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Friday 15 January 2021

The reopening of schools, childcare centres and institutes of higher learning during MCO 2.0, CMCO, RMCO



BELOW are some questions and answers relating to schools and institutions under the Education Ministry as well as the status of public examinations during the movement control order period.

School reopening 

 Q: Are all students in areas under the movement control order required to return to school when it reopens on Jan 20?

A: Only students sitting for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM), Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) and Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) 2020 and 2021 students, as well as the equivalent international exams, will be allowed to return to school to undergo the Implementation of Teaching and Learning (PdP) via face-to-face.

Non-examination students will undergo Home-based learning (PdPR).

Q: Will students having to undergo public examinations but living outside MCO areas be allowed to return to schools that are under MCO areas or vice-versa?

A: Yes. Special authorisation letters will be issued by the school management to allow students to cross districts or states to attend school.

Q: Are parents/guardians allowed to send their children or children under their care to school?

A: Yes.

Q: Are students in remove class who have appealed to sit for the Bahasa Melayu Literacy Screening (Pengesahan Literasi Bahasa Melayu) allowed to be in school?

A: Yes. Students can attend school to sit for the Bahasa Melayu Literacy Screening on Jan 21,2021. For students unable to attend, they can take the test on Feb 3,2021.

Central Assessment Schedule (Pengurusan Pentaksiran Pusat) and public exams

Q: Will the central assessment schedule and SPM/ SVM/ SKM/ STPM/ STAM/ DVM as well as equivalent international examinations proceed?

A: Yes.

Q: Will the postponed SPM trial 2020 be conducted?

A: Yes. The examination will proceed once school re-opens for face-to-face lessons.

Boarding School Enrolment

Q: When will students sitting for the SPM/ SVM/ SKM/ STPM/ STAM/ DVM exams be allowed to return to boarding schools?

A: Beginning Jan 16.

Q: Are parents/guardians allowed to visit students living in boarding schools that are under the MCO?

A: No.

Q: Will students be allowed to go for outings and overnight events?

A: No.

Teaching and Learning (PdP)

Q: How will PdP be implemented for students aside from those sitting for examination classes?

A: Students must undergo home-based learning (PdPR) based on the suitability and the preparedness of teachers and students. Teachers can refer to the PdPR manual which can be downloaded from the Education Ministry portal

Q: How can Year 1 pupils for the 2021 academic session access the Digital Educational Learning Initiative Malaysia (Delima) platform as part of the PdPR?

A: Pupils can access the Delima portal using their user ID and password given by the school.

Q: How can students access the TV Pendidikan educational programme schedule? A The schedule of TV Pendidikan can be accessed via the Education Ministry’s official portal and social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @KemPendidikan.

Sports and co-curricular activities

Q: Will face-to-face sports and co-curricular activities be allowed?

A: No. However, virtual activities are allowed until the latest announcement from the Education Ministry.

Q: Will sports activities for PdP of the Physical Education subject and Health Education (Pendidikan Jasmani and Pendidikan Kesihatan) outside of the classroom be allowed?

A: No

Management of the textbook loan scheme (SPBT) 

Q: Are the Form 5 2020 students required to return their textbooks?

A: Only after they complete their SPM examinations.

Q: Will the Form 5 2020 students be using the same textbooks used by the Form 5 2021 students?

A: No. Students will be provided with the Form 5 Secondary School Standards-based Curriculum (KSSM) textbooks for use in 2021.

Q: When will other students aside from the Form 5 2020 need to return their textbooks and collect their new textbooks?

A: Return and distribution of textbooks will be implemented based on the return schedule in stages set by the school management once school re-opens.

Q: How can students obtain digital textbooks?

A: Students can download digital textbooks from the Delima platforms at or teachers can help download the digital textbooks, print and distribute them based on the required topics only.

School admission assessment (PKSK)

Q: Will PKSK be implemented during the MCO period?

A: Yes. The new PKSK dates for students entering Form One are Jan 20 to 29. For Form Four students, Feb 15 to 25.

Special authorisation letters will be issued by the Education Ministry to allow candidates to cross states or districts to attend the assessment centres.

Q: What are the necessary steps that need to be taken before a candidate sits for PKSK?

A: All candidates must bring a slip to sit for the PKSK and the special authorisation letter to attend PKSK that can be downloaded below:

i. (Form 1)

ii. (Form 4)

Q: Will candidates with any medical symptoms be allowed to undergo PKSK?

A: No. Parents/ guardians will need to get confirmation from certified medical officers and inform the head of the assessment centre (Ketua Pusat Pentaksiran).

