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Wednesday 5 October 2022


Being in the company of loved ones will prompt the release of happiness hormones — Photos: dpa  

A homemade guacamole made from avocado not tastes good but also helps the body builds up its serotonin levels

The key to happiness is to feed your hormones. this is what you can do to help boost your serotonin levels and banish a bad mood.

WE ALL get out of bed on the wrong side some mornings: The coffee tastes bitter, the commute is exasperating, and our co-workers seem bent on getting under our skin. What’s wrong? It’s probably the day’s mixture of our body’s chemical cocktail.

Chemical messengers – neurotransmitters and hormones – determine how we feel. Neurotransmitters carry signals from one nerve cell across a small gap to the next nerve, muscle or gland cell, while hormones are conveyed via the bloodstream.

Some chemical messengers act as both neurotransmitters and hormones, interact with each other and influence our mood. Four of them – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins – are often dubbed “happiness hormones”.

“The ‘motivation hormone’ dopamine, for instance, is released when we tackle new tasks, are surprised or are looking forward to something positive,” says neuroscientist and author Friederike Fabritius.

Serotonin, on the other hand, is a neurotransmitter that keeps us even-keeled and content. Our body produces it when we socially interact – or feel like a winner.”

Oxytocin, for its part, is released during pleasant physical contact, while endorphins are, in effect, endogenous opioids.

A feeling of well-being depends on the mixture of the body’s chemical cocktail at a particular moment. Many of the processes involved in the production and release of feel-good chemicals are highly complex and haven’t been studied in detail. Be that as it may, is it possible to give them a boost?

Happily, the answer is yes. But if you’re looking for a magic formula, you’ll be disappointed. When it comes to hacking your happiness hormones, there’s no getting round well-known health recommendations such as exercise and sport.

“When we push our body to the limit, it releases endorphins,” says Dr Andreas Michalsen, chief physician in the Department of Internal and Naturopathic Medicine at Immanuel Hospital in Berlin. “We know this from ‘runner’s high’ and the mild euphoria that arises on the second or third day of fasting.”

Sport also elevates dopamine levels, according to Fabritius, “but not, unfortunately, when you engage in it very reluctantly.” So don’t expect to feel a high if you’ve got to drag yourself out the door in nasty weather to go for your run.

There are other ways to get a dopamine kick though: Set goals, whether personal or job-related, and work towards them. Or plan pleasant undertakings.

“Dopamine is released in anticipation of something positive,” Fabritius says. “Beforehand, in other words, when you’re planning an activity.”

Food and our mood

Diet can affect your body’s chemical messengers too. “We know that some foods don’t do people good and put a damper on their spirits,” points out Michalsen. Among them, he says, are highly processed foods with saturated fat or sugar, so fast food is bad for your mood.

Other foods are mood-enhancing. “Foods such as soya, cashews, bananas, dates, avocados, legumes, oat flakes and mozzarella contain L-tryptophan,” says Michalsen, explaining that it’s an essential amino acid – meaning it can’t be synthesised by the body and must therefore come from our diet – and helps to normalise serotonin levels.

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi and kombucha are beneficial as well. The reason is that many chemical messengers are produced in our gut, and these foods have a positive effect on the processes involved.

“There’s now even a branch of medicine called nutritional psychiatry,” notes Michalsen. “It studies the connections between diet, the gut microbiome and mood.

Well-being isn’t just about what you’ve got on your plate though, but also who’s at the table with you. If you’re in the company of loved ones, laughing and feeling comfortable, this will prompt the release of happiness hormones too.



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As losses to scammers mount, users and service providers such as banks need to drastically raise security levels.  

There is a need for heightened awareness and education about scams among the public

ONLINE banking fraud is a hot topic of the day. Not only are the case numbers rising, the amount of money being scammed is reaching eye popping levels.

Many Malaysians with online banking facilities are increasingly worried about cybercrime.

In the first seven months of 2022, Malaysians have lost about Rm415mil to scammers. 

The problem had become so bad that Bank Negara stepped in this week to issue a strict directive to all Malaysian banks to migrate away from the use of Sms-based authentication in online banking services.

The police are getting more vocal about the problem, providing updates on arrests being made and constantly dishing out advice to the public on ways to avoid getting scammed.

The banks, in the past few days, have also issued statements, talking about how they are raising their defences against cybercrime.

