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Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts

Monday 10 July 2023

MACC going after foreign agent in ruckus, who received RM18,000 bring in the Chinese national through KLIA

 MACC hunt agent who 'assists' Chinese tourists held up by Immigration


‘Man charged Chinese visitor RM18k’

KUALA LUMPUR: Graft busters are tracking down an individual who is believed to have an acted as an agent or middleman to a Chinese woman whose entry into Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) last month caused a ruckus.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki (pic) said the individual is believed to be a foreigner.

Initial investigations revealed that the individual received RM18,000 to bring in the Chinese national through KLIA, and he is not a Malaysian citizen.

“We have already identified the individual and we are tracking him down,” he said when contacted, adding that the MACC was still attempting to ascertain whether the individual was still in the country.

“We obtained the information on the individual based on our initial investigation (into the matter).

“Give us space to investigate the matter thoroughly,” he added.

On June 29, Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing caused a stir after he confronted Immigration Department officers at KLIA for detaining a female employee of a China-based media company. 

 Eee post:

KLIA, a corruption gateway?

Tiong said he was coming to the rescue of the employee after she was barred from entering Malaysia.

He alleged then that she was being pressured into paying several thousand ringgit in order to enter Malaysia.

The incident led to calls for the department to be investigated over alleged corruption at KLIA.

Besides the MACC, the police are also investigating the matter.

Last Wednesday, Azam said that the statements of 14 individuals had been recorded so far, including that of two Chinese nationals, Tiong, eight Immigration Department officers and several other witnesses.

On Saturday, he also urged the media not to sensationalise the allegations of corruption taking place at the country’s entry points.

Azam made the comment in reference to a news portal’s report claiming that the MACC had found no elements of bribery in its investigation.

“It’s too early to conclude the case, it is the sixth day of investigation.

“There are still witnesses to be called, so we advise the media not to sensationalise the issue by quoting unidentified sources.

“We want a thorough investigation and once completed, we will refer it to the public prosecutor or the Attorney General.

“Then it can be determined if there was an element of bribery or not,” he said.

He added that the MACC would also investigate those involved in handling foreigners issued with Not to Land (NTL) notices. 

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KLIA, a corruption gateway?

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Heavily corrupt Washington cannot produce resonating anti-graft dramas: The Knockout 狂飙; Muhyiddin's right hand man arrested




 《狂飙》这部剧确实是难得一见的好,怎么说呢,它完全让我感受到了那种国产老剧的细致、认真与有格调! ✨ 主要内容 ✨ 00:34 剧情介绍 01:37 细节1-3 03:00 细节4-6 04:25 细节7-9 06:32 细节10-12


The Knockout Photo: VCG The Knockout Photo: VCG

No matter how some US media outlets use malicious labels to describe Chinese anti-corruption dramas, one thing is indisputable: The US, under the current corrupt political system and toxic political environment, will never be able to produce a similar drama that can resonate strongly with the public.

A February 18 article in Foreign Policy, entitled "China's Newest Action TV Show Is a Propaganda Hit," laid its eyes on the recent hit Chinese TV series The Knockout. It argues that "at base, The Knockout is a tribute to Chinese leader Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign," adding that the TV drama is "part of a broader campaign to popularize propaganda in Chinese film and TV."

The Knockout is among a number of Chinese dramas under the theme of anti-corruption that have received positive reviews and high ratings in China in recent years. The popularity of these series reflects the Chinese public's particular interest in the country's campaign against corruption.

Chinese officials often play a pioneering role in society. As China has a massive officialdom system, how these people behave is closely linked to the ethos of the whole country. It can even be said that, to a large extent, the fight against corruption in China determines the future of the Chinese system.

The Chinese anti-corruption hit dramas are a projection of the country's anti-corruption achievements under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the cultural field. It also demonstrates that China's anti-corruption efforts have been well-acknowledged by the Chinese people.

The success of China's anti-corruption campaign has purified the country's political system, making the society healthier and more vibrant. It has earned more prestige among the people for the Chinese government and the CPC, enhancing the cohesion of the society.

Yet, based on ideological judgments, some Western media have labeled China's anti-corruption dramas as "propaganda." They obviously view China's political environment through tinted glasses as usual and nitpick China's achievements. This only exposes their extreme strategic selfishness and dark mind.

