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Saturday 15 October 2022

New march begins – How will CPC lead China to next centenary goal ?

Strong leadership core to provide ‘certainty, cohesion and strength’ in new journey A huge artificial flower basket decorates Tian'anmen Square during 2022 National Day holidays. Photo: VCG

Editor's Note:

The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress on October 16 to bring China's development to the next stage. This congress is being held after China has accomplished its first centenary goal of building xiaokang - a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2021 - and to start the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by 2049.

From the founding of the CPC in 1921, the Chinese people took more than two decades to throw off oppression as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and found the People's Republic of China in 1949. After the launch of reform and opening-up in 1978 and through the continuous efforts of the Chinese people, China experienced the transformation from a huge, poor and backward country in the East into a thriving socialist China.

Today, after having lauded the great achievements that China has made in the past 100 years, the international community is paying close attention to how it will create a new miracle in a more complicated international environment. It is also necessary to review how the CPC has led the Chinese people to accomplish the first goal, as history always carries the secrets of future success. 

This is the second installment of the Global Times' special coverage of the special event. Here is
the first installment.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which will convene in Beijing on Sunday, marks the start of a new journey for China's development and its role in international affairs, and the event takes place at a time when the world is experiencing profound changes not seen in a century. For people around the globe observing the historically significant political event, how China, under the strong leadership of the CPC, overcomes challenges to the country's development and contributes certainty to a world in turbulence has become a key interest.

In 2021, the CPC accomplished the First Centenary Goal for China - building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, or xiaokang in Chinese. The 20th CPC National Congress will be held at a historic juncture as the Party and the country continue marching forward to the Second Centenary Goal based on the achievements and experience gained from its past journey.

The Second Centenary Goal, set by the CPC at its 18th National Congress and further defined by the CPC at its 19th National Congress in October 2017, seeks "to develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the middle of the 21st century."

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said in 2017 that following the realization of a moderately prosperous society, the whole Party and people of various ethnic groups across the country would be motivated to build a modernized socialist country by 2049, the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Since China's extraordinary achievements over the past 10 years have been widely acknowledged to have raised living standards at home and bolstered global development, the world is paying close attention to what more China can do for itself and the world in the next phase, especially as the world suffers from challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, energy and food crises caused by the geopolitical turbulence in Ukraine, and the Western sanctions against Russia, as well as the intensifying tension between the two biggest world economies caused by Washington's hostility against China's peaceful development.
Lujiazui, a financial zone in Shanghai Photo: VCG

Lujiazui, a financial zone in Shanghai Photo: VCG

Changes and challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has already taken more than 6 million lives worldwide in the past three years, bringing an unprecedentedly severe impact to humanity. A World Bank report said in 2020 that the pandemic caused the worst global economic recession "since World War II," and as central banks across the world simultaneously hike interest rates in response to inflation, the situation in 2023 could be even worse, and a string of financial crises in emerging market and developing economies will do them lasting harm, according to the World Bank on September 15.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict that started early this year also adds a new challenge to the severe situation. Observers around the globe believe that the conflict is profoundly changing the international political order, and the ensuing unilateral Western-launched sanctions led by the US have also caused huge damage to the international trade system and global supply chains. Many major EU members are now suffering from high energy prices, inflation, and strikes, while many developing countries are facing a serious food crisis.

Xu Bu, president of the China Institute of International Studies and secretary-general of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Center, told the Global Times that "at present, the pandemic still exists, the international security situation is in turbulence, global economic recovery is fragile, and many crises are taking place. The world is entering a period of profound and complex change, and the journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has encountered new challenges."

In such a complicated and challenging period, cooperation between major powers has failed to emerge, but bloc-to-bloc confrontation and a zero-sum mentality are deeply affecting international relations, making the challenges more severe, analysts said.

Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, told the Global Times that China has already developed to what it looks like today, and if it continues its growth and development, the international power comparison will surely change. 

"The US and some of its Western followers who still dominate the current international system have already launched comprehensive suppression against China. This is the biggest risk and challenge that we are facing right now," Shen said.

US China Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

US China Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Xu echoed the view that the top external challenge for China is the interruption to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation caused by hegemony and power politics, and the US hegemonic and unilateral strategy is not only threatening China, but also the world.   

The US has unilaterally sanctioned about 20 countries and regions worldwide. These sanctions are not only against governments, but have also been imposed against individuals and nongovernmental sectors like companies and academic institutes such as universities, with human rights observers and experts raising concerns that the US and other Western-launched unilateral coercive measures constitute "one of the most serious challenges to solidarity, universality, development and human rights protection."

The US is seeking "decoupling" from China in many aspects to serve its major power competition strategy, including imposing additional tariffs against Chinese goods and launching export controls of chips to contain China's sci-tech development, and has also launched cyberattacks against Chinese institutes such as universities. The US also repeatedly provokes and challenges China's sovereignty and core interests on sensitive matters including the Taiwan question, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong region, putting the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region in danger, said experts.

In Europe, the US continues to fan the flames of the Ukraine crisis which was fundamentally caused by US-led NATO expansion, and the continent is now experiencing its most dangerous situation since the Cold War, and with the unilateral anti-Russia sanctions dominated by the US, global supply chains have been seriously damaged and many countries have suffered from rarely seen high inflation, Xu said.  

