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Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts

Monday 9 March 2020

All the majority Malays need to change is to abandon their fear of the minority non-Malays, well said Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

Malays say they are falling behind other ethnic groups in many fields. They seem to think that it is all because the non-Malays are in control of the economy and the country. The solutions offered to them by their political and religious leaders are the same; they were told that they must unite and that they must follow the real teachings of their religion. It is the same advice given to them all these years since independence. It did not work out to help the Malays and the poor. How much more unity can the Malays achieve, and how much more Islamic can they be?

I wish to offer the Malays a new practical solution to their problems. They need to abandon their political groupings where only Malays are members of that group. They tried UMNO PAS and lately Bersatu; for sixty years now, and what have they achieved? Very little. The Malays should abandon the Malay only parties altogether. They are not only useless but damaging to the welfare of the Malays.

For many years now, we are full of corruption and abuse of power; and where religion has become a political tool. The purity and sanctity of religion are compromised — the need for politics soils religious values every day.

They must now join the grouping that they believe is a "threat "to them. DAP is seen by many as a threat to the Malays, according to these failed Malay leaders. If that is true, then the Malays should join the DAP in droves.

You may say that DAP is a Chinese party, but that's because the Malays refuse to join them. If we all join DAP then DAP becomes a multiracial party where Malays will be fairly represented. It will cease to be a Chinese party. It can be a dominant Malay party; not that it's essential.

DAP is a party in government. Its a strong democratic party. Besides PKR, this is the party that the Malays should join and try to get better economic benefits for them by having a government with good policies for the Rakyat.

Some questioned if the Chinese will share the fruits of the country's economic development with the Malays. Of course, they will. They have been sharing the wealth of the country with the Malays for three hundred years now. Except that in the past; the wealth was shared with the Malay elites.In Perak, the tin miners were partners with the aristocracy. Since the NEP the Chinese were partners with the Malay political leaders. I am sure you must know how many Malay political leaders become wealthy because they have good Chinese and Indian friends. I don't have to elaborate.

In this religious country; PAS leaders tell you that we must elect Muslim leaders first. They conveniently do not follow what they preach. You must know that the big timber tycoons and developers in the country are mainly Chinese. PAS leaders, too, are close to wealthy Chinese people in the business. So you see the Chinese do share their wealth with the Malays.

What must change is that the ordinary Malays like you and me must get together to create a new political force and become a genuine business partner of the non Malays? Why should the Chinese deal with the 'middlemen' like they have done for hundreds of years when they can deal directly with the "Rakyat" to make this country prosperous and to share its prosperity?

The reason why our leaders, both political and religious, want to keep the Malays and the non Malays apart is to make them"relevant' as power brokers. After sixty years of independence, I urge you, the people of this country, regardless of race, to take ownership of the country. Enough of the leaders using the politics of race and religion to divide the people; and enrich themselves.

When the Malays and the non-Malays have real political power and willing to collaborate as one, we can devise policies and programs that will benefit all Malaysians. We can do so directly; addressing the real needs of the people. Only then can we give real development to the people; without the need to continue with the services of the rent-seekers and wealthy politicians and wealthy civil servants.

All the Malays need to change is to abandon their fear of the non-Malays. After all the non-Malays have always been sharing their wealth with the Malays; since the days of Yap Ah Loy, the Perak miners and the estate owners. This time we just have to tweak the formula; Let the non-Malays unite with the Malays. Political and economic benefits will flow to the ordinary Rakyat instead of the elites of this country when politics ceases to be about race and religion.

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Tuesday 3 December 2019

China sanctions US over Hong Kong

The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the first wave of countermeasures against the US on Monday since the US passed and signed the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and continued its interference in China's domestic affairs in the city.

The move includes suspending visits of US warships and aircraft to the city and sanctioning multiple US-headquartered non-governmental organizations, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Human Rights Watch. Chinese experts said that some US diplomats at the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao who have connections with the targeted NGOs could be expelled as these organizations' activities in Hong Kong could be deemed illegal in the future.

From a logistic perspective, suspending visits of US warships and aircraft will force US military forces to find other ports in the region for resupply, which could cost more, experts noted.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the first wave of countermeasures against the US on Monday since the US passed and signed the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and continued its interference in China's domestic affairs in the city.