If we take a look at the popular US series that focus on their politics, such as House of Cards, what we will see is the exchange of political interests and the struggle for power in the US. This mirrors the dirty, dark and degenerate side of the US game for power. However, unlike the celebration of anti-corruption achievements in Chinese dramas, these series give viewers only a strong sense of powerlessness.

Fan Peng, a research fellow at the Institute of Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that the relationship between individual officials and the official system is like the one between trees and forests. The one who fights corruption is exactly the "owner" of the forest, the CPC. Aiming at the whole forest, it tries to eliminate all the rotten trees. Such a dynamic force is the core of China's anti-corruption effort.

But that's not the case in the US, a country plagued by systemic corruption. Their ideology leaves no space for self-correction or self-revolution, Fan noted. This makes it impossible for Washington and its politicians to handle corruption the way Beijing has been doing.

Showing no hope of change or improvement, series like House of Cards can only strengthen the US public's perception that their government and politicians are terrible in nature, continuing to lower their trust in Washington and US politics.

Just look at how US politicians reacted in several recent series in the US. In the dispute over a "wandering balloon" with China, some of these people displayed extreme hysteria and unreasonableness. In the Ohio train derailment, some were either indifferent to the health and safety of the people, while some started their playacting only after the incident had made headlines, acting as if they valued the public's interest. Which type of these politicians cannot be found in House of Cards? How can Americans believe in the US system in light of this?

Fan says that another major premise for China to produce anti-corruption dramas is that the literary and art circles in China create cultural products from a position of righteousness. The US can celebrate individuality and rights, but no one dares to challenge corruption from a social justice perspective.

"The US is so torn up that all of its narratives come from only parts of its society. There is always otherness in such a narrow perspective. Therefore, one should not expect the US to produce a drama like The Knockout," Fan noted. 

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Muhyiddin's right hand man arrested - The True Net

The True Net

How The Ex-PM Solicited RM4.5 Billion Bribes In RM92.5 Billion Covid-19 Stimulus Scandal..

Why was Muhyiddin Yassin so power-crazy that he willingly betrayed friends and allies in Pakatan Harapan, leading to the collapse of the democratically-elected government after j……

How The Ex-PM Solicited RM4.5 Billion Bribes In RM92.5 Billion Covid-19 Stimulus Scandal..

Why was Muhyiddin Yassin so power-crazy that he willingly betrayed friends and allies in Pakatan Harapan, leading to the collapse of the democratically-elected government after just 22 months? Why was he so obsessed with power that he didn’t mind being laughed as the first backdoor prime minister? Why was he so daringly ignored multiple royal decrees, just to cling to power during his 17-month regime?

Why was the former premier so afraid of sharing power with Pakatan Harapan leader Anwar Ibrahim despite a royal decree by the King to form a unity government following the 15th General Election that produced a hung Parliament? More importantly, why is Muhyiddin’s Perikatan Nasional still desperately and shamelessly wants to snatch power through backdoor again?

All the answer can be found after the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) arrested a chief executive officer of a private company on Thursday (Jan 5) night. The 42-year-old man was detained over his role as “middleman” in brokering government projects related to Covid-19 stimulus packages worth RM92.5 billion (US$21 billion) in exchange for bribes.

The suspect – Adam Radlan Adam Muhammad – turns out to be Muhyiddin’s right-hand man. A former chief executive of Maju Assets Sdn Bhd, Adam is also Segambut divisional leader of Muhyiddin’s political party – Bersatu (Malaysian United Indigenous Party). The best part is Adam is the cousin of Muhyiddin’s son-in-law, Muhamad Adlan Berhan, who in turn was involved in several scandals.

Adlan married to Muhyiddin’s daughter, Nabilah, who is a shareholder of Agathistwo Jia Sdn Bhd, a company involved in the scandalous RM1.2 billion NIIS (National Integrated Immigration System) concession. The NIIS was hatched by Muhyiddin (then-Home Minister under the Pakatan Harapan government) after cancelling its predecessor Sistem Kawalan Imigresen Nasional (SKIN).