Facing such an unprecedented, complicated external situation, the CPC still needs to make sure that the Second Centenary Goal it promised to the people of China can be accomplished, and analysts say this requires the CPC to have very high capability in both internal governance and in handing external affairs.

Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times that "in the previous era from the end of the Cold War to the early 2000s, the world was generally stable, and major powers still had some consensus on development and security. China was following the trend of globalization, but now, the situation has changed, and the Western-dominated globalization sees many problems and potential risks."

"It's time for China to actively guide the direction of the reform and improvement of globalization," Wang noted.

"The world is expecting China, a responsible major power with strength and wisdom, to provide solutions to the problems troubling the globe. China won't dominate the world order like a hegemon, but it can contribute certainty and stability to balance out the damage caused by the chaos and turbulence worldwide, because China is approaching the center of the international arena," said Zhang Shuhua, director of the Institute of Political Sciences of the hinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will provide the Party's answer to questions from not only the Chinese people, but also the world about China's future.

The seventh plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee that ended on October 12 has analyzed the current situation and tasks, and hosted in-depth discussions on major issues including upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics on the new journey in the new era, and building a modern socialist country in all respects. It has made full reparations for the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress, according to the communiqué of the plenary session. 

People visit an exhibition about China's victory over poverty at the National Museum of China on April 8, 2021. Photos: IC

People visit an exhibition about China's victory over poverty at the National Museum of China on April 8, 2021. Photos: IC

Promises and tasks

On its new journey toward the Second Centenary Goal, the CPC has made a clear and encouraging plan to reach such a great goal stage by stage. 

In his report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, President Xi said, "Based on a comprehensive analysis of the international and domestic environments and the conditions for China's development, we have drawn up a two-stage development plan for the period from 2020 to the middle of this century."

"In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation created by the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized," and "In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, we will, building on having basically achieved modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful," Xi said.

Shen said the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will have a clear systematic arrangement for the core leadership of the Party, and this will guarantee stability, certainty and consistency for the next stage.

President Xi said in November 2020 that "China's economy has the hope and potential to maintain long-term stable development."

Residents in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province, enjoy the sunrise in the Shenzhen Bay Park on October 1, 2022. Photo: VCG

Residents in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province, enjoy the sunrise in the Shenzhen Bay Park on October 1, 2022.  Photo: VCG

It is "completely possible" for China to meet the current standards for high-income countries by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period and to double the total economic volume or per capita income by 2035, Xi said.

Zhu Guangyao, former Chinese vice minister of finance, told Xinhua that this means the per capita GDP in 2035 would at least have doubled the volume in 2019 and reach $20,000.

Wang said that in order to accomplish such a task, China will no longer maintain the old development model and will require a new one driven by innovation with a greater global vision. "China's reform will promote the reform of the world, and China's high-quality development will boost the high-quality development alongside the routes of the Belt and Road, and will also guide the new rules-making for the future globalization and regional integration. This is a challenge we will face but also a mission that we must accomplish in the next stage."

Shen echoed that the new development model will be "green and sustainable," and after realizing the economic growth, the Party needs to make the growth transfer to the concrete wellbeing and livelihood improvement, so it requires a more advanced distribution system, which makes the distribution process and result fairer and more rightful.

In the field of science and technology, China needs to tackle its weaknesses and utilize its advantages to effectively overcome the problem of being suppressed by hegemonic sanctions in specific high-tech areas, Shen said.

According to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, by the end of the first stage from 2020 to 2035, "China's economic and technological strength will have increased significantly, making China a global leader in innovation."

The biggest challenge to such a goal, domestically, is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development, which requires more decisive reforms; externally, it's the suppression and containment strategy launched by the US, and China needs to find more effective solutions in the next stage, analysts said. 

The national reunification would also be a mission that must be accomplished. According to the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, "achieving China's full reunification is essential to realizing national rejuvenation." 

There is no timetable or deadline so far to clearly state when the Taiwan question will be solved, but Shen said that after the 20th CPC National Congress, the roadmap for China to solve this question will be much clearer and distinct, because this question won't last forever, and "the question won't be left to the next generation, as it's likely to be solved in this generation." 

In order to accomplish these missions, the Party and the country need a loyal, powerful and modernized military force with undoubtable combat capability that's able to deter and defeat all kinds of enemies and external threats, and to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In other words, it provides strategic support to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, experts said. 

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) will celebrate its centenary in 2027, and by that time, the Chinese military force will see significant improvement, and experts believe that in the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress, the Party will further define the tasks and missions for the military in the next stage. 

Source of strength 

From economic growth to sci-tech development and military modernization, as well as reform on governance system, there is no easy task and all of them require efforts, wisdom and courage, especially under the impact of the pandemic and in a world with profound change and serious turbulence. Apart from China, there is hardly any other major power able to set such an ambitious goal. 

Why is China so confident? Analysts said the most fundamental reason is that China has the leadership of the CPC, and the CPC has a strong core of leadership, and this is also the reason why China has achieved extraordinary goals in the past 10 years and also the past century.

Having a strong core leadership has always been the Party's key advantage that has helped it overcome serious challenges, such as finishing the Long March in the 1930s and winning the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the 1950s. It's also a key strength that allowed the Party to achieve historic goals such as the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and kicking off the reform and opening-up in 1978, analysts said.

Strong cores of leadership like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have guaranteed the Party's survival and victories again and again, and in the new era and the new journey amid the world with profound change unseen in a century, such rich experience and tradition will surely be inherited, experts said.