The move includes suspending visits of US warships and aircraft to the city and sanctioning multiple US-headquartered non-governmental organizations, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Human Rights Watch. Chinese experts said that some US diplomats at the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao who have connections with the targeted NGOs could be expelled as these organizations' activities in Hong Kong could be deemed illegal in the future.

From a logistic perspective, suspending visits of US warships and aircraft will force US military forces to find other ports in the region for maintenance, which could cost more, experts noted.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a routine press conference on Monday that China would suspend its reviews of applications made by US military aircraft and naval vessels to make port calls in Hong Kong after US President Donald Trump signed the so-called Hong Kong act, which allows Washington to impose sanctions on individuals over alleged human rights violation in Hong Kong.

Hua said China will also sanction NGOs including NED, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the International Republican Institute (IRI), Freedom House and Human Rights Watch for their "horrible activities in the months-long turmoil in the city."

"A great amount of evidence proving that these NGOs have supported anti-China forces to create chaos in Hong Kong, and made utmost efforts to encourage these forces to engage in extreme violent criminal acts, and also hyped separatism activities in Hong Kong," she said.

"They have a huge responsibility for the current chaos in Hong Kong, and deserve to be sanctioned and pay the price."

"NED is a notorious organization that plays a major role in funding color revolutions and training political activists worldwide to create trouble for many non-Western states," said Lü Xiang, a research fellow on US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing.

"The NDI and IRI are two organizations that mainly receive funding from NED, and the NDI follows political line of Democrats, while the IRI follows Republicans. Sanctioning these two NGOs sends the message that the two major parties are being targeted for initiating and passing the Hong Kong act," said Diao Daming, a US studies expert at Renmin University of China.

A masked rioter is standing out among his group in a standoff with police outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, November 17, 2019. Photo: Xinhua

Expulsion from HK

On questions as to what extent China can sanction these NGOs, Chinese experts said that due to the "one-country, two systems" policy, these organizations are allowed to operate in Hong Kong without restrictions, but since they are using this to harm China's national interests, their activities and cash flow in Hong Kong could be frozen.

Diao said "These NGOs could be identified as illegal organizations, so not only their personnel, but US diplomats at the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao could be affected."

Staff member of those NGOs will be restricted from entering Chinese territory, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and those NGOs' operations in HKSAR will also likely be limited, said Fan Peng from the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies.

Fan said that imposing restrictions on those organizations' operations hits external forces to the very core and helps to ward off their influence in Hong Kong, as those organizations support the rioters.

If the US government uses the authorization provided by the US Congress to conduct further interference in Hong Kong, China will surely raise its retaliation, Lü said.

China could investigate US diplomats connected to the listed NGOs, or even directly involved with their local funding targets and provided training and assistance, and these diplomats could be expelled if they don't stop making trouble in the city, Diao noted.

Military ties harmed

China, in the past, allowed the US vessels and aircraft to visit and resupply in Hong Kong since the coastal city is a perfect port in the West Pacific region, and serves as a strategic hub. But now, due to US intervention in the Hong Kong situation, US military forces will lose their right to use this hub and need to spend more resources to get supplies in other ports in the region, Chinese experts said.

Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Monday that whether China allows US warships to conduct port visits in Hong Kong has been a barometer of the two countries' political and military relations.

Now that China has decided to suspend the port visits, it means China and the US have suffered a significant decline in political and military ties, which have been caused by US violations of China's sovereignty and interference in China's internal affairs, as it is challenging the one-China principle by publicly supporting Hong Kong secessionists, Song said.

A US warship port call to Hong Kong now will send a very wrong signal to Hong Kong rioters, and China is absolutely right to turn down visit requests, take resolute action and counter the US for its provocation, Song said.

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Friday 22 November 2019

US's ‘Support Hong Kong Violence Act’ condemmed

The US Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act," a move that seriously tarnished sacred terms like "human rights" and "democracy." The bill's real title should be "Support Hong Kong Violence Act" as it has overtly taken sides with rioters who are destroying the rule of law in Hong Kong. And it has targeted the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government and Hong Kong police, who are struggling to prevent chaos from turning into anarchy.