Muhamad Adlan was also linked to 1BestariNet, a 15-year project worth RM4.47 billion introduced by then-Education Minister Muhyiddin in March 2011 to provide 4G broadband connectivity and virtual learning environment (VLE) to 10,000 government schools nationwide. However, the “failed project”, awarded to YTL Communications, has been plagued with slow internet access and problematic Frog VLE, which could easily be replaced with Google Classroom.

Adam Radlan’s involvement in Muhyiddin’s web of cronyism, nepotism and corruption was exposed after Muhyiddin-led Perikatan Nasional coalition failed to form a government post 15th General Election. And this is precisely why the former backdoor prime minister desperately wanted to return to power by hook or by crook – to “cover up” the skeleton in the closet.

So, how did Mr Mahiaddin (Muhyiddin) become billionaire during his 17-month short stint as 8th Prime Minister? From the beginning, he saw the golden opportunity to make tons of money from the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlike his former boss Najib Razak, he did not need a complicated project like 1MDB to steal and plunder the national coffers. He just needed to rule with absolute power under a State of Emergency.

It was Muhyiddin himself who bragged in April 2021 that the Perikatan Nasional backdoor government under his leadership has splashed more than RM600 billion (RM340 billion in economic stimulus packages and RM322.5 billion for the 2021 Budget to fight the Covid-19 pandemic). The scam was to boastfully create a narrative that massive of funds were used to help people and rescue the economy.

But when opposition Pakatan Harapan return to power after the Nov 2022 national election, all his lies and corruptions are exposed. Newly crowned PM Anwar revealed at a media conference on Dec 5 last year that the Finance Ministry had informed that there had been several breaches involving the Covid-19 funds. Panicked, Muhyiddin screamed that he did not steal any money.

Suddenly, Muhyiddin admits there was no such thing as RM600 billion, contradicting his previous claims. He said it was only RM530 billion. Even then, he played down the numbers. Spilling the beans, he said his administration had only spent RM83 billion in fiscal injections. This means Muhyiddin’s government did not actually help the people to the tune of RM530 billion as shamelessly trumpeted.

However, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has confirmed it will now focus its investigation on the RM92.5 billion directly funded by the Muhyiddin regime after it was established that RM437.5 billion was not from the government. Still, the difference between MACC’s RM92.5 billion and Muhyiddin’s RM83 billion means about RM10 billion might have gone “missing”.

But there are already problems with the dubious spending of RM92.5 billion funds. Unlike Najib’s 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal, Muhyiddin used traditional low-tech tactic to enrich himself and his families. Adam Radlan was sent out as his representative to connect contractors with high-ranking government officials before projects were distributed.

After the MACC raided 8 government agencies and 9 companies in December 2022 as part of its investigation into the suspected misappropriation of RM92.5 billion by the Perikatan Nasional government during its 33-month rule, it was found that at least 5 middlemen of several companies were involved in obtaining projects worth between RM50 million and RM500 million through direct negotiations.

Contractors who have been questioned by the anti-graft agency admitted that they agreed to pay a commission of 3% to 5% to secure projects from those middlemen. But the fact that only Adam was arrested so far suggests that the Muhyiddin’s proxy could be the key man on top of the food chain. It would be interesting to see if other middlemen would turn witness against the corrupt ex-PM.

The commission means more than RM4.5 billion had been paid to Adam and his band of middlemen, who clearly collected the bribes on behalf of Muhyiddin between 2020 and 2022. But get your popcorn because the fun has just begun. About 90% of the projects obtained via direct negotiations had not been executed as no acceptance letters (P.O. or Purchase Order) were issued. What does this mean?

This means about RM4 billion had already been paid by contractors to Muhyiddin and his gang of crooks, but all the 90% projects cannot take off. The dirty money had been deposited into the account of a political party, believed to be Bersatu. Hence, Muhyiddin is in deep shit as the furious contractors might turn witness, not to mention the money trail leading to his party.

Perikatan Nasional, comprising mainly Bersatu and PAS Islamist party, had bet the wrong horse. It thought at worst case scenario, the same Malay-centric political parties – UMNO, Bersatu and PAS – would form a government again after election, the same way they did in March 2020 (Muhyiddin became the 8th Prime Minister) and in August 2021 (Ismail Sabri elevated as the 9th Prime Minister).