A visitor looks at statues of earlier generations of revolutionaries at the site of the First National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai on Thursday when restoration at the site finished and it is reopened to the public as a museum. Photo: Yang Hui/GT

A visitor looks at statues of earlier generations of revolutionaries at the site of the First National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai on Thursday when restoration at the site finished and it is reopened to the public as a museum. Photo: Yang Hui/GT

Shen said a strong core of leadership with high certainty is a great comparative advantage for the CPC and China, which allows China to maintain consistency and stability on its strategy and policy-making.

Chinese analysts said that with General Secretary Xi at the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole Party, the CPC has proved that it is able to handle serious challenges and achieve historic goals.

Without such a strong core of leadership to continually lead the whole Party and the country, China might not have been able to successfully control the COVID-19 epidemic and prevent its huge impact on the economy and people's lives like what happened in many Western countries, especially the US which so far has recorded more than 1 million COVID deaths, and China might not have been able to handle the trade war launched by the US in 2018 and retaliate US' provocations in the South China Sea and on the Taiwan question, and also might not even have been able to successfully restore peace and order in Hong Kong after the 2019 turmoil, analysts said. 

For a great nation with a huge population and territory like China, many policies will need years or even decades to show effects, so it's essential to maintain stable leadership, so that the country will have a more long-term and consistent policymaking strategy, and many goals that require long-term efforts can also be realized, Shen noted. 

In comparison with the US, China's political system with one ruling party that has a strong and consistent leadership is definitely better than the two-party system that frequently changes leadership with great uncertainty, Shen said.

The upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will elect a new CPC Central Committee and a new CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, according to Xinhua. 

The congress will be an event with historic significance in the new journey that the Party and all Chinese people will take marching toward the Second Centenary Goal, and the leadership of the CPC is the biggest advantage of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Xu said. 

Xu stressed that "the congress will make scientific arrangements and plans for the Party and the country's development in the next five years and even a longer period and for the future of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."
The rising way - How did CPC lead China from poverty to ... The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress on October 16 to bring China's development to . Source link

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Friday 14 October 2022

Chipmaker rout engulfs TSMC, Samsung with US$240 bil wiped out after US imposed curbs on China's access to semiconductor technology



TOKYO (Oct 11): Chip-related stocks in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan slumped, contributing to a wipeout of more than US$240 billion (RM1.12 trillion) from the sector's global market value after the Biden administration imposed curbs on China's access to semiconductor technology.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC), the world's largest contract chipmaker, plunged a record 8.3% on Tuesday. Samsung Electronics Co and Tokyo Electron Ltd also tumbled on concerns over US efforts to ensure international cooperation will crimp their ability to export to China.

The sell-off spread to currency markets. South Korea's won slumped more than 1.6% versus the greenback while the Taiwan dollar dropped 0.7% amid losses in their stock markets.

"We believe short-term uncertainties over foundry demand will increase, as China is the world's second-largest cloud computing market," Phelix Lee, an equity analyst at Morningstar Inc, wrote in a note. "The new shock may further dampen sentiment in a sector that is already ravaged by weak consumer electronics demand."

The curbs are expected to have far-reaching implications. For companies with plants in China — including non-US ones — the rules will create additional hurdles and require government sign-off. The move is also set to fuel a knock-on impact across the sector's supply chain and add to a growing list of challenges for technology shares including a hawkish Federal Reserve and tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

The US announced the export curbs on Friday, and there have been suggestions that similar actions may be deployed in other countries to ensure international cooperation. The announcement spurred a two-day rout of over 9% in the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semiconductor Index that saw it close on Monday at its lowest level since November 2020. Markets in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan were shut that day for holidays.

Samsung lost as much as 3.9%, the most in a year. South Korea's SK Hynix Inc, one of the world's largest makers of memory chips that has facilities in China — is part of a supply network that sends components around the world. Its shares slid 3.5% before paring losses.

The current rout has already wiped out more than US$240 billion from chip stocks worldwide since Thursday's close, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The curbs were a "big setback to China" and "bad news" for global semiconductors, Nomura Holdings Inc analyst David Wong wrote in a note on Monday. China's localisation efforts might also be "at risk as it may not be able to use advanced foundries in Taiwan and Korea", he wrote.

Shares of Chinese chipmakers extended their recent losses on Tuesday, with Morgan Stanley saying that the broader restrictions around supercomputers and multinational capital investment in China could be "disruptive".

Chinese state media and officials have responded to Biden's move in recent days, warning of economic consequences and stirring speculation about potential retaliation.

"The latest US move would prompt China to move faster in fostering the domestic chip industry," said Omdia analyst Akira Minamikawa. "Japanese firms should be ready for a future — maybe in a decade or two — when they lose all the Chinese customers as a result of the current tension dialing up speed of the Chinese efforts."

The measures seek to stop China's drive to develop its own chip industry and advance its military capabilities. They include restrictions on the export of some types of chips used in artificial intelligence and supercomputing and tighten rules on the sale of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to any Chinese company.

The US is seeking to ensure that Chinese companies do not transfer technology to the country's military and that chipmakers in China do not develop the capability to make advanced semiconductors themselves.