The core of the new US bill is to oppose HKSAR government's efforts to stop violence, end chaos as well as to prevent the Chinese central government from saving Hong Kong under any circumstance. The most prominent clause subjects the city to an annual review for its special trade status, which would strip Hong Kong of the status.

Some opposition figures in Hong Kong stupidly kowtow to Washington and express their gratitude for US support for the radical protesters' "democracy struggle." But if the US imposes economic sanctions on Hong Kong, all Hong Kong people will have to bear the consequences.

Once the bill is signed by the US president, subtle changes will take place in Hong Kong's international business environment, because of the uncertainties caused by the US. American investors in Hong Kong will panic, and the city's geoeconomic status and function will be reevaluated.

Some may expect this to deter Beijing. Such thinking is naïve. Hong Kong is in a mess, but the country hasn't intervened so far.

Instead, the Chinese central government encourages the city to stop violence and end chaos under the leadership of the HKSAR government, solve the conundrum under the framework of the Basic Law and not use the provisions of the Basic Law for emergency situations.

However, if the chaos continues, even paralyzes the city and destroys ordinary people's lives, how can the central government not intervene?

Passing the act is the US attempt to disrupt the People's Republic of China's governance over Hong Kong, weaken the HKSAR government, and compel the police to be afraid of cracking down on radical rioters in accordance with the law.

The US is hoping that Hong Kong falls into disorder for a long time. If we take this US bill seriously and shrink from tackling riots, Hong Kong will suffer from an accelerated collapse of the rule of law and be erased from the modern world.

Hong Kong has long acted as an interface linking China and the West. The US move will undermine that function of the city. But no matter what challenges Hong Kong will have to face, it will be far better than what it faces now: Streets are full of roadblocks; subway stations are burned; schools cannot re-open; and many businesses are forced to stop.

If riots continue, Hong Kong is doomed. The threat from the US is much less than the damage the city is currently suffering.

What the bill brings is not fear, but anger. People see certain US politicians' malice against Hong Kong and the entire China between the lines.

It is believed that with the central government's support, Hong Kong will resolutely reject the US threat. Hong Kong's special trade status is entitled by the Basic Law. The US attitude does not represent the international community's. Hong Kong's future is bound to that of the entire China, instead of the US.

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Thursday 26 September 2019

Hong Kong's youngters barking up at the wrong tree: preaching the West's cheats, divide-and-conquer, farce hearing !

Hong Kong's pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong testifies at a hearing of the US Congressional Executive Commission on China entitled "Hong Kong's Summer of Discontent and U.S. Policy."  

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Farce hearing shows US hypocrisy

Radical Hong Kong oppositionists Joshua Wong Chi-fung and Denise Ho Wan-see on Tuesday were invited to testify at a US congressional hearing about the Hong Kong issues. Wong and Ho described Hong Kong as a city which has lost freedom under the suppression of the Communist Party of China. The hearing was full of biased information and lies.

The hearing itself humiliated US congressional hearing system. The US Congress invited only Hong Kong's radical opposition figures but ignored the opinion of Hongkongers who support both the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government's lawful measures and the Hong Kong police's efforts to counter riots in accordance with laws. The US Congress didn't even pretend to make the hearing look more credible.

US senators who proposed the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 have never thought about getting comprehensive, objective and real information about Hong Kong. The hearing they held didn't aim at verifying the situation in Hong Kong, but intended to use biased information to back their bill that hurts Hongkongers' interests.

The SAR government has officially withdrawn the extradition bill, but the opposition has extended their demands to so-called real universal suffrage. A few rioters continued to wreck havoc in Hong Kong. In such a context, the US Congress not only sided with the opposition in Hong Kong but also offered support to the extreme rioters.

Although Hong Kong society is split in public opinion, only a minority of Hongkongers would support the passing of the act. The act requires an annual assessment of the special status of Hong Kong as a separate customs territory, which will severely threaten the stability of the city's financial environment, and thus hurt the interests of the majority of Hongkongers. This has nothing to do with the political appeals of Hong Kong citizens.

