stress increasing the benefits brought to people and preventing potential risks, Wang said.

In July, China released an interim regulation on the management of generative AI services, which went into effect on August 15. It put forth measures on boosting generative AI technology on the one hand, and stipulated basic norms for generative AI service providers on the other.

"Both countries' regulations on generative AI services are just a form of general guidance, as there is yet no definition to problems such as AI platform monopolies. Moreover, laws are needed to restrain users of the technology, as some problems are produced by human beings rather than the technology itself," Liu Gang, director of the Nankai Institute of Economics and chief economist at the Chinese Institute of New Generation AI Development Strategies, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Analysts warn against the potential for the US to politicize AI in next-generation technology competition, since the US has damaged the semiconductor market, a treasure for all human beings.

Amid mounting calls in the West to ban China's participation in the upcoming AI Safety Summit in the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak defended the invitation.

"It's wise for the UK to invite China to attend the summit," Liu said. He said China plays a leading role in AI and 5G, and increased international exchanges in AI and digital technologies will contribute to the world's economy and sustainable development.

Wang said that the development and governance of AI has significant implications for all of humanity and the digital economy, and therefore requires global cooperation. "China plays a crucial role in digital infrastructure, the digital economy, markets, and relevant research, and therefore is an important link that shouldn't be omitted," Wang said.

China's AI sector has developed at an unprecedented speed this year despite an intensifying US blockade, with Chinese high-tech firms including Baidu and iFlytek rushing to deploy ChatGPT-like AI solutions. As of the end of August, 11 Chinese AI large language models, including Baidu's ERNIE Bot, had obtained approval for release to the general public.

China aims to promote the development of its computing power technologies - with a goal of increasing its computing power by about 50 percent to exceed 300 EFLOPS by 2025 - laying the infrastructure foundation for the development of the AI sector.

"As AI is critical to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an international cooperation system needs to be established at an early date for countries to discuss the application of AI in society and potential problems, based on a series of consensuses," Liu said.

Amid escalating tech competition, the US recently tightened curbs on exports of state-of-the-art AI chips to China.

"The US measures seriously violated market economy principles and international trade rules, while aggregated the fragmentation of global semiconductor supply chains," the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The Chinese business community firmly opposes the US acts, which benefit no one, and hopes the US side will cancel related restrictions and respond to the reasonable concerns of the global business community about opening-up and cooperation, the government agency said.

"Related enterprises across the world should maintain mutual trust and cooperation to jointly safeguard the safety, stability and smoothness of global supply and industry chains," it said.


China urges efforts to eliminate war chaos at Beijing Xiangshan Forum

 Xiangshan Forum's Opening Ceremony Held in Beijing

The first plenary session of the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum is held on October 30, 2023 with the focus on major countries' responsibility and global security cooperation. Photo: VCG

Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times that the China-proposed Global Security Initiative is an international security view based on domestic security but also takes a broader view that allows countries to coexist peacefully.

The Global Security Initiative is an important manifestation of building a global community of shared future, as it is also an international security view that avoids oppression of the weak and other forms of inequality, Song said.

Lieutenant General He Lei, former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Liberation Army, told the Global Times during the forum on Monday that Zhang's keynote speech promoted and elaborated on the concept of building a global community of shared future and the Global Security Initiative, as he reiterated China's independent and peaceful diplomatic policy, its strategic decision of walking the path of peaceful development, its national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and its military strategy of active defense.

The keynote speech by Zhang also rejected Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, as he made an in-depth analysis of the current international security situation, and expressed the Chinese military's wish to develop friendly relations, enhance communications, build strategic mutual trust and jointly make positive efforts to safeguard peace and stability in the world, said He Lei.

Lü Chao, an international affairs expert at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times at the forum on Monday that at a time when the West is hyping up the "China threat" theory, the forum also served as a good opportunity to refute those claims.

At this domestically hosted international security forum, China declared to the whole world its initiative for peaceful development, Lü said, noting that he expects positive feedback from the international community.

Lü, who has attended many previous editions of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, said that this year's event further stressed China and the international communities' joint development and joint efforts in achieving lasting peace.

"What impressed me greatly were the speeches from representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Nigeria and other countries, because in other international conventions I seldom get the chance to hear from them. Their remarks are actually very close to China's ideas, so China's diplomacy really wins the hearts of others," Lü said.

While the West is demonizing China, in fact everyone knows who is the real one that is threatening global peace, Lü said. 

The 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum is held on October 30, 2023. Photo: Leng Shumei/GT

Unique platform

On Monday, the forum organized two plenary sessions - Major Countries' Responsibility and Global Security Cooperation and The Role of Developing Countries in Global Security; and eight simultaneous sessions - Security Trend and Configuration of Security Situation in Northeast Asia, ASEAN Centrality in Regional Security Cooperation Architecture, New Security Architecture in the Middle East, Reconfiguring Peace in Europe, Preventing and Managing Military Maritime Crisis, Nuclear Risk and Global Security, Artificial Intelligence Security and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief: International Military Cooperation.

The wide selection of topics, covering a number of regional affairs and sensitive issues, shows that China is shouldering its responsibilities as a major country, particularly in upholding justice in the international community, experts said.

Senior Colonel Zhao Xiaozhuo, deputy director of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum Secretariat, told the Global Times that the Beijing Xiangshan Forum would not be a real international security forum if it did not cover all important hot topics.

The forum invited experts in various fields from all over the world who seek opportunities to communicate over the current hot topics, Zhao said. "We do not avoid hot topics, nor do we go around sensitive topics."

During the sessions discussing the Palestine-Israel conflict and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, parties involved in those conflicts remained objective and reasonable in their discussions, which is not easy considering conflicts are going on between them, Zhao said, noting that the forum is a platform that offers sides engaged in conflicts a chance to talk to each other.

In all plenary and simultaneous sessions, there were a large number of representatives and experts who had come from developing countries.

Zhao said that representatives from developing countries seldom get the chance to make themselves heard in international forums, particularly those with influence, so the Beijing Xiangshan Forum offers them an opportunity, and takes them into full consideration when arranging topics so that developing countries can raise their suggestions and claims.

Global Security Initiative (GSI) has been supported and commended by more than 100 countries and international organizations since it was put forward by China, and has been included in numerous bilateral and multilateral documents on China's interaction and cooperation with other countries and international organizations, said Nong Rong, the assistant foreign minister, noting that China will hold a high-level event on the theme of GSI at an appropriate time.
The most important task for the coming decade for all security leaders is to avoid physical conflict in Asia, according to the Singaporean defense minister in a speech delivered at the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum on Tuesday
China will hold high-level GSI events focused on dialogue and exchange for global security issues: Assistant FM Nong Rong

Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, China will continue to actively promote an immediate ceasefire to prevent a humanitarian disaster and push for a comprehensive and just solution to the issue based on a two-state solution.

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