"With the latest measure, it would become difficult for China to manufacture and develop semiconductors because most semiconductor equipment are dominated by US and its allies, such as Japan and Netherlands," Chae Minsook, an analyst at Korea Investment & Securities, wrote in a report. "It is impossible to maintain the chip industry without adopting advanced equipments." - Bloomberg 


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Chinese industry body urges US to rectify mistake over chip ban, as global firms face chaos

From laying off workers to expecting hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, global chipmakers, including those in the US, are starting to bear the brunt of the chaos caused by what has been described as the “harshest” US ban on chip technology to China. 


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Go forth and multiply OH FATHER !


Nick Cannon, Elon Musk, Alec Baldwin and other celebrities who have fathered many children.

AMERICAN billionaire entrepreneur and Tesla chief executive Elon Musk, 51, made jaws drop several months ago when it was revealed that he secretly welcomed twins in November 2021, taking his kid count to nine.

The mother is Shivon Zilis, a 36-year-old Canadian project director at his Neuralink company.

The twins’ arrival came just weeks before Musk and his former partner, Canadian singer Grimes, welcomed a baby girl, Exa, via a surrogate in December 2021.

They also share a two-year-old son, X.

Musk already has five children with his first wife Justine Wilson, including Griffin, 18, and 16-yearold triplets Kai, Damian and Sax.

Another of their children, 18, legally changed her name to disassociate herself from Musk earlier this year.

In 2002, their first child, a boy, died at 10 weeks of sudden infant death syndrome.

Musk has strong opinions on increasing the birth rate.

At Wall Street Journal’s annual CEO Council in December last year, he stated that there are “not enough people” in the world.

In what seemed to be a response to his latest baby news, he tweeted: “Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis. A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilisation faces by far.”

He added in a follow-up tweet: “I hope you have big families and congrats to those who already do.”

Musk is ranked by Forbes as the world’s richest person with an estimated net worth of US$237.1bil (RM1.1tril).

He recently announced plans to “significantly” increase childcare benefits at his companies.

He tweeted: “Kids are worth it if at all possible.” Here are several celebrities sowing their seeds with wild abandon. 


Here are several celebrities sowing their seeds with wild abandon.

Nick Cannon, 41 Kid count: 10

Also sharing Musk’s fatherhood goals is American actor Nick Cannon, who chimed in after Musk’s tweet, saying: “Right there with you, my brother.”

Cannon has had kids with six different women, only one of whom he married but eventually divorced.

And none of them was an accident, he has claimed.

Cannon shares twins Moroccan and Monroe with ex-wife Mariah Carey, twins Zion and Zillion with DJ Abby De La Rosa.

In July, he and model Bre Tiesi welcomed their first child, Legendary Love, together.

On Sept 14, he and model Lanisha Cole welcomed daughter Onyx Ice Cole.

Cannon shares son Golden and daughter Powerful Queen with model Brittany Bell. On Oct 30, they welcomed their third – Cannon’s 10th – child, Rise Messiah.

He also fathered a son, Zen, with model Alyssa Scott, but the child died in December 2021 at five months old after being diagnosed with brain cancer.

After the tragic loss, Cannon, who has said that he does not feel monogamy is healthy, announced he would be celibate for a while and reportedly went for a vasectomy consultation.

Obviously, that was short-lived. You really cannot keep a man like Cannon down. At least, not until he turns 45, the age when he feels he “should chill”.

On the Big Tigger Morning Show, he got candid about what it is like to co-parent with multiple women.

Asked if “all the baby mamas get along”, he replied: “They don’t have to, they all get along with me.”

When the radio host brought up that Cannon takes maternity photos with each of the mothers, Cannon said he believes “everyone deserves that”.

“I don’t keep secrets. They know how I move. I multitask,” he added.

As for whether he sees any additional kids in his future, he quipped: “Isn’t there always? I just want to be responsible as a father... The best I can possibly be, and lean into it.

“I love children, but I wasn’t setting out to be Father Abraham, I just embrace it.”

On Instagram, Cannon jokingly hyped up his profile piece in a recent issue of Men’s Health magazine by posting: “We discuss that there is nothing more healthy than a virile man. Go forth and multiply.”

In the article itself, he opened up about how he stays present in each of his kids’ lives and takes immense pride in it.

He said: “Contrary to popular belief, I’m probably engaged throughout my children’s day, more often than the average adult can be. If I’m not physically in the same city with my kids, I’m talking to them before they go to school via FaceTime.

“When I am (in the same city, I’m) driving my kids to school, making sure I pick them up.”

He added that he is present for their extracurricular activities. “I’m involved in everything - from coaching to having guitar lessons with my daughter every week.”

Alec Baldwin, 64 Kid count: Seven

The Baldwin bunch sure is getting bigger, with American actor Alec Baldwin and his yoga instructor wife Hilaria, 38, welcoming their seventh child, a girl, on Sept 24.

Ilaria Catalina Irena joins her siblings Carmen, nine, Rafael, seven, Leonardo, six, Romeo, four, Eduardo, two, and Maria, one (via surrogate).

Baldwin posted a clip of Maria on Instagram in April and captioned it: “People ask why. This is why. Being a parent is the ultimate journey.”

He also shares model-daughter Ireland Baldwin, 26, with his former wife, actress Kim Basinger.

The new baby comes at a stressful time for the sexagenarian, who has found himself embroiled in a wrongful death lawsuit.

In October last year, he accidentally misfired a prop gun on the set of western film Rust, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

At the time of the new pregnancy announcement in March, the couple told People magazine: “We have ‘somos un buen equipo’ engraved on our wedding bands.

“We say that to each other all the time at home – that we’re a good team.