A new date for students to sit for the PKSK will be set later.

Q: Are candidates under quarantine allowed to sit for PKSK?

A: No. Students are only allowed to sit for PKSK after the end of their quarantine period. A new date for the students will be set later.

Q: Are candidates who test positive for Covid-19 and treated in hospital allowed to sit for PKSK?

A: No. However, they will be allowed to do so once they are discharged from the hospital. A new date to sit for the PKSK will be announced later.

Q: Are candidates living in MCO areas allowed to change their PKSK centre?

A: Yes. Candidates need to submit an application to the head of assessment centre (Ketua Pusat Pentaksiran) that they are applying to.

Teachers and non-education services member (anggota perkhidmatan bukan guru)

Q: When are teachers required to be at the station of duty?

A: Teachers are required to be at the station of duty before Jan 20.

Q: Are teachers required to be present at schools placed under the MCO?

A: Teachers’ attendance at schools are required as below:

i. Teachers involved in the SPM/ SVM/ SKM/ STPM/ STAM/ DVM for the year 2020 and 2021 as well as equivalent international exams.

ii. Teachers involved in examination management.

iii. Other teachers that are ordered to be present by the head of departments.

Q: Are teachers living outside of MCO areas allowed to be present at schools that are currently under MCO or vice versa?

A: Yes. Teachers are required to obtain a special authorisation letter from the head of department.

Q: Aside from teachers, who else is allowed to be present at school during the MCO?

A: i. Non-education services members (Anggota Perkhidmatan Bukan Guru) with orders from the head of department.

ii. Essential services workers such as cleaners, security personnel, and canteen staff.

iii. Wardens and boarding school administrators.

Q: Will non-education services members be allowed to work from home?

A: Yes. The head of department can consider the request to work from home made by non-education service members according to their workload and the need to be physically at the office.

Management and operations of private education institutions (IPS)

Q: Are childcare centres allowed to operate face-to-face?

A: Yes. This includes international and expatriate preschool classes.

Q: Are all categories of IPS in MCO areas allowed to have face-to-face learning?

A: No. Only classes with students that are sitting for the SPM/ SVM/ SKM/ STPM/ STAM/ DVM for 2020 and 2021 as well as equivalent international exams will be allowed to operate face-to-face.

Q: Are all IPS categories centres such as tuition/ language centres allowed to operate face-to-face learning?

A: No.

Q: Does an IPS that has been allowed to operate face-to-face learning require a special authorisation letter in order to allow students/ teacher/ staff to be present?

A: Yes.

Management and operations of Pusat Anak Genius Negara (PAGN) and Pusat Genius Kurnia (PGK)

Q: Will PAGN and PGK under the MCO areas remain in operation?

A: Yes. However, this is subject to the quota allowed; priority will be given to parents/ guardians who are both working.

Q: Can parents/ guardians send their children or children under their care for half a day to a PAGN?

A: Yes. However, parents/ guardians must inform the teachers earlier so that activities and routines for children or children under their care can be planned smoothly.

Source: Education Ministry

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  PUTRAJAYA: Covid-19 patients who have mild or no symptoms will undergo treatment and quarantine at home, but they will be monitored st...

Warded at home with mild Covid-19 symptoms


PUTRAJAYA: Covid-19 patients who have mild or no symptoms will undergo treatment and quarantine at home, but they will be monitored strictly by health workers, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba.

A task force has been formed at the Crisis Preparedness and Emergency Response Centre level, state and district levels to monitor patients being treated at home, he added.

He said the home quarantine applies to Level One and Level Two Covid-19 patients, reported Bernama.

Under the Health Ministry’s system, Level One is for positive cases that do not show any symptoms, while Level Two are patients who show mild symptoms.

Level Three cases are patients with pneumonia, Level Four are those who have inflammation in the lungs and require oxygen while Level Five patients are those who come to the hospital in the late stages of the illness and require ventilator support.

“We are doing this as we need to act fast in treating and isolating positive cases and, to this end, the MOH will continue with contact tracing in efforts to flatten the Covid-19 curve, ” he said after attending the ministry’s New Year mandate ceremony here yesterday.

Dr Adham said the Level One and Two patients will be quarantined at home for 10 days and a screening test will be conducted on them on the last day. “The screening test will be done in their respective homes and if the result is negative, they are free from Covid-19, ” he said.

Dr Adham said ministry staff will assess the size of the house and number of occupants before allowing these patients to undergo treatment at their respective homes, adding that if the house is small or crowded, the patients will be taken to hospital.