But, what went wrong in the first place for the situation to reach this level?

And, will the new steps that banks are taking help stem the problem?

Datuk Khairussaleh Ramli, the group president and chief executive officer of Malaysia’s biggest bank, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) tells Starbizweek this: “With the rise in ecommerce activity spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic, and as more consumers prefer to transact online, fraudsters are taking the opportunity to find new ways to scam unsuspecting users.

“The increasing risk of cyber attacks and the potential impact on banks and their customers is a top concern. This has been elevated with the rise in more sophisticated scams such as ‘smishing’ (phishing via SMS) and malicious software (malware) scams impersonating banks recently.”

Ho Siew Kei, cyber risk leader of Deloitte Malaysia, reckons that 70% of commercial crime cases now can be categorised as cybercrime cases.

It appears that the problem lies with the usage of SMS in online banking transactions.

Many Malaysian banks have been using SMS one-time passwords or dubbed OTPS for online financial services.

Users need to key-in authentication OTP codes, obtained through SMS, to a browser or a mobile application to carry out their online banking transactions.

However, fraudsters have been able to get control of these codes from the devices of some customers.

It all starts when a user unknowingly downloads malicious applications or clicks on links that eventually leads to the installation of malware.

Such users are enticed to follow such links sometimes due to a promise of receiving a reward or other benefits.

Fraudsters, through the malware, will then be able to intercept sensitive information, including banking credentials and credit card numbers.

It also allows fraudsters to intercept messages being sent to the device such as the OTPS received for online transactions.

Upon obtaining the OTPS, fraudsters may also delete the SMS from the device, which often leaves victims believing they did not receive any SMS.

With this method, fraudsters are able to get control over users’ bank accounts. This can lead to financial scams that often occur without the knowledge of the victims

Sea: The better technology is widely available ranging from the use of QR codes to the use of external dongles

According to Sea Chong Seak, chief technology officer of cyber security firm Securemetric Bhd, the problem seems to lie not so much with attacks against banks’ systems or networks but rather due to the weaknesses that exist in the security of end users’ devices.

Users that download suspicious apps or go into questionable links through their mobile devices create an entry point for the fraudsters, owing to the low security control, he says.

“This is why banks need to move away from the usage of SMS OTPS in the authentication processes. The better technology is widely available ranging from the use of QR codes to the use of external dongles,” says Sea.

Sea cites the case of Citibank Malaysia that uses QR codes and biometrics in it authentication processes as an example.

Meanwhile, Maybank points out that it has introduced the usage of Secure2u since April 2017 for an alternative secure authentication method.

“It is a safer and more convenient way for Maybank customers to authorise transactions relating to account opening, fund transfers and payments on its online banking services mobile applications, using onetap approval and a six-digit transaction authorisation code (TAC) number generated on its applications,” says Khairussaleh.

For better protection against cybercrimes, Khairussaleh says: “Currently, we only allow one Secure2u device per account holder to prevent fraudsters completing financial transactions without authorisation from the registered device.”

However, it should be noted that while more secure authentication technologies have been available to banks, the usage of SMS OTP has been largely used because of the ease of use for customers. This also helped banks migrate its customers into online banking. The usage of dongles or other technologies would have also meant higher costs to the banks.

Ho Siew Kei, cyber risk leader at Deloitte Malaysia, says that while Bank Negara’s decision to nudge financial institutions towards more sophisticated authentication methods is a step in the right direction, there will be challenges due to the widespread use of more traditional devices at this point in time.

“However, as older devices are replaced by devices that are affordable yet are more advanced and able to support the latest technology, we should see adoption of the advanced security features become commonplace,” he says.

In replies to questions from Starbizweek with regard to the usage of SMS OTP in online financial transactions, Mohd Rashid Mohamad, group managing director and CEO of RHB Bank Bhd, says: “It takes into account the needs of various segments of customer demographics, including those who do not own smartphones or do not have access to data and Internet connections.”

Rashid says RHB Bank views fraudulent activities and financial scams very seriously, and is consistently enhancing its security measures.

However, he believes there is a need for heightened awareness and education about scams and frauds among customers.

“It is equally important that customers are kept informed on the latest scam and fraud trends so that they are aware of potential threats and therefore able to avoid becoming victims,” he says.

