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Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts

Saturday 15 June 2024

Weed out the problematic, errant, incompetent officers early

Upholding integrity: Ismail (centre) chairing the EAIC coordination meeting with heads of enforcement agencies. — Bernama

Problematic government officers found to be involved in malpractices or wrongdoings must have their services terminated early to put an end to integrity issues involving civil servants and management,  proposed the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC).

Its chairman Tan Sri Ismail Bakar said the Malaysian civil service was once revered among the Commonwealth nations but noted that it is now entangled with integrity issues.

Ismail said giving marching orders to civil servants who are problematic is the way to go to prevent integrity issues from festering at the new department these officers are transferred to.

ALSO READ: Prepare to lose your job if you fail to report graft cases, warns MACC chief

We are working on eradicating problematic officers in (government) agencies by way of early termination of their service. If the government agrees on this, it will be easier for us to perform our duties,” he said.

Ismail provided examples of court cases involving civil servants who have engaged in malpractice or misconduct.

“But we lost (the case). With the relevant laws, we can see how to terminate their service without having their case concluded in court trials,

Ismail said there has been precedent where problematic officials were terminated, citing existing regulations such as the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) 1993 that provide for this.

ALSO READ: ‘Be transparent in sacking corrupt civil servants’

He described the practice of transferring problematic officials to a different department as “a vicious cycle”, which might not be a deterrent.

“What is also worrying is that some civil servants and enforcement officers would get a third party, such as an influential individual or a company, to protect their wrongdoings.

“What is more saddening is that there are higher-ups who are complicit in their subordinates’ wrongdoings.

“In fact, some have even led such activities. Such deeds have tarnished the civil service’s image,” Ismail said.

ALSO READ: ‘Problematic’ civil servants risk early termination, says EAIC chief

He said if enforcement agencies’ disciplinary bodies do not adopt EAIC’s recommendations, it sends a signal that they are not serious about eradicating wrongdoing.

Ismail, who is a former chief secretary to the government, also said that low wages should not be an excuse to be corrupt.

“You already knew your wages (before joining the service), so why did you still take up the job?

“Never use low wages to legitimise corruption,” he said in his opening remarks at the EAIC coordination meeting with enforcement agencies’ department heads yesterday.

“If you love the civil service, carry out the duties you are assigned responsibly,” he said.

Ismail said the EAIC had received 229 reports on integrity cases between June 1, 2023, and May 31, this year, with the highest number of cases related to the Immigration Department.

During this period, the commission initiated 17 investigation papers regarding alleged malpractices by civil servants.

Almost 90% of the probes have been completed and decisions have already been reached regarding two individuals who are being investigated.

The EAIC had, among other things, recommended terminating the public officers’ service, halting their promotion and issuing warnings.

EAIC is a federal statutory body responsible for monitoring and investigating public complaints about the alleged misconduct of enforcement officers or agencies as listed in Act 700.

Currently, it has 21 enforcement agencies under its supervision.

This includes the Immigration Department, Customs Department, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, National Registration Department and Road Transport Department, among others.Ismail also said that the commission is looking for more agencies to fall under its jurisdiction.

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Wednesday 27 December 2023

More may follow for Daim

PUTRAJAYA: Menara Ilham belonging to Tun Daim Zainuddin and his family may not be their only asset to be seized. Several of their other assets may also be confiscated, following what graft investigators claim is a failure to explain the source of funds to buy the real estate.

“This (more seizures) is a possibility. If it is necessary for assets to be seized, investigators will proceed to apply for seizure,” said a source.

Other sources with knowledge of the investigation said officers from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had sought an explanation from the former finance minister on the source of funds but had received no response.

MACC chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki, when asked about the investigations on Daim, said his officers were probing allegations of corruption and money laundering – but declined to reveal details of the cases.

He said the seizure of Menara Ilham was a normal process and was meant to prevent the building from being sold while the investigation was ongoing.

ALSO READ: Daim’s Ilham Tower seized by MACC

Azam said the seizure would not affect operations and that companies, shops and offices in the building could continue operating.

“When we investigate allegations of corruption and power abuse and there are non-movable assets involved, we are allowed under the MACC Act to submit to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for the asset to be seized.

“This is what happened. We used the power of the DPP to instruct the Land Office to place a caveat on the land,” he explained.

Azam said the same process had been done on numerous occasions during MACC’s course of investigation.

“This (Menara Ilham seizure) is not the only case,” said Azam.