“One of the most beautiful things our children have experienced with a big family is how the heart can grow with every new sibling.

“Our capacity to love continues to expand and we can’t wait to embrace our new little one this fall.”

Taylor Hanson, 39 Kid count: Seven

The American singer-musician and one-time teen heartthrob was the face of 1990s pop boy band Hanson, alongside his brothers Isaac, 41, and Zac, 36.

Today, the trio of young dads – who are the elder three of seven siblings – have 15 children between them.

Taylor has the most, having welcomed seven children – Ezra, 19, Penelope, 17, River, 15, Viggo, 13, Wilhelmina, nine, Indiana, three, and Maybellene, 18 months – with wife Natalie, 38.

But his notoriously prolific progeny will cease to increase.

He told ET Online: “We’ve all been incredibly blessed with amazing kids and families. I’ve always taken it one at a time, that led us to seven, so I’m just going to hold right now.”

For now, the group – best known for their catchy 1997 hit MMMBop – are celebrating 30 years together.

They released their latest album Red Green Blue in May, but have still managed to prioritise family life while on the road touring.

Taylor told People magazine: “The job of being a dad is to sacrifice everything you want for that kid.

“I may be in the middle of meeting some famous musician but, sorry, I’ve got to call my daughter and talk to her about her day.”

Eddie Murphy, 61 Kid count: 10

When it comes to quantity, the Hollywood star can tell everyone else to hold his beer.

Like Cannon, Murphy co-parents his whopping brood with five women.

He had two sons back to back with two then-girlfriends around the end of the 1980s – Eric, 33, with Paulette McNeely, and Christian, 31, with Tamara Hood.

Meanwhile, former wife Nicole Mitchell is the mother of five of his children: Bria, 32, Miles, 29, Shayne, 27, Zola, 22, and Bella, 20.

Murphy then fathered Angel, 15, with former Spice Girl and British singer Melanie Brown, and has a six-year-old girl Izzy and four-yearold son Max with his current fiancee, Australian model Paige Butcher, 43.

The comedian is used to getting split reactions when people learn he has 10 kids.

He quipped on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2019: “Men look at me like, ‘He’s crazy. How much did that cost?’

In an interview with British newspaper The Mirror in 2021, he said his kids always come before his career, calling them the “centre of everything”.

He added: “The idea of being out there and doing three movies a year, that’s over... I realised that if you put your children first, you never make a bad decision.

“I am so blessed with my kids, I don’t have one bad seed. I don’t have any like, ‘Oh, you are the one.’

“My kids are so great, normal people and nobody is like the Hollywood jerk kid.”

– The Straits Times/Asia News Network 


Why we’re so shocked, bothered, by Nick Cannon’s growing family


SURPRISE! Or maybe not – Nick Cannon has welcomed another child, Rise Messiah Cannon, to his rapidly growing family – his 10th child, and third with Brittany Bell.

— Nick cannon/Instagram cannon with six of his 10 children.

“Another Blessing!!!” he announced in a lengthy Instagram post, which expressed gratitude for “a family dynamic that to some is unimaginable.”

Cannon, an actor, musician and TV host, has been making headlines for having multiple babies with different women in a short period of time, which he has said is “no accident”.

Each pregnancy was planned and intentional, and his relationships with the mothers of his children are healthy and consensual, Cannon says. Yet his choice to father these children has been treated as comedic fodder while raising a plethora of concerns.

Untraditional families exist all around us every day. But when it comes to a celebrity like Cannon, we tend to judge them more harshly.

Everyone has something to say, including fans, critics and even fellow stars like Vivica A. Fox (“I don’t like it,” she said in August. “The foundation of Black families, especially a strong father figure is needed.”)

“The public loves to express their opinions, because it makes them feel like part of the story,” says Donna Rockwell, a clinical psychologist and CEO and founder of Already Famous.

“When we see behavior outside the norm in the lives of celebrities, we shake our heads, pass judgement... and write it off as ‘typical’ celebrity entitlement.”

But does this make our judgements justified?

Is there a problem with Nick Cannon’s take on fatherhood?

When asked about his emotional involvement as a father, Cannon has insisted “if I’m not physically in the same city with my kids, I’m talking to them before they go to school via FaceTime and stuff. And then when I am, I’m driving my kids to school, making sure I pick them up”.

A quick scroll through his Instagram page exemplifies the love and pride he holds for his kids, and many of the mothers have praised Cannon’s presence.

This fixation on his family is unsurprising to Rockwell.

Any time someone in the public eye behaves in a way that deviates from the norm, like having many children from different households, “we as the public hang onto every detail” and treat it as gossip.

But aside from it being unconventional, some experts worry this dynamic is detrimental.

If his 10 kids, ages 11 and younger, live in different households, many wonder how Cannon can possibly be there, physically and emotionally, for each child.

Barbara La Pointe, a relationship coach who primarily works with families dealing with divorce and separation, worries Cannon is “unconsciously creating a legacy of generational trauma”.

Though there is less research on Cannon’s approach to fatherhood, studies have shown that a child’s emotional well-being is influenced by a secure relationship with their parents, as well as by the quality of that relationship.

In addition, relationship strategist Zakiya Knighten worries for his children’s mothers who, despite going into these relationships willingly, may also be at risk for higher stress levels and mental health problems. In a now-deleted Instagram story, one of Cannon’s partners said she had been awake for three days taking care of their baby, raising questions on social media about Cannon’s whereabouts.