The contractors similarly had bet the wrong horse that Perikatan Nasional would be part of the federal government. Now, not only they won’t get the projects, the money they had paid disguised as “political funding” to Muhyiddin to fund his lavish election campaign, including buying Malay votes at RM350 per pop, have gone up in smoke. Muhyiddin has already pocketed RM4 billion – in offshore accounts.

While 3%-5% commission was solicited for Muhyiddin, the middlemen and government officials demanded at least RM200,000 for themselves just to grant a meeting with every contractor – “without guarantee” that they will get projects linked to the RM92.5 billion stimulus programmes. This is how everyone benefited from the gravy train during the backdoor regime.

A good example that leakages occurred was the RM7 billion contracts approved under the RM15 billion flood mitigation project that were awarded through direct negotiations (in exchange for kickbacks) to dubious companies like Mangkubumi Sdn Bhd. Exactly how could Mangkubumi won the deal when it has been involved in a court case for illegal money laundering as much as RM139 million?

Adam Radlan, who has since disabled his Instagram, is also a council member of the Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf Foundation. Without Muhyiddin’s protection, he was dressed in the MACC’s iconic orange suit and will be charged under Section 16(a) of the MACC Act 2009, which provides imprisonment for up to 20 years and a fine of up to 5 times the amount of the bribe, or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon conviction.

When Muhyiddin claimed that he was not afraid to be investigated, he lied. He was incredibly terrified, but as usual, trying to play poker with the new premier. Thinking PM Anwar was bluffing, he has even challenged the prime minister to prove it. The PM warned Muhyiddin not to challenge him as he has all the files and evidence. A month later, Muhyiddin son-in-law’s cousin has been nabbed.

The new unity government has not even started exposing how Muhyiddin obtained proceeds from gambling companies to help finance the 15th General Election campaign. Under Muhyiddin government, special lottery draws were increased from 8 to 22, despite the anti-gambling stance of Islamist party Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), which is part of the ruling Perikatan Nasional coalition.

The special draws, designed to boost the government’s revenue, contributed RM80 million in extra revenue for the government in 1999 (the year it was first introduced during the premiership of Mahathir). Revenue reached as high as RM238 million in 2017, and averaged RM200 million a year in recent years – money that enabled Bersatu and PAS spent lavishly.

Another dumb person who kept shooting his own foot is former finance minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz. Trying to protect his former boss, he said there was nothing suspicious in the Perikatan Nasional-led government’s management of funds when it was in power. The clueless and incompetent Zafrul might have signed some documents that could come back to haunt him. 

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Thursday 2 February 2023

Bersatu’s accounts frozen more than 2 weeks ago



 Bersatu's accounts frozen more than 2 weeks ago, says MACC chief

Bersatu's accounts frozen | The Star


Bersatu's party accounts have been frozen by the MACC, just one day after the party declared its 2020 and 2021 accounts.

The matter was confirmed to Malaysiakini by Bersatu supreme council member, Muhammad Faiz Na'aman.

It is believed that the freeze is related to the MACC's probe on government funds amounting to RM92.5 billion of pandemic stimulus funds that were allegedly misappropriated. 

Thursday 1 September 2022

PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang Racist comments: non-Muslims and non-bumiputra are the causes of corruption in the country

Bukit Aman corporate communications head Asst Comm Skandaguru Anandan said Abdul Hadi was called up by investigators on Monday (Aug 29).

"He was accompanied by his lawyer and he gave his cooperation throughout the recording of his statement," ACP Skandaguru said in a statement.

He said the investigations were conducted by the Bukit Aman CID Special Investigation Unit.

It is learnt that Abdul Hadi arrived at the federal police headquarters at about 3pm and left around 5.50pm.

It was reported that investigations were underway on the matter, with 28 reports already lodged against the Marang MP for his comments.

ACP Skandaguru also urged the public not to speculate or make any statements that could disrupt the investigation process.

Investigations are being conducted under Section 505(C) of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

Section 505(c) of the Penal Code is for making, publishing or circulating any statement, rumour or report with intent to incite or which is likely to incite any class or community of persons to commit any offence against any other class or community of persons.

Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 is for improper use of network facilities or network services.