“If the facilities at home are satisfactory, with sufficient space for isolation and the family understands the need for quarantine and the standard operating procedures set by the ministry... they will be treated at home, ” he added.

He said Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah will give details on the home treatment and quarantine soon.

On Jan 4, Dr Noor Hisham said MOH was considering isolating and treating Covid-19 patients who are without symptoms and or with mild symptoms at home, as the existing health facilities are not able to cope with the surge in daily cases.

Other countries have also opted to have Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms undergo isolation or quarantine at home.

In the United States, those who tested positive for the virus but who are asymptomatic are required to stay at home until it is safe for them to be around others.

People who display symptoms of Covid-19 but are able to recover at home can also undergo isolation at home, said the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, if patients manifest emergency warning signs such as trouble breathing or persistent chest pains, they are required to seek emergency medical care immediately.

In Singapore, quarantine orders are issued to those who are confirmed or suspected Covid-19 cases and Singapore’s health ministry will determine if an individual should be quarantined at home or at quarantine facilities or hospitals, based on an assessment of a person’s contact history, state of health and suitability of the home.

Travellers from selected countries may be able to serve their 14-day quarantine period at their place of residence rather than at a dedicated facility.

At immigration checkpoints, eligible travellers are issued electronic monitoring devices, which are activated immediately when they reach their quarantine accommodation.

In Australia, those who screened for the virus or who display symptoms are required to stay at home until they have tested negative or they are no longer exhibiting symptoms.

Those who are considered a suspect Covid-19 case will be advised by the public health authorities on whether they are to be isolated at home or in the hospital.

When isolating at home, patients whose symptoms get worse are to seek emergency medical attention.

While guidelines for home quarantine across different countries vary, common principles would be for patients to stay in a room separate from other household members.

Patients are encouraged to use a separate bathroom if possible and to avoid sharing personal household items with others.

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Find out the symptoms for Covid-19 and when to seek medical help in the infographic below:

Monday 11 January 2021

Invasion of the web trackers

Here’s how you can thwart websites from tracking your every movement.


THERE are several reasons that your Windows 10 PC is overrun by web trackers, bits of software code that follow you online to help marketers learn more about you.

The money trail

Nearly all commercial websites use them to create an elaborate profile of your tastes and habits, a profile that the websites can use themselves or sell to others.

Your online movements are tracked by cookies (bits of code left in your web browser), Google and Facebook tracker software (that follows you even when you aren’t on their websites), session recorders (that record everything you do on a website), key-loggers (that record what you type into text boxes on a website, even if you don’t submit anything), beacons (invisible objects in a web page that record how many times you viewed that page) and “fingerprinting” (a record of the technical details of your computer that can be used to identify you.)

While privacy advocates are aware of web trackers, most people aren’t. As a result, web tracking keeps expanding.

A recent study showed that 87% of the most popular websites now track your movements, whether you sign in to the website or not (see

You can view the web trackers on any website at

Also, Windows 10 may indeed attract more web tracker software, because it collects more personal information about you than earlier versions of Windows did.

Microsoft shares some of that information with advertisers.

Throw it off track

Until recently, web browsers didn’t offer much protection against web tracking.

The latest versions of the four most popular browsers – Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari – have improved (but not perfect) anti-tracking features.

A reviewer of the latest Safari browser reported that it blocked 90 web trackers in five minutes of online activity.

But be sure your browser’s anti-tracking features are turned on.

Also, adjust the privacy settings in Windows 10.

The Windows 10 settings you may want to change include the “advertising ID” (monitors your online travels for advertisers), “location tracking” (helps advertisers localise what they promote to you), “Timeline” (keeps track of what you’re doing so that you can switch from one PC to another without interruption) and Cortana, the Windows 10 digital assistant (monitors your location, email, contacts, and calendar, and keeps a record of every “chat” you’ve had with Cortana).

You can also add more anti-tracking add-ons to your web browser.

Top-rated add-ons include Duckduckgo Privacy Essentials, Privacy Badger and Ghostery. – Star Tribune/tribune News Service - By STEVEN ALEXANDER

Trying to stop the invasion of the web trackers | Star Tribune


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Saturday 9 January 2021

Generating sustainable retirement income


Many Malaysian are EPF contributors and have FDs as well. "You will never understand how bad the feeling is when you have to break your fixed deposit to cover your living expenses."

ONE of the top financial concerns of retirees is running out of money.