RHB Bank uses Secure Plus for its customers’ transaction authorisation process, which uses QR codes and biometrics for authentication.

Rashid notes that RHB Bank plans to fully migrate all transactions into Secure Plus by next year.

Technology firm Marco Kiosk Bhd, which provides Sms-based OTP services to banks, shares a different view. CEO Datuk Kenny Goh, says: “Cyber criminals target individual consumers or financial institutions irrespective of the authentication method or the underlying technology deployed.”

Despite welcoming the central bank’s decision to get financial institutions to move out of the SMS OTPS, Goh says: “There is nothing insecure about using SMS OTPS as experience has shown that often the gaps were in either compromised devices, scammers tricking consumers to download apps or getting unsuspecting users to forward SMS OTPS.”

Goh says that knowledge on scam prevention for the public is more crucial.

“Educating and instilling knowledge of how to prevent cyber-based scams is key rather than discarding a long-standing tool that has been proven effective,” he says.

Goh adds that Bank Negara’s decision to nudge banks to migrate away from SMS OTPS will not have any significant impact on Macro Kiosk’s earnings because of its wide product base and the fact that Sms-based services are only a small portion of its earnings.

Notably, Bank Negara has also directed financial institutions to implement other measures.

These include further strengthening of fraud detection rules and triggers for blocking suspected scam transactions and a cooling-off period to be observed for the first-time enrollment of online banking services or secure devices.

Additionally, the central bank said customers should be restricted to one mobile device or secure device for the authentication of online banking transactions and banks will be required to set up dedicated scam hotlines.

Meanwhile, Securemetric’s Sea refers to Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Authentication, which is a security standard that is increasingly recognised internationally for its capability to replace password-only logins with a more secure and fast login, owing to its multi-factor authentication.

According to Sea, FIDO Authentication is simpler for consumers to use, easier for service providers to deploy and is more secure than passwords and SMS OTPS.

Its multi-factor authentication includes the use of biometrics, QR codes as well as unique PINS.

FIDO Authentication is not new in Malaysia, as the National Cyber Coordination and Command Centre (NC4) was the first to adopt it, Sea points out.

Clarence Chan, partner, digital trust and cybersecurity at PWC Malaysia, adds that FIDO’S passwordless authentication stemmed from the goal of minimising phishing attacks, as passwords are the root cause of most data breaches based on various studies.

Ubaid Mustafa Qadiri, head of technology risk and cyber security for KPMG in Malaysia, says: “FIDO is a more secure approach compared to Sms-based OTPS.”

“With FIDO, customers can be restricted to using only one registered device for authentication and online transactions and as a result, will help in reducing financial frauds and scams while performing online transactions,” he adds.

Deloitte’s Chan adds that FIDO standards are seeing greater adoption in recent years, including Malaysia.

Nevertheless, even something like FIDO will not be able to totally eradicate cybercrime.

“Overall security for online transactions is still heavily dependent on the security of the user’s device. So, no authentication method can guarantee 100% safety,” Chan adds.

Meanwhile, Malaysia’s InspectorGeneral of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani has been providing constant updates of the online fraud situation.

He said this week that the Rm415mil losses from January to July this year is the result of 12,092 online fraud cases.

For the whole of last year, losses accumulated to about Rm560.8mil coming from 20,701 cybercrime cases.

For 2019 and 2020, there were a total of 13,703 and 17,227 cybercrime cases with losses of Rm539mil and Rm511.2mil respectively, according to the IGP.

“From 2019 to July 2022, a total of 33,147 suspects in cyber fraud cases were arrested, with 22,196 cases charged in court,” he said.

It should be noted that online banking fraud is not limited to Malaysia.

Globally, cybercrime is the common type of fraud in most industries, based on a survey by PWC titled “Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2022”. (see table)

PWC also notes that cybercrime poses the biggest threats across organisations of all sizes, followed by customer fraud and asset misappropriation.

Additionally, a recent report by S&P Global, titled “Asia-pacific Banks’ Digital Opening Raises Cyber Risks”, notes that threats of cyberattacks are soaring in the Asia-pacific region and globally too.

The report says that for banks, data breaches not only create a direct monetary loss but also damages the reputation of a bank and can hit a bank’s credit profile.