Are we being too judgmental of Nick Cannon?

Contrary to popular belief, Cannon is not the first celebrity to father multiple children with different women.

Actor Clint Eastwood is thought to have eight known children with six different women, his daughter told The Sunday Times.

Similarly, Elon Musk has joked about “(helping) the underpopulation crisis” with his 10 children, two with singer Grimes, two with Shivon Zilis, an executive at Musk’s Neuralink, and six with his first wife, Justine Wilson.

The difference, however, is that Cannon proudly embraces his lifestyle of nonconventional fatherhood and rejects traditional monogamy, even challenging those who are skeptical.

“That’s a Eurocentric concept when you think about the ideas of you’re supposed to have this one person for the rest of your life,” Cannon said in August.

“I understand the institution of marriage if we go back to what that was about . ... I don’t have ownership of any of the mothers. We create families in the sense of we created a beautiful entity.”

It’s tempting to speculate about a phenomenon that makes little sense to many.

But, as Rockwell reminds, the reality of celebrity culture is that we only catch a glimpse of their personal lives.

Without knowing the intimate details, we as outsiders will never truly know how worrisome – or how functional – Cannon’s family of 10 actually is - 


Elon Musk Wants You to Go Forth and Multiply - InsideHook

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Low levels testosterone are not an inevitable part of ageing


Decreasing testosterone levels are not an inevitable part of ageing for men | The Star

Low levels of this hormone are not an inevitable part of ageing for men, but part of a syndrome that should be treated.

WHEN it comes to menopause, many people assume that only women will experience it.

But over the last few decades, there has been increasing recognition of a so-called “male menopause” or andropause, which generally refers to male androgen deficiency or testosterone deficiency syndrome.

Testosterone deficiency syndrome, also known as late onset hypogonadism, is a condition in which men do not produce enough testosterone, which is a major male hormone or androgen.

This results in psychological, emotional and sexual dysfunction, and may affect multiple organ systems, resulting in serious health consequences for the man.

In the past, it was thought that patients with testosterone deficiency syndrome were generally older men, but in fact, it can occur in men of different age groups, including young and middle-aged men.

Not limited by age

Testosterone plays a key role in male libido, muscle mass, and mental and physical strength.

Many middle-aged men might have various symptoms of testosterone deficiency, but they may not be aware of the cause or choose to blame it on other reasons, such as ageing.

Indeed, from another point of view, the term “andropause” is not the most accurate term for patients with testosterone deficiency, as decreased testosterone levels are not an inevitable consequence of ageing.

But it is worth noting that testosterone levels do generally decline with age, as older men tend to have lower blood testosterone levels.

Testosterone deficiency mostly occurs between the ages of 45 to 60, but according to the data, the proportion of older people will be higher.

For men aged 45 and over, nearly 40% are affected by testosterone deficiency syndrome.

As for men over 80 years old, up to half will have this syndrome.

You might ask, why are younger men affected by testosterone deficiency syndrome as well?

The younger trend of testosterone deficiency syndrome is usually related to diseases; the unhealthy lifestyle of young people, including poor diet, smoking, alcoholism and lack of exercise; and/or drug use, such as the abuse of painkillers.

Diseases that can affect testosterone levels include obesity, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high lipid (fat) levels, mental illness and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency include:

> Decreased libido or sexual drive

> Difficulty getting and maintaining an erection

> Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

> Increased body fat and muscle loss

> Loss of bone density

> Depression

> Irritability

> Anxiety

> Restlessness

> Poor work performance

> Impaired memory

> Inability to concentrate

> Fatigue

> Lack of stamina and physical strength

> Insomnia or sleepiness

> Loss of appetite

> Constipation

> Skin atrophy, and

> Lower back pain.

As for physical signs, there will be a decrease in muscle mass throughout the body; an increase in subcutaneous fat, resulting in the patient appearing fatter, especially around the abdomen; hair that begins to turn white and become sparse; teeth and body hair that start to fall off; and the shrinking of testicles; as well as signs of breast enlargement in some patients.

In addition to physical and emotional changes, testosterone deficiency can lead to the onset or exacerbation of various diseases.

When a man has low testosterone levels, there is a greater risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, osteoporosis, anaemia and dementia.

Diagnosis and treatment

In many cases, the diagnosis of testosterone deficiency in a patient must first be based on clinical manifestations and symptoms.

Then it is necessary to check whether the testosterone level is low.

If the patient’s symptoms only improve during treatment, it confirms that the patient has developed testosterone deficiency syndrome and needs testosterone replacement treatment.

The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is to improve the patient’s symptoms and normalise his testosterone levels.

As of now, there are two medically-proven testosterone treatments available in Malaysia.

One involves a gel preparation, while the other is injected.

The gel preparation is applied on the skin of the upper arms, shoulders, inner thighs or abdomen.

The testosterone is then absorbed through the skin into the body.

The patient should not bathe or shower within an hour of using the gel formulation to ensure that the testosterone is fully absorbed by the body. It should be used daily so that the patient’s testosterone levels are stable, similar to the physiological blood levels produced by the testes.

The use of gel preparations should usually be the first choice for patients.

Meanwhile, the other type is given by intramuscular injections every few weeks or months.

Depending on the frequency of injections, symptoms may fluctuate between each dose.

The gel formulation has fewer side effects and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

However, certain testosterone injections may cause side effects such as pulmonary microembolisms – these have not been approved by the US FDA so far.