Whether you were an executive earning a reasonable income, or if you are making top dollars as a businessman, the fear is still valid.

For example, Tommy, who left the working world soon after selling his factory to a European multinational corporation. Tommy shared during one of our meetings that he was golfing every week and globe trotting almost every other month.

However, there was a problem that greatly bothered him. He found that he was dipping into his fixed deposit every now and then just to maintain his interesting lifestyle.

“Yap, you will never understand how bad the feeling is when you have to break your fixed deposit to cover your living expenses, ” he said.Combing through all of his finances, we discovered that Tommy’s lackadaisical attitude was to be blamed. He has not been paying enough attention to invest and generate income from the RM12mil nest egg that he had painstakingly accumulated. His investment portfolio was a mess.

Over the years, he invested in a few properties but never really bothered to oversee them. When tenants left, he didn’t make an effort to secure new tenants. In fact, some properties were even sitting vacant and idle. His excuse? He was too busy running the business.

Yap Ming Hui
Yap Ming HuiYap Ming Hui

Tommy has also invested in some shares and unit trusts but he seldom monitors and reviews their performances. Imagine his surprise when he went looking for some extra cash but discovered that most of the investments were not making money. Prior to meeting me, he couldn’t decide whether to sell or to keep those underperforming investments.

Consequently, the bulk of Tommy’s wealth is in fixed deposit. The trouble is the interest income from fixed deposit barely covers the impact of inflation. As such, if Tommy continues to spend on his interest income, he will risk having the principal depleted.

Asset rich, income poor

Tommy’s problem is a typical case of “Asset Rich, Income Poor.” His situation is definitely not unique. In fact, I find most self-made millionaires or business owners, typically strong at creating wealth from their business or professional career, but poor at generating income and gain from the created wealth.

For one, all the time spent ensuring their businesses succeed also takes them away from making sure that the wealth created is optimised.Let’s examine Tommy’s assets and see how it measures up (see chart).

The RM6mil in fixed deposit generate approximately 2% interest income. However, notice that the 2% of interest is not sufficient to offset the 4% inflation provision. As a result, there is negative net income coming from Tommy’s fixed deposit asset.

Tommy’s properties are worth RM3mil and only generates RM50,000 in rental income per annum. Nevertheless, this can be considered a net income because inflation will be hedged by capital appreciation (at least 4% per annum) of the properties.

The RM1mil in shares gives a total return of 5%. Factoring 4% inflation, the actual income received from share investment is RM10,000.

Unfortunately, the RM2mil unit trust investments didn’t offer any returns. After inflation provision, his unit trust investment has a net income of RM80,000.

The reality is if nothing is done now, Tommy’s wealth will continue to shrink by RM140,000 a year once inflation is factored to the equation. How does this play out for Tommy? The fact that he needs RM360,000 a year to maintain his current lifestyle will not augur well for him.

So, how can you prevent from ending up in Tommy’s situation?

The optimisation measures

> Remember to review the performance of each of your investment asset classes. In order to generate more income and gains, be proactive in getting rid of poor quality and poor performing investments. Look at each investment and ask yourself, should you keep it or should you sell?

> Consider moving fixed deposit into higher return investment.

Any gains from your fixed deposit would probably be eroded by inflation, especially given the current low interest, which will probably persist for quite some time. After calculating and providing for your emergency fund cash reserves, the balance of your fixed deposit should be invested into other investments that can generate higher return and income to hedge against inflation.

> Diversify the source of retirement income

Even if one investment asset can give you a good income and hedge against inflation, it does not mean that you must bet all or the majority of your wealth in it. For example, property investing. Some investors have found success in it. They were able to generate good capital appreciation and rental income.

As a result, they put a majority, if not all, of their wealth into properties. It may sound logical at first but rental income is not sustainable in the long run. It is subjected to changes, some of which cannot be controlled. Therefore, the best practice is still to diversify your retirement income across different asset classes, like share dividends and capital gains, unit trust gains, bond investment gains, retirement income products and others, so that it is not badly affected by any one impact.

The ability to grow your wealth during retirement years is important. Just because you have stopped working, it does not mean your money should stop working too. The idea behind wealth optimisation is to ensure that you can upkeep your retirement lifestyle and protect your wealth from inflation.

Ideally, one should get a plan done a few years prior to retirement to see how your retirement income would play out. After all, you wouldn’t want to have any unpleasant surprise, like in Tommy’s case. When you have time on your side, you can improve your investing skills and adjust your retirement plan accordingly while still in your active income earning years.