Abdul Hadi came under fire for claiming that the root cause of corruption in the country was the influence non-Malays wielded over the economy and politics.

He said this had allowed non-Malays to dictate terms to the Malays, which in turn made the Malays become corrupted and entangled in financial scandals.

The PAS leader’s comments were roundly criticised by many Malaysians.

MCA secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon had expressed shock at Abdul Hadi’s statement and demanded that he withdraw it immediately.

He said that corruption had nothing to do with race or religion.

“This is an obvious fact and basic common sense.”

He said Abdul Hadi had failed to prove his accusations with facts, analysis, empirical evidence or scientific grounds.

“This indicates that his allegations are utter nonsense,” he added.

G25 slams Hadi over remark | The Star


Bukit Aman probing Zahid's speech at Umno special briefing


  CHECK OUT:   Najib's final appeal - Grounds of judgment details     *Prisoner-in-Waiting Najib In Deep Shit – Attack On 

  CHECK OUT:   Najib's final appeal - Grounds of judgment details     *Prisoner-in-Waiting Najib In Deep Shit – Attack On

  Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, center, speaks to supporters outside at Court of Appeal in Putrajaya, Malaysia Tuesday, Aug...

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Former Bank Negara governor Zeti and hubby, Tawfiq and Nor Mohamed Yakcop under MACC probe over 1MDB funds


Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz (left) and Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop. -filepic

Point of contention: According to a source, the MACC is investigating allegations of misconduct involving Zeti and Nor Mohamed.

MACC also investigating ex-minister nor Mohamed
` JAYA: Former Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz and former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop are being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-corruption Commission (MACC) over 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds, says a report.
` Police were also investigating Zeti’s husband Datuk Tawfiq Ayman over allegations that he received funds related to 1MDB, Mingguan Malaysia reported yesterday, quoting a source.
` “The case has been completed with proposed charges under Section 4 (1) (a) of the Anti-money Laundering, Prevention of Financing of Terrorism and Proceeds from Illegal Activities Act 2001 to be filed in the near future,” the source told the newspaper.
` The source reportedly added that the agency’s investigation focused more on the receipt of money into Tawfiq’s account in Singapore after Rm5bil was raised by 1MDB in 2009 via the Ambank Group.
` According to the report, the matter was exposed when the MACC sought to recover 1MDB’S assets locally and from abroad, involving several “big names” associated with the sovereign wealth fund.
` “Among the 1MDB’S assets abroad are those in Switzerland, Kuwait, Mauritius, Cyprus and Hong Kong, which are worth Rm20.5bil,” said the report.
` “These individuals were identified when the Commercial Affairs Department of Singapore on Nov 12 returned the money belonging to the former CEO of SRC International Sdn Bhd, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, to the Malaysian government through the Asset Recovery Trust Account of the Finance Ministry worth RM3,617,513.91 (US$864,813.27),” it added.
` The Malay paper noted that earlier, Singapore had returned assets amounting to Rm64.42mil (Us$15.4mil) involving the Cutting Edge Industries Ltd account owned by Tawfiq and his business partner Samuel Goh.
` On the investigation on Zeti and Nor Mohamed, the source told Mingguan Malaysia that the MACC was investigating allegations of misconduct, with the report noting that every investment involving 1MDB funds at that time was definitely done with Nor Mohamed’s knowledge.
` The source also said the MACC was investigating them under the MACC Act 2009 and the Money Laundering Act 2001.
` The paper added that when contacted, MACC Money Laundering Division director Mohammad Zamri Zainul Abidin confirmed receiving a complaint from a non-governmental organisation on Dec 22 urging an investigation be carried out on Zeti and Nor Mohamed.
` Zamri also confirmed that the MACC had received a report by former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in October last year against former Goldman Sachs senior manager Tim Leissner, and this was being investigated too.
` Source link




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Concerned citizens lodge MACC report alleging wrongdoings by SC officials, MACC studying NGO report

 Group alleges corrupt practices by top Securities Commission (SC) officials


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Wednesday 12 January 2022

Concerned citizens lodge MACC report alleging wrongdoings by SC officials, MACC studying NGO report

 Group alleges corrupt practices by top Securities Commission (SC) officials

Potential probe ahead: A view of the SC building in Kuala Lumpur. Rakyat Malaysia Prihatin has cited three cases of alleged wrongdoing by high-ranking SC officials.