ALSO READ: MACC seizes Daim's Menara Ilham

He said that in early 2000, the agency had seized several plots of land belonging to a former senior government officer who was believed to have obtained the property through corrupt means.

According to a notice published in a newspaper, the 60-storey Menara Ilham, built at a estimated cost of RM2.7bil, was seized after it was found to be involved in an offence under the MACC Act 2009.

“Take notice that according to Section 38(5) of the MACC Act 2009, whereby anyone that goes against this notice, has committed an offence that could be fined no more than twice the amount of said value, or RM50,000, or whichever higher amount, and can be jailed for a period no longer than two years,” read the notice.

The MACC had placed the notice, dated Dec 18, in a local newspaper.

Reports quoted financial executives close to Daim as saying that the seizure was effected on Thursday after Daim’s refusal to submit to MACC’s petition to declare his and his family’s financial holdings.

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TUN DAIM_former MERBOK_KEDAH PARLIAMENTARY MENTRI cum 2 times FINANCE MINISTER (When Anwar was in Jail in 1998) , Wan Zaleha_former TV3 famous Newscaster-is one of his

His mansion already be confiscated (DISITA), by Government now.

1.Anwar &SPRM(MACC), doo a marvellous job!👍👍👍

2. His wealth spread over more than 20country globally. This news MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER than 1MDB.

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Thursday 12 October 2023

Crooked cops under the spotlight; Bukit Aman CID chief pleased with public reception to his stern address to his personnel



ppointed new KL top cop as Bukit Aman CID director followed rigorous selection proc process

Newly- appointed CID director who exposed the state of decay in the ranks has given a clear warning to cops on the payroll of criminal syndicates.

THE rot in our police force is far worse than imagined but there is a glimmer of hope: It is no longer being swept under the carpet.

The head of Bukit Aman’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain, has pledged this in no uncertain terms.

At a meeting in Penang on Friday, which was supposed to be a welcoming mandate ceremony for him as the newly promoted director, he stunned the 130 state and district CID chiefs with the brutal expose of the decay in the system.

Comm Shuhaily, the former KL police chief, was blunt in his warning to corrupt officers working in cahoots with criminal rackets. His notice to them: “Change or be changed.”

“You’re willing to sacrifice the lives of your comrades because of the money you get from syndicates. In other words, there are some here who are willing to kill each other for money,” the CID director said during the closeddoor conference.

The video footage of his speech was posted online and has since gone viral.

Comm Shuhaily said the venality and corruption in the system has remained unchecked because there is no supervision, especially in monitoring the lifestyles of officers and lower ranking police personnel.

For example, he questioned how it is possible for a sergeant to buy a Toyota Alphard, Vellfire, or a Mercedes with money earned only from his salary.

(A police sergeant comes under Grade YA5, for which the minimum salary is RM1,824 with the maximum of RM5,801. The base model of Toyota Alphard costs RM464,000. With a year’s insurance of RM14,366 and road tax of RM4,182, the on-the-road price of the vehicle is a whopping RM482,548. Reconditioned models a few years older cost about RM40,000 to RM50,000 less.)

“Have their superiors ever asked how they could afford such luxury vehicles based on the salaries they earn, or whether they have declared their assets? This is all part of existing police task force directives,” he said.

Comm Shuhaily said the supervising officers were not just negligent in motoring junior officers but were also directly involved by being on the criminal syndicates’ payroll.

“Some are equally bad. They go and buy these luxury cars together with their sergeants and even pick out the registration plate numbers together. Isn’t this what’s happening?” he said, underscoring the state of corruption in the force.

Addressing those in the meeting who had not met the basic requirements of their responsibilities, he said they would be removed from the CID and barred from holding any higher rank.

Citing the observation of the late former IGP Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Omar, who served from 2003 to 2006, he said most officers were “promoted to the level of incompetence”.

“They make wrong decisions or dare not decide nor give directives when needed. They play safe all the time to get their positions. They are only clever at PR.”

Describing irresponsible officers and those who work with criminal rackets for monthly payments as “traitors”, he said they were not fit to talk about defending the country, race or religion.

Comm Shuhaily said he expected everyone in the CID, from officers in the Bukit Aman HQ to personnel in stations across the country, to stop associating with criminal syndicates.

Although there is cynicism in the ranks over the CID director’s admonition, likening it to the adage of “A new broom sweeps clean”, Malaysians have largely welcomed the man’s trenchant warning against police misconduct.

But in all honesty, what are the chances of our police force being cleansed under the existing laws to check abuses and accountability?