Yap Ming Hui is a licensed financial planner. The views expressed here are the author’s. Any reliance you place on the information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

Malaysia Covid-19 pandemic weighed down by over 250 active clusters to record high 3,027 cases

COVID-19 weekly round-up: Malaysia weighed down by over 250 active clusters
According to Dr Noor Hisham, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is currently studying new strategies which will be submitted to the National Security Council (NSC) for consideration in view of the rise in new infections. - REUTERS
 Yesterday, Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced 3,027 new cases, the highest-ever daily figure reported since the first few COVID-19 cases were detected in Malaysia in January 2020.

Yesterday’s new infections were made up of 3,021 local transmissions and six imported cases. The local infections involved 1,577 (52.2 percent) Malaysians and 1,444 non-citizens.

Earlier this week, Dr Noor Hisham expressed the government’s concern over the spiralling numbers and said that healthcare facilities were struggling to cope with the steep rise in new cases.

For the record, during the week under review, 2,295 new cases were reported on Saturday, Jan 2; 1,704 (Sunday), 1,741 (Monday), 2,027 (Tuesday), 2,563 (Wednesday and 3,027 (yesterday).

The spike in new cases since October last year also prompted the government to extend the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), which was supposed to end on Dec 31, by another three months to March 31.

With its cumulative total of 128,465 COVID-19 cases, Malaysia – which occupied the 71st spot yesterday in the list of 216 countries hit by the pandemic – is now at the 69th spot, overtaking Ethiopia (126,786 cases) and Myanmar (128,178 cases).

China, where the coronavirus was first detected at the end of 2019, stood at the 82nd spot with 87,278 cases, while Malaysia’s neighbour Singapore is at the 88th spot with 58,813 cases.

When Malaysia recorded 22,089 active cases on Monday (Jan 4), Dr Noor Hisham voiced his concern over the nation’s ability to accommodate patients at the various Quarantine and Low-Risk Centres and hospitals gazetted to treat COVID-19 cases as the facilities’ maximum capacity was 23,000.

At his media briefing on Wednesday, he said stricter measures may have to be implemented as a circuit breaker to prevent further spikes in new cases.

According to Dr Noor Hisham, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is currently studying new strategies which will be submitted to the National Security Council (NSC) for consideration in view of the rise in new infections after the ban on interstate and inter-district travel was lifted on Dec 7.

A targeted movement control order is expected to be imposed which will take into consideration COVID-19 cases and clusters in each state and district.

Dr Noor Hisham said MOH was not able to bring down the R-naught (R0) value to 0.5 as projected earlier to flatten the infection curve. The R0 value currently stood at 1.1 and is expected to rise to 1.2 or higher.

In a post on his personal Facebook account yesterday, he said if the R0 value remained at 1.2, daily new cases will reach 3,000 in the second week of February; 5,000 in the second week of April; and 8,000 in the fourth week of May.

The R0 value refers to the infectivity of a virus at the start of an outbreak in a community and indicates the average number of people who can be infected by the virus concerned.

The easing of travel restrictions has reportedly led to the emergence of five clusters, namely Intan, Semanbu and Tembok Mempaga in Pahang; Seragam Chepa in Kelantan; and Ehsan Ibol in Perak.

Apart from that, as of Monday, there were nine clusters related to social activities and gatherings.

Dr Noor Hisham also said that MOH may place asymptomatic and mild cases at quarantine centres now reserved for travellers returning from overseas.

The matter has already been discussed with NSC, he said, adding that the ministry may also collaborate with the National Disaster Management Agency (Nadma) on this matter.

“The war against the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. In fact, it is getting tougher.” Dr Noor Hisham’s grim words at the start of the new year must be taken seriously as Malaysia has been struggling with four-figure new case numbers since the third wave of infections erupted towards the end of September 2020.

Another worrying development is the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant in the United Kingdom which has reportedly been detected in other nations such as the United States, Canada, China and Singapore.

Known as B117, the new strain is said to be 70 percent more infectious and can spread easily to others.

South Africa, meanwhile, has identified a new variant of the coronavirus, referred to as 501Y.V2, which is behind 80 to 90 per cent of new cases reported in that country. Nigeria has also reported a new COVID-19 variant.

Workplace clusters, including those involving construction sites, have continued to contribute to new daily cases reported by the nation.

As of now, Malaysia has reported 579 clusters, out of which 316 have ended. Currently, 254 clusters are still active, with 52 of them reporting new cases. The latter include Bukit Pasir cluster (779 cases), Dataran Utas cluster (156) and Beringin cluster (101).