PETALING JAYA: A group has come forward to lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) alleging corrupt practices by high-ranking Securities Commission (SC) officials.

` The non-governmental organisation calling itself Rakyat Malaysia Prihatin claimed to have evidence of alleged wrongdoings that also involved politicians holding top government posts.

` “I want the MACC to investigate this matter immediately. We do not want the integrity and image of the SC to be tarnished due to such cases,” an unnamed representative of the group told Utusan Malaysia after lodging the report with MACC in Putrajaya at about 4.30pm on Sunday (Jan 9).

` The representative cited three cases, the first involving a relative of a senior SC management official who was allegedly given a top post in a company.

` The company in question was being investigated by the SC with the appointment being an alleged inducement to cover up the company’s wrongdoings.

` “There is also a case involving conflict of interest, where a SC board member is alleged to be holding shares worth RM28.2mil in a company which has a working relationship with the commission.

` “The third case involves high-ranking SC officials taking bribes to close cases involving insider trading by public-listed companies,” the representative claimed.

` The group said it was acting as "concerned rakyat" who wanted to ensure that government agencies are clean and not corruptly used for personal gain.

` It then added that it would provide the MACC with proof of the wrongdoings once investigations begin.

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MACC studying NGO report


PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is going through a report lodged by a non-governmental organisation against the Securities Commission (SC).A senior official confirmed that the report was lodged on Sunday by a group calling itself Rakyat Malaysia Prihatin.

` The NGO has alleged that there are corrupt practices by high-ranking SC officials.

` It also claimed to have evidence of alleged wrongdoings that involved politicians holding top government posts.

` “Yes, we have received the report. MACC officers are going through it before we decide to open investigation papers or not,” said the official when contacted.

` This, the official added, was the procedure each time a report was lodged.

` To a question, the official said it was not unusual to have people wanting to lodge reports to MACC on weekends or public holidays.

` “It has been done before. We have officers on standby 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” said the official.Several attempts were made to contact the NGO members for comment yesterday.The Star managed to get hold of the contact number of its representative, but the phone was answered by a person who claimed that he was not the person this reporter was looking for.

` On Sunday night, Utusan Malaysia reported about the NGO going to the MACC.“I want the MACC to investigate this matter immediately. We do not want the integrity and image of the SC to be tarnished due to such cases,” an unnamed representative of the group was quoted as saying after lodging the report with MACC in Putrajaya at about 4.30pm on Sunday.

` He cited three cases, the first involving a relative of a senior SC management official who was allegedly given a top post in a company.

` The company in question was being investigated by the SC with the appointment being an alleged inducement to cover up the company’s wrongdoings.

` “There is also a case involving conflict of interest, where a SC board member is alleged to be holding shares worth RM28.2mil in a company which has a working relationship with the commission.

` “The third case involves high- ranking SC

`officials taking bribes to close cases involving insider trading by public-listed companies,” the representative claimed. The group said it was acting as “concerned rakyat” who wanted to ensure that government agencies were clean and not used for personal gain.It also said it would provide the MACC with proof of the wrongdoings once investigations began.

` Source link

Sunday 26 December 2021

South Korea pardons disgraced ex-president Park Geun-hye who was misled/cheated by her close friend Choi Soon-sil with the Church of Eternal Life

 Park Geun-hye became South Korea's first democratically elected leader to be thrown out of office after being impeached in 2017. - Reuters

The Star South Korea pardons  disgraced ex-president  Park Geun-hye

Who is Choi Soon Sil ?

Choi Soon Sil, the 'female Rasputin' at centre of South Korea's political scandals

Protesters wearing masks of South Korean President Park Geun Hye (right) and her confidante Choi Soon Sil posing for a performance during a rally denouncing a scandal over President Park's aide in Seoul on Oct 27, 2016. PHOTO: AFP

Ms Choi, 60, is daughter of the late Choi Tae Min, a shadowy religious figure who married six times, had multiple pseudonyms and set up a cult-like group known as the Church of Eternal Life.