Benefits and cautions

Testosterone replacement therapy serves to help improve body composition by building muscle and reducing fat mass, including total body and visceral fat.

It can also help improve insulin sensitivity, thereby addressing metabolic syndrome and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, it can improve the patient’s sexual function; mood, including symptoms of depression; and energy and quality of life.

In terms of disease, testosterone supplementation can improve anaemia, and reduce death from all causes, including heart disease.

Testosterone supplementation is not suitable for patients with prostate cancer, sleep apnoea or polycythaemia (where haematocrit or haemoglobin is increased in the blood).

Therefore, patients must have their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels checked prior to beginning testosterone replacement therapy.

According to some early research, the use of testosterone supplements appeared to promote prostate cancer; however, there is no evidence of this in the latest research.

Nevertheless, patients are advised to have their PSA levels checked regularly after they start taking testosterone.

During the course of treatment, the doctor will also regularly check the patient’s haemoglobin and haematocrit levels.

These blood tests will help to see whether the patient’s blood has thickened, as haemoglobin and blood cells are more prone to abnormal rises in level with certain types of injectable testosterone.

In general, changes due to the treatment will occur within three to six months after treatment has commenced.

Patients need to be aware that testosterone supplementation therapy is a lifelong treatment, and testosterone supplementation can lead to a decrease in the amount of testosterone naturally produced by the body.

Don’t ignore symptoms

It is important to reiterate that testosterone deficiency is not an inevitable phenomenon of ageing.

In short, when a man, especially an elderly man, experiences testosterone deficiency symptoms, different health problems may occur as a result.

Therefore, its existence must not be ignored.

It is recommended to seek professional advice from a doctor as soon as possible if you have symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Get the right treatment to improve your health and quality of life.

Dr Tay Hui Sian is a consultant geriatrician. For more information, email The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only, and should not be considered as medical advice. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this article. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information. 





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An article well documented history written by a Malaysian to China.马来西亚人在写给中国人的一封信,解开了一个真相!


This article is written by a Malaysian. Very well documented history. Should be read by our youngsters, who are, by and large, worshippers of Western culture so as to get a better understanding of China, and the evils of the West.

一篇值得那些崇拜西方文化的年青人對中國多一層的瞭解與 認識。

The article is in both English & Chinese


作者 │ Aningo定居海外,独立评论员。


By a Malaysian:来自马来西亚人:

I'm from Malaysia. China has traded with Malaysia for 2000 years. In those years, they had been the world's biggest powers many times. Never once they sent troops to take our land. Admiral Zhenghe came to Malacca five times, in gigantic fleets, and a flagship eight times the size of Christopher Columbus' flagship, Santa Maria. He could have seized Malacca easily, but he did not. In 1511, the Portuguese came. In 1642, the Dutch came. In the 18th century the British came. We were colonised by each, one after another.


When China wanted spices from India, they traded with the Indians. When they wanted gems, they traded with the Persian. They didn't take lands. The only time China expanded beyond their current borders was in Yuan Dynasty, when Genghis and his descendants Ogedei Khan, Guyuk Khan & Kublai Khan conquered China, Mid Asia and Eastern Europe. But Yuan Dynasty, although being based in China, was a part of the Mongolian Empire.

当中国想要印度的香料时,他们与印度人进行贸易。当他们想要宝石时,他们与波斯人进行贸易。他们从不侵占土地。中国唯一一次扩张国界是在元朝,成吉思汗及其后代奥格代汗(Ogedei Khan)古尤克汗(Guyuk Khan)和忽必烈(Kublai Khan)征服了中国、中亚和东欧。但是,元朝虽属中国,却是蒙古帝国的一部分。

Then came the Century of Humiliation. Britain smuggled opium into China to dope the population, a strategy to turn the trade deficit around, after the British could not find enough silver to pay the Qing Dynasty in their tea and porcelain trades. After the opium warehouses were burned down and ports were closed by the Chinese in ordered to curb opium, the British started the Opium War I, which China lost. Hong Kong was forced to be surrendered to the British in a peace talk (Nanjing Treaty). The British owned 90% of the opium market in China, during that time, Queen Victoria was the world's biggest drug baron. The remaining 10% was owned by American merchants from Boston. Many of Boston's institutions were built with profit from opium.


After 12 years of Nanjing Treaty, the West started getting really really greedy. The British wanted the Qing government:

1. To open the borders of China to allow goods coming in and out freely, and tax free.

2. Make opium legal in China.


Insane requests, Qing government said no. The British and French, with supports from the US and Russia from behind, started Opium War II with China, which again, China lost. The Anglo-French military raided the Summer Palace, and threatened to burn down the Imperial Palace, the Qing government was forced to pay with ports, free business zones, 300,000 kilograms of silver and Kowloon was taken. Since then, China's resources flew out freely through these business zones and ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaties, Chinese people were sold overseas to serve as labor.


In 1900, China suffered attacks by the 8-National Alliance(Japan, Russia, Britain, France, USA, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary). Innocent Chinese civilians in Peking (Beijing now) were murdered, buildings were destroyed & women were raped. The Imperial Palace was raided, and treasures ended up in museums like the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris.

In late 1930s China was occupied by the Japanese in WWII. Millions of Chinese died during the occupancy. 300,000 Chinese died in Nanjing Massacre alone.