The Bukit Pasir cluster is in Muar, Johor, and was reported on Dec 24. The Dataran Utas cluster is in Petaling district, Selangor, and was announced on Jan 6, while the Beringin cluster, involving the workers of two factories in Penang, was announced on Nov 27.

Among the workplace clusters responsible for a high number of positive cases is the Seri Lanang cluster, which was announced on Dec 25 with 173 cases. On Jan 6, it recorded another 504 cases.

This cluster involves the districts of Klang, Gombak, Kuala Selangor and Petaling in Selangor.

The biggest cluster so far is the Teratai cluster involving the workers of Top Glove factories in Klang. It recorded 6,374 cases. Following this, the government issued a directive for all foreign workers in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Sabah and Labuan to undergo COVID-19 screening effective Dec 1, 2020.

As of Jan 4, a total of 99,084 foreign workers have been screened with 2,079 of them testing positive for COVID-19.

Over the 24-hour period up to noon yesterday, 2,145 COVID-19 patients were discharged, bringing the total number of recovered cases to 102,723 (80.0 percent of total COVID-19 cases).

Currently, 142 patients are in the intensive care unit with 63 of them requiring respiratory aid.

MOH reported another eight deaths yesterday and Malaysia’s COVID-19 death toll now stood at 521 (0.41 percent of total cases).

During the week under review, nine fatalities were reported on Jan 2, 11 (Jan 3), seven (Monday), eight (Tuesday), four (Wednesday) and eight (yesterday).

Yesterday, Johor recorded the highest number of new cases at 1,103, with 950 cases from existing clusters and 57 from the new Senai Murni cluster.

Selangor reported 706 new cases with 232 from existing clusters, including 64 from the new Damai Pelangi cluster (involving a detention centre in Hulu Selangor district) and Hartamas construction site cluster.

Sabah reported 493 cases with 363 contributed by screenings of close contacts; and Kuala Lumpur 316 of which 136 were from existing clusters including 118 from the new Jalan Ipoh construction site cluster, Rungkup cluster, Desa Setapak cluster and Jalan Jaya cluster.

Penang reported 111 new cases; Kelantan 66; Negeri Sembilan 63; Perak 59; Kedah 30; Pahang 25; Putrajaya 17; Sarawak 14; Melaka 11; Terengganu 10; and Labuan three.



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Monday 4 January 2021

Basics of palliative care


Palliative Care: YOU Are a BRIDGE

THE process of dying and the death of loved ones create a profound and lasting impact on their families and wider communities.

As a society, we are not exposed enough to be fully equipped to support end-of-life journeys.

We need to be able to normalise the process of death and have the courage to advocate for a holistic care plan not by just buying insurance policies but also by showing love, empathy and compassion. This is known as palliative care, which may begin at the start of life-threatening illnesses to end-of-life journeys.

Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice, described palliative care in its most holistic sense: “You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”

Palliative care regards dying as a normal process in the journey of life, integrating psychological and spiritual dimensions into patient care. A holistic approach care plan enables patients and families to better cope with the course of the illness and provides a support network for bereavement care.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of palliative care in all healthcare systems. The need for relief from severe suffering, the difficult decision-making and complicated grief brought on by the pandemic are exactly the types of problems that palliative care was designed to help address.

My father, who is a consultant haematologist, treats cancer patients, among other life-threatening blood disorders, and fully supports palliative care causes. I, as a tech start-up builder, believe that blockchain, AI and other automation technologies will drive the future of society. Despite our different calling in life, I also join my father in fully supporting palliative care as essential care for vulnerable members of our community.

We both fully recognise that palliative care does not start and stop with doctors and nurses alone. The success of effective and affordable palliative care lies in the hands of an informed society.

Hospices in Malaysia and Singapore are typically independent non-profit entities run by community members on charitable donations and volunteerism.

Ultimately, palliative care is a community-driven initiative. All of us have a part to play as family caregivers, pastoral caretakers, therapists, healthcare professionals and more.

Through a journey I’ve undertaken as a volunteer carer in a hospice, I have developed a genuine understanding of the principles of palliative care in practice. Hospice environments provide a powerful example of how we as a community can show love, empathy and compassion when facing fear and loss of loved ones.

What matters to patients who are actively dying include relief from pain, maintaining one’s dignity, not dying alone, and having a comforting hand to touch during their end-of-life journey.

Community volunteers can support palliative care nurses and doctors by assisting with non-clinical pain management, such as cleaning and feeding of patients, providing wheelchair assistance, and spending time with patients. These acts of love for others are what truly makes us human.