It won’t happen with the Independent Police Conduct

Commission (IPCC) Act 2020, which has been described as “toothless” by human rights and civil society groups.

The IPCC, which only came into force this July after being passed three years ago, does not have the key ingredient for it to be effective: authority to discipline.

This lame piece of legislation has also weakened the scant police oversight provided under the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC). The IPCC does not even include search and investigation powers provided under the EAIC.

The IPCC has no powers to act against police officers found guilty of wrongdoing. It can only recommend proposed actions to the Police Force Commission or other appropriate authorities.

It is a poor substitute for the original Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), first mooted in 2005 as part of 125 recommendations by the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysia Police.

Members of the commission included prominent figures such as a former IGP, representatives of the police force and the Retired Senior Police Officers’ Association of Malaysia, among others.

The establishment of the IPCMC to probe cases of police abuse and to discipline culprits responsible was among the commission’s main recommendations.

Although a proposed Bill was drafted as part of the report, resistance from within the police force was too strong for it to make any headway.

In July 2019, the then ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition, tabled its IPCMC Bill, which was criticised as a gross disappointment from what was initially proposed by the commission.

But the IPCMC Act was stymied when the Pakatan government collapsed in February 2020 with the crossing over of many of its MPS in the wake of the “Sheraton Move”.

Among all forms of corruption, it is graft within the police force which hurts a country the most. In Malaysia, it has come to a level where corrupt officers are in the pockets of criminal rackets.

Meaningful reform cannot take place if the cops are allowed to continue investigating misconduct cases involving their own. Or if corrupt officers are only given slaps on wrists by being transferred out or barred from promotion.

The only viable solution to cleanse the much-marred image of our police force is to set up the IPCMC as it was first proposed 18 years ago. It is still not too late to do so.

- Media consultant M. Veera Pandiyan likes this quote by a US Chief Justice, Earl Warren: “The police must obey the law while enforcing the law.” The views expressed here are entirely the writer’s own.

KUALA LUMPUR: Comm Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain says he was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response from the public following the video of his recent address to CID officers.

The Bukit Aman CID director said it showed that the public knew about the state of the police, and that it was an "open secret".

"I firmly believe if we are plagued by disease, we must first admit it.

"If we don't, then the doctor could not administer the right cure or medicine," he told a press conference in Bukit Aman on Wednesday (Oct 11).

He was commenting on the recent videos of his address to CID officers, where he was hard hitting, including highlighting wrongdoings of some officers.

"What I did is just amplifying what the IGP and Deputy IGP have been saying in wanting to clean up the police force.

"They have been saying it, I merely amplify it," he lamented.

Comm Mohd Shuhaily said as an initial move, all CID officers holding sensitive positions, including district CID chiefs and D7 (Secret Societies, Gambling and Vice Division), have to declare their assets, and must be transparent and comprehensive.

"If someone is able and can afford a certain lifestyle, they must show they have legitimate sources of income.

"We will conduct continuous auditing to ensure high integrity among CID officers," he said.

Comm Mohd Shuhaily also said applications for sensitive positions in the department were also open.

"We will issue the offer to any officer or personnel.

"They must send their application letter along with forms declaring their assets," he said, emphasising that his address was a call for his officers to change.

"Whatever we do, it will have a reaction, be it positive or negative.

"However, the overall reaction by the public has been positive, but we need the public to help us.

"Change belongs to you," said Comm Mohd Shuhaily, who added the reason the video was disseminated was so that it could reach a wider audience.

"During the address, I could only address 140 officers present at the venue, whereas I have 10,000 officers and personnel in the department," he said.

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Literal Combat Ships (LCS) Project and Leakages; Vessels expected only in 2029

The LCS affair has been described variously as a scandal and a fiasco. It is both. - NSTP file pic

 NST Leader: Of LCS and leakages

It may just take six littoral combat ships (LCS) to question the unity government's zero tolerance for corruption.

When the first of the LCS was supposed to be delivered in April 2019 but wasn't, the nation was alerted to brewing problems with the RM9.13 billion contract awarded to Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) in 2011.

BNS was supposed to build the LCS with the help of French naval company DCNS in 2015. All six vessels remain undelivered despite an early payment of RM6.08 billion. So do answers. Muar member of parliament Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman tried persuading the Dewan Rakyat to get the members of parliament to debate the issue on Friday, but failed.

He failed to convince Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul, who said a debate was unnecessary at this stage because the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was on it and it was being briefed regularly by the Defence Ministry.

