
Tuesday 24 September 2019

Tech Titans of China

How China's Tech Sector is challenging the world by innovating faster, working harder, and going global

The rise of China's tech companies and intense competition from the sector is just beginning. This will present an ongoing management and strategy challenge for companies for many years to come. Tech Titans of China is the go-to-guide for companies (and those interested in competition from China) seeking to understand China's grand tech ambitions, who the players are and what their strategy is. Fannin, an expert on China, is an internationally-recognized journalist, author and speaker. She hosts 12 live events annually for business leaders, venture capitalists, start-up founders, and others impacted by or interested in cashing in on the Chinese tech industry. In this illuminating book, she provides readers with the ammunition they need to prepare and compete.

Featuring detailed profiles of the Chinese tech companies making waves, the tech sectors that matter most in China's grab for super power status, and predictions for China's tech dominance in just 10 years.

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THE NEW YORK TIMES , USA TODAY , AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Dr. Kai-Fu Lee—one of the world’s most respected expert.

1 comment:

  1. China is no longer copying from the U.S. Now the reverse is true. Facebook has copied WeChat in private group messaging and followed 15-second video app TikTok. Amazon has imitated Alibaba in e-retailing. Lime has followed China’s original Mobike and Ofo brands in bike-sharing.

    The original China trio has branched out into new technologies that span many economic sectors, from finance to transportation to healthcare. They are far more diversified and acquisitive than the FAANGs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) in the U.S. China’s BAT have supersized from two decades ago into publicly listed tech giants with hundreds of millions of users. Their founders have made a fortune, ranked high on the Forbes list of top billionaires. They have become heroes in China and inspired the next generation who now can look up to their own national champions.

    Tech Titans of China profiles a whole new group of up and comers that are game changers. It examines the tech sectors where China is getting ahead — artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, fintech, the sharing economy, facial recognition, drones, on-demand delivery, and more.

    You can safely bet that China has a master plan to own large chunks of the tech economy within the next decade. It is leapfrogging in all these important technological sectors, and not overlooking such core areas as semiconductors where it is also pushing ahead but still lags. China is also racing to get a lead in fifth-generation mobile communications, and has in recent years far outspent the U.S. on cell sites and wireless infrastructure....

    Back then, no one believed that China could create a parallel Silicon Valley, a Silicon Dragon market. There was tremendous push back by Sand Hill Road investors to the idea that China could be a competitor.

    Now, this concept is readily accepted. Today, Sand Hill Road veterans, American technologists, and Washington, DC policy makers regard China as a clear rival to continued global dominance by the U.S. in tech. This is a primary reason we are seeing a tech cold war unfolding between the two superpowers of China and the U.S.

    Tech Titans of China delves into a whole new era of innovation that has sprung up, fed by a host of economic factors that combined together to jump start this tech revolution. Venture capital has swelled in China to nearly equal the size of the U.S. market and given rise to 86 unicorns, topped only by the U.S. at 151. Patent applications from China have risen to 22 percent of the world’s total, compared to 23 percent for the U.S. Telecom giant Huawei is the world’s top filer for new patents. Alibaba and Tencent rank among the ten most highly valued companies by market capitalization. Chinese research and development spending is quickly catching up to the U.S. level. China already has the world lead on academic scientific papers and the speediest supercomputers. China’s entrepreneurs with their 9-9-6 (12 hour days, six days per week) work habits can make their American counterparts look sleepy....