Through volunteering in a hospice, I was able to face the mirror of death and fully embrace my humanity by showing love, empathy and compassion for the suffering of others – something that technology or AI machines can never truly replicate.

Let’s all do our part today to build a palliative care-aware society, whether it is through advocacy, community volunteerism or giving.

Co-founder of Ministry for Good, a non-profit start-up to scale technology for good

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Big Macau Scam ring busted


Syndicate invested in cryptocurrency worth more than RM336mil

JOHOR BARU: Police have crippled a major Macau Scam syndicate which used its ill-gotten gains to buy property and invest in cryptocurrency totalling more than RM336mil.

At least 12 suspects – nine men and three women – were arrested in a series of raids in Penang and Kuala Lumpur last month.

Among the suspects were company directors. 

Johor police chief Comm Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay ( pic) said in Ops Pelican 2.0, police uncovered an intricate web of how the syndicate operated, including the identity of the mastermind, numerous mule accounts, fake companies and investments.

Victims who have been duped by the syndicate would first be told to transfer money into a mule account.

“The money is then channelled to another mule account belonging to another company,” he said, adding that all the mule accounts belonged to syndicate members and were designed not to leave a money trail.

Comm Ayob said the funds were then transferred to a property developer in Penang to purchase property and invest in Bitcoins.

“This modus operandi aimed to avoid detection from the authorities and was their way of money laundering,” he said during a press conference at the Johor police headquarters yesterday.

To date, police have found 91 mule accounts comprising 73 company bank accounts and 18 personal accounts.

“Since June last year, some RM25mil has been used to make progress payment for 100 condominium and commercial units in George Town,” he said.

Based on the Sale and Purchase Agreements, two companies are involved in property acquisition in 2015 totalling RM336mil.

Comm Ayob said the two companies belonged to the 55-year-old mastermind who has a criminal record. He is believed to have fled the country and is currently hiding in Thailand.

The man’s two sons are directors in the companies.

“Our investigations showed that some of the proxies and directors in the bogus companies are paid RM16,000 monthly,” he said.

The 12 suspects, aged between 29 and 68, have since been released on police bail.

Police are probing the case under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.

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Sunday 3 January 2021

Malaysians staying home less despite third wave; Beating Covid-19 in 2021 required managing time, risk and ambition

Report shows more people going out again after Dec 7

Since the start of the conditional movement control order in May, the amount of time Malaysians spent at home has mostly been on a downward trend even as Covid-19 cases soared in the past few months.

This is one of the insights from Oxford University’s Our World in Data portal (, which analysed a report from Google that tracks the movement of people in more than 130 countries since the pandemic began.

Google’s Covid- 19 Community Mobility Report records changes in the number of visitors each day to various types of locations such as workplaces, and retail and recreational areas.

The report, based on data Google collects from users who have their location history setting turned on, also measures the change in the amount of time people spend at home each day.

The daily changes are compared with a baseline figure taken from before the pandemic, which is the median value over the five-week period from Jan 3 to Feb 6, 2020.

Charts created by Our World in Data based on the Google report shows how the movement of people, including in Malaysia, changed throughout the pandemic.

When Covid-19 first emerged, many Malaysians were still spending their days mostly at their workplaces or other locations instead of being at home.

That changed after the MCO was introduced on March 18.

On March 27, time spent at home shot up with a 36.14% increase compared with the baseline period while the number of visitors to workplaces fell to negative 63.71% due to MCO restrictions.

Malaysians, however, started venturing out of their homes more following the introduction of the conditional MCO on May 4.

The conditional MCO relaxed some of the earlier restrictions, with most economic sectors and activities allowed to operate with physical distancing.

As a result, time spent at home started falling and on Aug 30 hit a low of just 4.57% more than the baseline.

The start of a third wave of Covid19 cases since Sept 20 saw a relatively brief increase in time spent at home.

However, the figure fell again especially after Dec 7 when restrictions on inter-district and interstate travel were lifted, with the exception of areas under the enhanced MCO

Beating Covid-19 in 2021: Managing time, risk and ambition

Think bigger: We must reimagine a a new social contract for health, one that protects citizens and non-citizens in fair, sustainable and politically acceptable ways. 

 VERY often in the pandemic of 2020, we found ourselves in situations with no good choices. That's normal. This is a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic with no useful policy textbooks or manuals. Public health experts and scientists raced to understand Covid-19, and we continue to learn more. Political leaders and policymakers struggled to deploy old solutions for a vast new problem.