Neither Wong nor Ho can represent the majority of Hong Kong people. Oppositionists like them collude with a handful of US senators and forge a fake public opinion of Hongkongers. Such a fraud in the US political system will only stain the US Congress rather than bring it glory.

The farce of the congressional hearing showed that the Hong Kong act proposed by the US Congress cannot reflect the reality of the Chinese city. It is a perfect match between the US current strategy against China and the interests of the extreme opposition of Hong Kong. It aims at offering a new tool to contain China.

Some Hong Kong extremists are determined to take sides with the US and will not hesitate to betray their own city's interests.

The Hong Kong act could pass as some US political elites are promoting it, and some extreme Hong Kong opposition are collaborating from within. But the situation will not necessarily develop as the two forces wish. The future of Hong Kong is not in the hands of Washington, but in the hands of all the Chinese people, including Hongkongers.

Hong Kong's separate customs territory status is guaranteed by the Basic Law. The US move cannot represent the entire world. The impetus of the city's constant prosperity comes from within and from its close ties with the motherland.

The US economic crackdown has not shaken China, nor will it determine the future of Hong Kong. Anyone who misunderstands this misunderstands the era and the world.

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Wednesday 25 September 2019

Hong Kong Riots, engineered by CIA, nothing but true!

Watch the start of the above video carefully. See the tall 6+ ft Caucasian guy easily grab the Policeman from behind first. Then he goes away. The HK rioters then rush in to beat up the Policeman, grabbing his baton, etc almost grabbing his gun. All these done in seconds. These are not ordinary HK protesters but are well trained to injure the Police, cause a loss of Police morale, create chaos that makes it difficult or almost impossible for HK Gov/Police to control. Objective is to have these riots, chaos spread to other Chinese cities, and ultimately lead to collapse of the China gov.

The same process for the Soviet Union starting with the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989, that eventually led to the total collapse of the Soviet Union, destroying the USA's only other super power competitor then.

Now that China is economically strong, advancing rapidly technologically with adequate financial resources to build up military capabilities rapidly, the stakes are even bigger for the USA to destroy China, using HK as a "beach head" in military terms, as HK has free movement of people and has no need to build up strong local surveillance of potential terrorists, rebels or foreign instigators. Not difficult for CIA/NED agents to be employed as international school teachers, sports coaches etc.

HK gov needs to rapidly build up local Police surveillance to identify and arrest these foreign agents, preempt more training of HK people, young and older ones to become rioters, that seek to physically and organisationally destroy HK day to day functioning as a city.

China's Beijing probably is aware of the repeat of Soviet Union act II targeted at China. Hence they are tightening their monitoring and control of Muslim population as these are likely ground forces that will be trained and groomed by the CIA/NED, if not already taking place. There are credible reports that both al-Qaeda and ISIS are trained and funded by the CIA/NED to fulfill its targeted national security objectives. So utilising Muslims in China is an easy channel.

This is the real war of modern times, where regime change in many countries in recent decades were brought about without US & Allied Forces having to send in actual uniform troops.... But troops that are incognito to the naive and innocent local people that are manipulated to act unbelievably aggressively and thoughtlessly as is now evident in HK. HK gov needs to change their belief if so, that this is just another ordinary protests as they have experienced in recent years. Its a new war!

Top confidential: US President instructs CIA to abandon Hong Kong (Translated)

Just a small policeman got a message that is absolutely super confidential: US President Trump recently issued an order to the CIA to ask for abandonment of Hong Kong.

Why did the US president issue such an order? After all, Hong Kong is very important to the United States, especially the CIA. Hong Kong is a pawn for China in the hands of the United States. It is also the home base for the CIA’s intelligence war against China.

A small centre in Hong Kong, CIA has more than 1,000 staff! This is unique for the CIA's global layout! Therefore, we can imagine how Hong Kong is important to the United States, especially the CIA.

Bai Bangrui, a Chinese affairs adviser to the US Department of Defense, publicly admitted in the face of a reporter's question about the riots in Hong Kong: There are indeed many US agencies who plan to promote green activities in Hong Kong (actually riots). It is the unshakable national policy of the US government to push China into chaos by encouraging colored revolution through organised green mob disobedience and unrest.