Mao brought China together again from the shambles. There were peace and unity for some time.

Then came Deng Xiao Ping and his famous “black-cat and white-cat” story. His preference in pragmatism than ideologies has transformed China. This thinking allowed China to evolve all the time to adapt to the actual needs in the country, instead of rigidly bounded to ideologies.

The current Socialism+Meritocracy+Market Economy model fits the Chinese like gloves, and it propels the uprise of China. Singapore has a similar model, and has been arguably more successful than Hong Kong, because Hong Kong being gateway to China, was riding on the economic boom in China, while Singapore had no one to gain from.


In just 30 years, the CCP have moved 800 millions of people out from poverty. The rate of growth is unprecedented in human history. They have built the biggest mobile network, by far the biggest high speed rail network in the world, and they have become a behemoth in infrastructure. They made a fishing village called Shenzhen into the world's second largest technological centre after the Silicon Valley. They are growing into a technological power house. It has the most elaborate e-commerce and cashless payment system in the world. They have launched exploration to Mars. The Chinese are living a good life and China has become one of the safest countries in the world. The level of patriotism in the country has reached an unprecedented height.


For all of the achievements, the West has nothing good to say about it. China suffers from intense anti-China propagandas from the West. Western Media used the keyword “Communist” to instil fear and hatred towards China. Everything China does is negatively reported.

They claimed China used slave labor in making iPhones. The truth was, Apple was the most profitable company in the world, it took most of the profit, leave some to Foxconn (a Taiwanese company) and little to the labor.


They claimed China was inhuman with one-child policy. At the same time, they accused China of polluting the earth with its huge population. The fact is the Chinese consume just 30% of energy per capita compared to the US.

They claimed China underwent ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang. The fact is China has a policy which priorities ethnic minorities. For a long time, the ethnic minorities were allowed to have two children and the majority Han only allowed one. The minorities are allowed a lower score for university intakes. There are 39,000 mosque in China, and 2100 in the US. China has about 3 times more mosque per muslim than the US.



When terrorist attacks happened in Xinjiang, China had two choices:1. Re-educate the Uighur extremists before they turned terrorists.2. Let them be, after they launch attacks and killed innocent people, bomb their homes.China chose 1 to solve problem from the root and not to do killing. How the US solve terrorism? Fire missiles from battleships, drop bombs from the sky.

当新疆发生恐怖袭击时,中国有两个选择:1.在极端分子成为恐怖分子之前,对他们进行再教育。2.让极端分子在发动恐怖袭击和杀害无辜民众之后,轰炸他们。中国选择1,从根源上解决问题,而不是杀生。美国如何解决恐怖主义问题? 从战舰上发射导弹,从空中投下炸弹。

During the pandemic, when China took extreme measures to lockdown the people, they were accused of being inhuman.When China recovered swiftly because of the extreme measures, they were accused of lying about the actual numbers.When China's cases became so low that they could provide medical support to other countries, they were accused of politically motivated.

Western Media always have reasons to bash China.

在新冠疫情期间, 当中国采取封锁的措施时,他们被指责为不人道。而当中国因为采取积极措施而迅速恢复时,他们又被指责谎报实际数字。当中国的病例变得如此之低,以至于他们可以向其他国家提供医疗支持时,他们被指责具有政治动机。西方媒体总能找到借口抨击中国。

Just like any country, there are irresponsible individuals from China which do bad and dirty things, but the China government overall has done very well. But I hear this comment over and over by people from the West: I like Chinese people, but the CCP is evil. What they really want is the Chinese to change the government, because the current one is too good.


Fortunately China is not a multi-party democratic country, otherwise the opposition party in China will be supported by notorious NGOs (Non-Government Organization) of the USA, like the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), to topple the ruling party. The US and the British couldn't crack Mainland China, so they work on Hong Kong. Of all the ex-British colonial countries, only the Hong Kongers were offered BNOs by the British. Because the UK would like the Hong Kongers to think they are British citizens, not Chinese. A divide-and-conquer strategy, which they often used in Color Revolutions around the world.


They resort to low dirty tricks like detaining Huawei's CFO & banning Huawei. They raised a silly trade war which benefits no one. Trade deficit always exist between a developing and a developed country. USA is like a luxury car seller who ask a farmer: why am I always buying your vegetables and you haven't bought any of my cars?


When the Chinese were making socks for the world 30 years ago, the world let it be. But when Chinese started to make high technology products, like Huawei and DJI, it caused red-alert. Because when Western and Japanese products are equal to Chinese in technologies, they could never match the Chinese in prices. First world countries want China to continue in making socks. Instead of stepping up themselves, they want to pull China down.



The recent movement by the US against China has a very important background. When Libya, Iran, and China decided to ditch the US dollar in oil trades, Gaddafi's was killed by the US, Iran was being sanctioned by the US, and now it's China's turn. The US has been printing money out of nothing. The only reason why the US Dollar is still widely accepted, is because it's the only currency which oil is allowed to be traded with. The US has an agreement with Saudi that oil must be traded in US dollar ONLY. Without the petrol-dollar status, the US dollars will sink, and America will fall. Therefore anyone trying to disobey this order will be eliminated. China will soon use a gold-backed crypto-currency, the alarms in the White House go off like mad.



China's achievement has been by hard work. Not by looting the world.

I have deep sympathy for China for all the suffering, but now I feel happy for them.

China is not rising, they are going back to where they belong.

Good luck China.






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