It's now 11 months since Malaysia's first Covid-19 case. As we forge ahead into 2021, I humbly offer three strategies for Malaysia's national health: to use time wisely; to stabilise our tolerance levels of risk; and to match our solutions to the size of the problem. This will help us in our second year with Covid-19.

Firstly, Malaysia must use time wisely. In other words, we must prepare for future problems today, instead of waiting for the problems to arrive. For example, we had four months between June-Sept 2020 when we had very few cases. That quiet period came after a national MCO sacrifice of two months. We may not have utilised that four quiet months effectively.

Some of the problems in the third wave are similar to the problems in the first two waves. Examples include the living conditions of foreign workers, the speed and scale of testing and isolating, effective contact tracing using apps, data sharing from the Health Ministry, and coordination between federal-state responses.

This is why Malaysia must use time wisely in 2021. Quiet periods or not, the government must use time to rebuild, strengthen infrastructure and implement long-term durable solutions. Two specific examples include building the vaccine infrastructure before the first stocks arrive in Feb 2021, and to deliver a clear management plan when we find positive Covid-19 cases during the mass testing of foreign workers starting in Jan 2021.

In the second year of the pandemic, we cannot fight the same problems as in the first year. We must get these old problems under control, and then solve new ones. That means we must use our time wisely, and not waste it.

The second strategy for national health in 2021 is to stabilise our tolerance levels for risk. After one year, it seems like we are willing to tolerate much higher levels of risk, compared to the early stages of the pandemic. This can be dangerous. We must have a stable tolerance level of risk, not increasingly tolerate more and more risk.

Here's an example. In March, we had approximately 100-300 daily new cases. In December, we had approximately 850-2300 daily new cases. Despite this dramatic increase, everyone has started taking Covid-19 lightly. Government entities are no longer marching to the same disciplined tune as in the beginning of the pandemic and appear to be more relaxed. Citizens are no longer consistently wearing masks or physically distancing.

There may be reasons why we take it lightly. We all have pandemic fatigue and want our old lives back. Malaysia may have 2000 daily cases in December, but we feel better when comparing it to Indonesia's 5000-8000 cases or the United Kingdom's 13,000-53,000 cases in the same month. These are understandable, but dangerous.

We cannot take Covid-19 lightly. We cannot endlessly tolerate increasing amounts of pandemic risk. I do not think a second full lockdown will work to help avoid it. But I do not believe that we can endlessly tolerate more risk and assume that we will never need it.

What I do support is a stable level of risk tolerance. In other words, take Covid-19 consistently seriously until we are all safe. A pandemic continues to rage around us. To government agencies, take things seriously, communicate better, use time wisely and prepare for future problems. To citizens, wear your masks and stay home where possible. Don't let the increasing numbers numb us into thinking that we can endlessly tolerate more risk.

The third and final strategy for national health in 2021 is to match our solutions to the size of the pandemic. In other words, we need solutions that are proportional to the size of the problem. After one year of fighting Covid-19, we know that our pre-2020 solutions, tools and policies are inadequate. Covid-19 is simply too big for any old solutions.

In the early stages, all governments are forgiven if they don't know what to do. After one year of Covid-19, all governments lose that excuse. Given the scale of Covid-19, we need ambitious, imaginative and Very Big solutions to a Very Big problem. In other words, unprecedented problems need unprecedented solutions, not old, timid and ineffective solutions.

This means that our government must aim much higher in 2021. We need new ways to deliver history's most important vaccination program, as safely, effectively and quickly as possible. We must reimagine a new social contract for health, that protects citizens and non-citizens in fair, sustainable and politically acceptable ways. We can integrate our non-health and health infrastructure to enable better contact tracing, such as South Korea's use of credit card transactions and China's use of QR codes. We need a true whole-of-society response.

In the first year, governments can be forgiven for relying on what they are familiar with. In the second year, governments must respond to Covid-19 in much bigger ways. This once-in-a-lifetime problem requires once-in-a-lifetime solutions. Only then can we beat this pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic will define not just 2020, but the 2020s. The strategic choices we make in 2021 will define how effectively Malaysia manages Covid-19 and recovers from it. This new year let us make three resolutions as a country: to use our time wisely, to stabilise our tolerance of risk, and to bring ambitious giant solutions to a giant problem. — Sin Chew Daily/Asia News Network

Dr Khor Swee Kheng is an independent consultant for the World Health Organisation. The views expressed here are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect those of The Star. 

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