Therefore, the main reason for the riots in Hong Kong that lasted for more than two and a half months was that the US government, mainly the CIA and CIA's substitute NED, planned, organized and directed behind the scenes. The purpose of the CIA is actually very simple. It is to achieve three goals by creating a mess in Hong Kong.

The first goal is to continue to promote the coloured revolution"through green mob disobedience and unrest" signifying that there is a large organised opposition towards China's policies.

The second purpose is short-term, which is to gain more weight in the trade war against China by creating a messy distraction in Hong Kong.

The third purpose is to be that at anytime, they would be a continuing and growing sympathy support for the green rioters to create disobedience and this is on long term a basis to draw the negative reactions of the Chinese government when the situation turn chaotic in Hong Kong.

It should be said that before this, the first goal of the US government has been fully achieved, while the second goal is only half completed, and the third goal is still out of reach!

However, since the chaos of Hong Kong, the situation has got out of control of the US government, and the weight is about to become a burden, making the US government very anxious. They could not control the drug rioters or other crimnals who had their own agendas.

Therefore, we have seen that US President Trump is very disappointed with the results of CIA’s actions in Hong Kong. Therefore, when he faced the international media, he used the term “thugs” against Hong Kong drug elements and claimed that this was China’s internal affairs.

Therefore, we have seen that the US Secretary of Commerce is also extremely disappointed with the situation in Hong Kong today. His reply to the politician’s request for the US government to openly intervene in Hong Kong was that he said, "Do we invade Hong Kong?"

The US CIA agents who were in the front line of the Hong Kong mobs saw the atrocities of the Hong Kong drug rioters who went out of control. The agents were forced to come out from behind the scenes and head to the frontline. Many agents were exposed.

Even the identity of the head of the CIA in Hong Kong has been exposed! This is an extreme scandal and extreme failure for the CIA!

In particular, the Hong Kong drug rioters violently attacked a mainland tourist at the airport and hit the tourist into coma. The CIA agent, who was in charge of the command, was watching closely the tourists that the rioters wanted to attack. He did not succeed in stopping the atrocities. In the end, he had to go out and personally protect the mainland tourists.

Of course, this is by no means the kindness of the CIA agents. In the CIA's plan, the first thing is if a 'colour' rioter dies, it will become Hong Kong's poison. Now it's a waste against their plan, and by no means the plan can be achieved if the victim is an innocent civilian.

If the victim is not a green rioter, it cannot be used as a Hong Kong poison, it just a waste. Otherwise, the US government can launch propaganda machines, lead international public opinion to discredit the Chinese government, put pressure on the Chinese government, impose sanctions, and then acquire weapons for trade wars against China in a short period of time. In the long run, it will win support to help promote the "color revolution" against China!

However, if the first death incident is the death of an non green victim; just civilians or journalists from Hong Kong, and if it can be seen as the work of CIA, it also can be construed that the CIA was the one behind-the-scenes of the murders. Then CIA's reputation will go completely bankrupt worldwide.

Therefore, CIA agents will be forced to jump out to "protect" the civilians who have been violently attacked by the Hong Kong drug rioters.

Therefore, the development of the situation in Hong Kong had gone out of hand contrary to what the CIA wanted. However, for the CIA, this is not the worst!

For the CIA, the most unsatisfying situation is coming.

Hong Kong poisoning in the inhumane violence against mainland tourists, beating lynching mainland reporters, and then inverting black and white on the international network for high-density publicity, these acts angered the mainland's audience.

So what made the US government withdrew? They didn't want to see the worse from happening was an international public opinion from changing that what the Chinese government did not do was done by the young rioters.

This is the "814 big action of the rice circle girl", "the emperor 817 big expedition" and "overseas students surrounded by the Hong Kong poison"!

These young Chinese people, even teenaged girls, who are mainly born after the years of 90s and 2000, are eager to stand out from the patriotic ideals and beliefs. The had gone out to the international public opinion field to speak for the country. Maintain a united national stand.