The Church of Eternal Life | Fallout: The Frontier Wiki

243 West Olive Street, Westville, NJ 08093 — (856) 456-2196

Mr Choi befriended a traumatised Ms Park after the 1974 and 1979 assassinations of her mother and father, who he said had appeared in his dreams asking for his help.

Mr Choi became a key mentor for the young Ms Park, a role that angered a number of key aides to her father, the country's then military ruler Park Chung Hee  

see more


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Thursday 11 November 2021

Govt failed to forfeit 1MDB assets


Govt fails in bid to forfeit 1MDB-linked assets from Najib, family and others

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court today ordered the government to immediately return assets which were seized from former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, their three children and several others.

Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan made the order after dismissing the government's application which sought to forfeit hundreds of items including designer handbags, vehicles and cash in various currencies said to be linked to the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal.

In his decision, Zaini said the prosecution had failed to prove that the properties seized were connected to unlawful activities.

He said there was no evidence to show that the properties seized from Najib, Rosmah, their children Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz (Najib's stepson), Nor Ashman and Nooryana Najwa, were bought using money in the former prime minister's bank accounts.

The prosecution, he said, had in fact admitted that some of the seized properties were gifts.

He said the prosecution's argument that the cash and properties in question could have been gained from the monies deposited in Najib's bank accounts was based on presumption.

"The prosecution merely listed down the properties seized and their value, and in turn concluded that these respondents do not have the means to such a huge amount of cash or to purchase these properties based on their income.

"They had surmised that the cash and properties concerned could have only been gained from the monies deposited in the first respondent's (Najib) accounts.

"It is apparent that the applicant had only come to this conclusion based on presumption," he said.

The judge added that there was lack of evidence to prove that there was a direct link between the monies that were alleged to have been illegally gained to the cash found and the properties bought.

He said there was simply no nexus proven in the case.

He also rejected the government's bid to forfeit the monies kept in three Hong Leong bank accounts and the RM15 million bungalow in Penang belonging to Goh Gaik Ewe, the mother of fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho saying that the prosecution had failed to prove that the bank accounts were related to or had been used for the commission of unlawful activities.

He said the relationship between Goh and any of the characters or entities in the 1MDB affairs was also conspicuously missing.

"The applicant did not offer any evidence to show how the monies deposited into these bank accounts were linked to any illegal transactions or that they were proceeds of unlawful activities.

"As for the bungalow, there was simply no averment whatsoever in any of the applicant's affidavits pertaining to it," he said.

The others who get to keep their monies following the government's failure in its bid to forfeit the assets were company Senijauhar Sdn Bhd, Aiman Ruslan, former Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng and his wife Lim Hwee Bin.

The court however, allowed the government's bid to forfeit the assets from the respondents that did not contest the application namely Mohd Kyizzad Mesran, Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia, Yayasan Semesta, Yayasan Mustika Kasih and Rembulan Kembara Sdn Bhd and those who have absconded who were former 1MDB officers Kee Kok Thiam, Tan Vern Tact and Terence Geh Choh Hun.

Deputy public prosecutor Harris Ong Mohd Jeffrey Ong informed the court that the prosecution will be filing an appeal against the decision and asked for a stay of the order to return money to the respondents.

However, Zaini said the court will not make any order for a stay.

"If the forfeiture application is denied, it is a natural progression that the prosecution should return it (properties) back (to the respondents)," the judge said.

On May 8, 2019, the Attorney General's Chambers filed a notice of motion to forfeit hundreds of items, allegedly linked to 1MDB scandal, including handbags of various brands and 27 vehicles seized from Najib, Rosmah, their three children, as well as 13 individuals and companies.

In addition, money amounting to more than RM18 million in several bank accounts at Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd, Al-Rajhi Bank Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd, CIMB Bank Bhd, RHB Bank Bhd, Public Bank Bhd, AmBank Bhd and Hong Leong Bank Bhd, that was frozen between Aug 16, 2018 and March 11, 2019.

Among the items mentioned in the forfeiture notice are handbags, shoes and watches of various brands, as well as cash in various currencies that were seized by the police on May 17, 2018 and June 11, 2018, as well as 27 Nissan vehicles that were seized on Aug 2, 2018 and a piece of land in Tanjung Bungah, Penang. 

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