While this is true, a four-year wait for answers is a long time. Besides, it is not clear if the PAC is on the hunt for those responsible for the leakages. A debate in the Dewan Rakyat would have clarified this.

The LCS affair has been described variously as a scandal and a fiasco. It is both. The LCS, all six of them, should have been delivered this year, which is halfway through. Do not get us wrong. We are not questioning the need for the Royal Malaysian Navy to have them. But the people need to know why BNS, which was awarded the contract in 2011, didn't deliver as agreed.

Today, the cost is said to be RM11.2 billion. The contract has turned out to be a bad deal for BNS. It has been worse for the government.

It is not that nothing has been done by the government then and the government now. There have been a forensic audit, a suspension and a resumption of the contract. On Aug 16 last year, this newspaper quoted the PAC findings as revealing that there have been discrepancies and delays in the construction of the LCS since 2017.

What is worse, when the first LCS was launched in 2017, it was less than 44 per cent complete. Although several high-profile people were said to have played a role in the scandal, only one person has been charged with criminal breach of trust.

The LCS scandal is a bank of questions in search of answers. Parliament would have done well to debate this rather than allow the people to speculate. Was the one charged acting alone? Unlikely, given the high value and the twists and turns in the deal. Why weren't the high-profile personalities charged? Why was the first LCS launched when it was only 44 per cent complete? And more.

Corruption is robbing the country of billions of ringgit annually. In a recent finding, EMIR Research, a local think tank, disclosed that Malaysia lost RM4.5 trillion to corruption and leakages over the last 26 years. We could have paid our national debt four times over.

EMIR Research is right. Malaysia is designed to succeed, but some plunderers in leadership positions fail us.

Zero tolerance for corruption, if it is to have any meaning, must catch the plunderers in their greed. Telling it all, inside and outside Parliament, will help.

Vessels expected only in 2029

PAC: Costs expected to balloon as LCS project facing delays again

THE littoral combat ship (LCS) project is facing delays again, and the vessels will only be ready by 2029, says the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

In its report published on the official Parliament website yesterday, the committee said the delay had caused the construction cost to balloon to RM11.22bil.

“The LCS construction period has been extended for 83 months,” it said, adding that following the delay, the Navy would only be able to obtain all five ships in 2029, not 2022 as stated in the original contract.

The report also said that there had been no progress on the construction of the first ship between Dec 11, 2021, and June 10, 2023.

Although the number of LCS has been reduced (from six) to five, the report said the cost of the vessels increased from RM9.128bil to RM11.22bil.

The additional cost came from the rise in equipment prices (RM1.214bil), cost of design (RM0.211bil), insurance and risk (RM0.466bil), financial costs (RM0.143bil), project management (RM0.066bil).

PAC also said that the main issue of the LCS detailed design had yet to be resolved, with only 84% having gone through the confirmation, verification and approval stage by the ship’s design supervisor, Naval Group from France.

“However, the contractor has assured that the detailed design will be completed before August 2024.”

According to the committee, the ministry had signed the sixth supplementary agreement (SA 6) on May 26 without getting approval from the Attorney General’s Chamber (AGC), despite being advised to do so.

“Mindef’s decision to turn its back on the AGC in signing SA 6 is an inappropriate action because it can lead to legal implications against the government, and this (action) must not be repeated,” it said.

Due to this, PAC has urged the ministry to ensure the implementation of the mobilisation plan is in accordance with the conditions that have been set, with the first LCS ship being completed by May 2024 and handed over to the Navy by August 2026.

PAC has also suggested the government ensure the acquisition of Boustead Naval Shipyard by Ocean Sunshine achieves the intended goal.

“Mindef and the Navy are responsible for ensuring that the entire construction project of five LCS is completed and handed over to the Navy according to the agreed period and cost in SA 6.

“The ministries and government agencies (involved) must ensure that the draft contract negotiated with the company has been consulted, reviewed, and approved by the AGC first before signing.

“The Auditor General’s Department needs to carry out an audit before LCS 1 is handed over to the Navy and presented in Parliament,” the report added.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan expressed confidence that the construction of the five vessels would be done according to the new schedule, adding that the delay would not cause any significant issues.

“Building a ship is not easy, especially since this is concerning combat ships, which means there would be weapons installed on the vessels.

“Even a mere 0.01% error could cause a big problem. After the construction is completed, we have to do a harbour test, which takes six months, and after that, we need to go for an open sea test, and that is another few months,” he told a press conference at Parliament here yesterday.

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