We know that these two sudden online battlefields and real live battlefields have won forvthe Chinese people an overwhelming victory. It is not only to make the overseas network full of five-star red flags, but also to let some anti-China media directly stop their comments. In international circumstances, the conspiracy and shamelessness of Hong Kong drug elements were exposed.

One thousand CIAs can't think of it. The Hong Kong chaos they planned has inspired the young people of China to have such a strong patriotic enthusiasm and patriotic conviction!

What is the core of the "color revolution" promoted by the CIA? The core is to win the hearts and minds of other countries through rumors and smearing, and thus break through from the inside to achieve the purpose of subverting the political power of other countries.

However, the chaos in Hong Kong not only failed to win the hearts and minds of the people they thought would support them, but also indirectly drew out a very vivid patriotic thinking to the Chinese, especially the young people in China So that Chinese people, especially young people, saw the true CIA sponsored "color revolution." "The scam behind the truth!"

It has inspired the Chinese people's strong patriotic enthusiasm and united the Chinese people unprecedentedly! The most important thing is that the most patriotic enthusiasm is actually the Chinese young people whom the CIA have been trying very hard to brainwash, to fool. But, they know who, what or how to fight for, as the future owners of China!

The "color revolution" of the US government against China has completely gone bankrupt in essence!

Their original plan had become a gift to China! Americans, now regret it!

Although China is currently suffering from the riots in Hong Kong, it has gained such a strong patriotic enthusiasm from the Chinese, especially the young people. It is definitely far more than a loss! CIA, there is an assistance of God in China!

Therefore, US President Trump is definitely very angry and very dissatisfied with the CIA's defeat. It is the reason why of course he ordered the CIA to stop activities in Hong Kong!

And these young people who bravely stood up to defend national honor and national security on the Internet are the most powerful guarantee for China's rapid development and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the future!

They are the growing young generation who are born to be strong, national, and confident Chinese!

When you have finished reading, there are two choices.

1. Spread out this news.

2, or think you have not seen it.

Please relay it, don't be indifferent!!

No matter how busy you are, please take 1 second to send it to your circle! Maybe your friends will need to read it. Thank you!

Source: Police insider forwarded

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Nothing can change the fact that Hong Kong is part of China

Is this what Hong Kong protesters call the 'ideal life'? 這就是妳們口中的“理想生活”嗎?

Why China's politics scores above the West's

In China, high-level officials conduct extensive research in various fields every year. These investigations and the experiences they accumulate constitute the basis for major decisions, which will not be arbitrarily changed due to temporary social trends. In particular, after the reform and opening-up, China's development has not been consumed and delayed by endless ideological debates.

World can move on together without the US

If the US refuses to join the trend of globalization, so be it. The rest of the world can just cooperate and move forward toward a more unified world where countries care about sustainable development and each other's common interests.

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Hong Kong Riots, engineered by CIA, nothing but true!

Watch the start of the above video carefully. See the tall 6+ ft Caucasian guy easily grab the Policeman from behind first. Then he goes away. The HK rioters then rush in to beat up the Policeman, grabbing his baton, etc almost grabbing his gun. All these done in seconds. These are not ordinary HK protesters but are well trained to injure the Police, cause a loss of Police morale, create chaos that makes it difficult or almost impossible for HK Gov/Police to control. Objective is to have these riots, chaos spread to other Chinese cities, and ultimately lead to collapse of the China gov.

The same process for the Soviet Union starting with the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989, that eventually led to the total collapse of the Soviet Union, destroying the USA's only other super power competitor then.

Now that China is economically strong, advancing rapidly technologically with adequate financial resources to build up military capabilities rapidly, the stakes are even bigger for the USA to destroy China, using HK as a "beach head" in military terms, as HK has free movement of people and has no need to build up strong local surveillance of potential terrorists, rebels or foreign instigators. Not difficult for CIA/NED agents to be employed as international school teachers, sports coaches etc.

HK gov needs to rapidly build up local Police surveillance to identify and arrest these foreign agents, preempt more training of HK people, young and older ones to become rioters, that seek to physically and organisationally destroy HK day to day functioning as a city.

China's Beijing probably is aware of the repeat of Soviet Union act II targeted at China. Hence they are tightening their monitoring and control of Muslim population as these are likely ground forces that will be trained and groomed by the CIA/NED, if not already taking place. There are credible reports that both al-Qaeda and ISIS are trained and funded by the CIA/NED to fulfill its targeted national security objectives. So utilising Muslims in China is an easy channel.

This is the real war of modern times, where regime change in many countries in recent decades were brought about without US & Allied Forces having to send in actual uniform troops.... But troops that are incognito to the naive and innocent local people that are manipulated to act unbelievably aggressively and thoughtlessly as is now evident in HK. HK gov needs to change their belief if so, that this is just another ordinary protests as they have experienced in recent years. Its a new war!

Top confidential: US President instructs CIA to abandon Hong Kong (Translated)

Just a small policeman got a message that is absolutely super confidential: US President Trump recently issued an order to the CIA to ask for abandonment of Hong Kong.

Why did the US president issue such an order? After all, Hong Kong is very important to the United States, especially the CIA. Hong Kong is a pawn for China in the hands of the United States. It is also the home base for the CIA’s intelligence war against China.

A small centre in Hong Kong, CIA has more than 1,000 staff! This is unique for the CIA's global layout! Therefore, we can imagine how Hong Kong is important to the United States, especially the CIA.

Bai Bangrui, a Chinese affairs adviser to the US Department of Defense, publicly admitted in the face of a reporter's question about the riots in Hong Kong: There are indeed many US agencies who plan to promote green activities in Hong Kong (actually riots). It is the unshakable national policy of the US government to push China into chaos by encouraging colored revolution through organised green mob disobedience and unrest.

Therefore, the main reason for the riots in Hong Kong that lasted for more than two and a half months was that the US government, mainly the CIA and CIA's substitute NED, planned, organized and directed behind the scenes. The purpose of the CIA is actually very simple. It is to achieve three goals by creating a mess in Hong Kong.

The first goal is to continue to promote the coloured revolution"through green mob disobedience and unrest" signifying that there is a large organised opposition towards China's policies.

The second purpose is short-term, which is to gain more weight in the trade war against China by creating a messy distraction in Hong Kong.

The third purpose is to be that at anytime, they would be a continuing and growing sympathy support for the green rioters to create disobedience and this is on long term a basis to draw the negative reactions of the Chinese government when the situation turn chaotic in Hong Kong.

It should be said that before this, the first goal of the US government has been fully achieved, while the second goal is only half completed, and the third goal is still out of reach!

However, since the chaos of Hong Kong, the situation has got out of control of the US government, and the weight is about to become a burden, making the US government very anxious. They could not control the drug rioters or other crimnals who had their own agendas.

Therefore, we have seen that US President Trump is very disappointed with the results of CIA’s actions in Hong Kong. Therefore, when he faced the international media, he used the term “thugs” against Hong Kong drug elements and claimed that this was China’s internal affairs.

Therefore, we have seen that the US Secretary of Commerce is also extremely disappointed with the situation in Hong Kong today. His reply to the politician’s request for the US government to openly intervene in Hong Kong was that he said, "Do we invade Hong Kong?"

The US CIA agents who were in the front line of the Hong Kong mobs saw the atrocities of the Hong Kong drug rioters who went out of control. The agents were forced to come out from behind the scenes and head to the frontline. Many agents were exposed.

Even the identity of the head of the CIA in Hong Kong has been exposed! This is an extreme scandal and extreme failure for the CIA!

In particular, the Hong Kong drug rioters violently attacked a mainland tourist at the airport and hit the tourist into coma. The CIA agent, who was in charge of the command, was watching closely the tourists that the rioters wanted to attack. He did not succeed in stopping the atrocities. In the end, he had to go out and personally protect the mainland tourists.

Of course, this is by no means the kindness of the CIA agents. In the CIA's plan, the first thing is if a 'colour' rioter dies, it will become Hong Kong's poison. Now it's a waste against their plan, and by no means the plan can be achieved if the victim is an innocent civilian.

If the victim is not a green rioter, it cannot be used as a Hong Kong poison, it just a waste. Otherwise, the US government can launch propaganda machines, lead international public opinion to discredit the Chinese government, put pressure on the Chinese government, impose sanctions, and then acquire weapons for trade wars against China in a short period of time. In the long run, it will win support to help promote the "color revolution" against China!

However, if the first death incident is the death of an non green victim; just civilians or journalists from Hong Kong, and if it can be seen as the work of CIA, it also can be construed that the CIA was the one behind-the-scenes of the murders. Then CIA's reputation will go completely bankrupt worldwide.

Therefore, CIA agents will be forced to jump out to "protect" the civilians who have been violently attacked by the Hong Kong drug rioters.

Therefore, the development of the situation in Hong Kong had gone out of hand contrary to what the CIA wanted. However, for the CIA, this is not the worst!

For the CIA, the most unsatisfying situation is coming.

Hong Kong poisoning in the inhumane violence against mainland tourists, beating lynching mainland reporters, and then inverting black and white on the international network for high-density publicity, these acts angered the mainland's audience.

So what made the US government withdrew? They didn't want to see the worse from happening was an international public opinion from changing that what the Chinese government did not do was done by the young rioters.

This is the "814 big action of the rice circle girl", "the emperor 817 big expedition" and "overseas students surrounded by the Hong Kong poison"!

These young Chinese people, even teenaged girls, who are mainly born after the years of 90s and 2000, are eager to stand out from the patriotic ideals and beliefs. The had gone out to the international public opinion field to speak for the country. Maintain a united national stand.

We know that these two sudden online battlefields and real live battlefields have won forvthe Chinese people an overwhelming victory. It is not only to make the overseas network full of five-star red flags, but also to let some anti-China media directly stop their comments. In international circumstances, the conspiracy and shamelessness of Hong Kong drug elements were exposed.

One thousand CIAs can't think of it. The Hong Kong chaos they planned has inspired the young people of China to have such a strong patriotic enthusiasm and patriotic conviction!

What is the core of the "color revolution" promoted by the CIA? The core is to win the hearts and minds of other countries through rumors and smearing, and thus break through from the inside to achieve the purpose of subverting the political power of other countries.

However, the chaos in Hong Kong not only failed to win the hearts and minds of the people they thought would support them, but also indirectly drew out a very vivid patriotic thinking to the Chinese, especially the young people in China So that Chinese people, especially young people, saw the true CIA sponsored "color revolution." "The scam behind the truth!"

It has inspired the Chinese people's strong patriotic enthusiasm and united the Chinese people unprecedentedly! The most important thing is that the most patriotic enthusiasm is actually the Chinese young people whom the CIA have been trying very hard to brainwash, to fool. But, they know who, what or how to fight for, as the future owners of China!

The "color revolution" of the US government against China has completely gone bankrupt in essence!

Their original plan had become a gift to China! Americans, now regret it!

Although China is currently suffering from the riots in Hong Kong, it has gained such a strong patriotic enthusiasm from the Chinese, especially the young people. It is definitely far more than a loss! CIA, there is an assistance of God in China!

Therefore, US President Trump is definitely very angry and very dissatisfied with the CIA's defeat. It is the reason why of course he ordered the CIA to stop activities in Hong Kong!

And these young people who bravely stood up to defend national honor and national security on the Internet are the most powerful guarantee for China's rapid development and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the future!

They are the growing young generation who are born to be strong, national, and confident Chinese!

When you have finished reading, there are two choices.

1. Spread out this news.

2, or think you have not seen it.

Please relay it, don't be indifferent!!

No matter how busy you are, please take 1 second to send it to your circle! Maybe your friends will need to read it. Thank you!

Source: Police insider forwarded

Read more:

Nothing can change the fact that Hong Kong is part of China

Is this what Hong Kong protesters call the 'ideal life'? 這就是妳們口中的“理想生活”嗎?

Why China's politics scores above the West's

In China, high-level officials conduct extensive research in various fields every year. These investigations and the experiences they accumulate constitute the basis for major decisions, which will not be arbitrarily changed due to temporary social trends. In particular, after the reform and opening-up, China's development has not been consumed and delayed by endless ideological debates.

World can move on together without the US

If the US refuses to join the trend of globalization, so be it. The rest of the world can just cooperate and move forward toward a more unified world where countries care about sustainable development and each other's common interests.

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