“To prevent attacks, Asia-pacific regulators will need a dogged determination to understand and manage risks. This points to the need for collaboration, and cross-border information sharing to build cyber resilience across entities to prevent systemic risk,” the report notes.

In a separate report, the global rating agency says data breach appears to be the biggest cyber risk for banks, with association to high losses, for both emerging and developed markets. (see table).

Hence, in all likelihood, cybercrime is likely to remain part of the risks that will always exist, more so as online transactions keep growing.

KPMG’S Ubaid points out that the increasing audacity of cybercriminals will keep this threat on an upward trend.

It is left to be seen if the rising tide of cybercrime in the Malaysian financial landscape will reduce following the wide publicity it is getting and the actions being taken by all concerned. 

-  StarBiz Stories by kirennesh Nai


Cybersecurity experts share their views


THE rise in cybercrime especially in financial services is a huge talking point today.

But is it something that was predicted to happen considering the rise of online banking services?

And is Malaysia being particularly hit hard?

Does the problem lie with the usage of less secure authentication methods such as Sms-based onetime passwords (OTPS) and what can banks do to fix the problem?

Some consultants share their views on these issues.

On the rise of online banking fraud. Ubaid Mustafa Qadiri, head of technology risk and cyber security for KPMG in Malaysia:

Cybercrime in banking or any other sectors will only continue to grow due to technological changes (including digitalisation) and organisational advancements with the introduction of new technology to improve process efficiencies.

Further, the increasing audacity of cybercriminals will also keep this threat on an upward trend.

With the accelerated rate of digitisation as a result of the pandemic, cybercrime has grown more rapidly than it would have, and criminals have evolved their techniques to target more enterprises and individuals to the point that banks have to implement more effective controls.

  Ho Siew Kei, cyber risk leader of Deloitte Malaysia:


This is an expected result, not only because of financial institutions’ rapid shift to online banking but a general trend as organisations continue to move towards digital transformation.

It is estimated that 70% of commercial crime cases now can be categorised as cybercrime cases.

Clarence Chan, partner, digital trust and cybersecurity at PWC Malaysia:


There is a difference between cybercrime originating from a successful customer scam, and a cybercrime due to lapses in banking IT infrastructure.

Generally, most of the cybercrimes reported lately are due to the former, rather than the latter.

Most of these crimes, if not all, were only successful because the customers gave away their OTP or credentials via the scammer’s phishing attempt.

However, it is fair to assume that local banking customers may eventually be targeted after a similar modus operandi was used against a leading bank in Singapore, which amounted to more than S$13mil (Rm42.07mil) in losses.

Is Malaysia being particularly hit hard?

Ubaid: Online banking fraud is happening everywhere in the world, and it is expected to grow as criminals keep evolving new techniques.

According to the latest statistics, online fraud accounts for 68% of commercial crime in Malaysia. As the use of financial technology (fintech) and e-wallets have rapidly increased over the last four years, online fraud cases have also risen as the rate of adoption increased.

Ho: As a whole, banking fraud is definitely a global phenomenon – various countries have reported a general upward trend in banking fraud over the recent years, and this would apply to Malaysia as well, as Malaysian banks continue down the path of digitisation.

Chan: Online banking fraud is prevalent throughout the banking industry globally where industry players are constantly faced with the challenge of combating constantly evolving fraud techniques.

Looking closer to home, Singapore faces similar challenges as the scamming scene is largely similar. Anti-scamming divisions within the Malaysia and Singapore police force have been actively collaborating in tackling transnational scamming syndicates, participating in Project Icons (International Cooperation On Negating Scams).

In 2019, Bank Negara also introduced the Risk Management in Technology (RMIT) Guidelines, one of the most comprehensive technology and cyber risk management guidelines in this region, with the aim of elevating the banking industry’s security measures and standards, to ensure that online banking services are kept safe and secure for customers.

Since then, plenty of efforts have been made by banking institutions to improve their cyber resilience.

Does the problem lie with the usage of less secure authentication methods such as Sms-based OTPS and what can banks do to fix the problem?

Ubaid: Yes, but it also depends on the central bank’s guidance and the banks’ capability to develop secure mobile banking applications (which requires investment to produce) that would be able to authenticate and authorise transactions more securely.

Recently, the central bank of Malaysia announced that financial institutions should take additional measures to block suspicious transactions, and customers to be asked to confirm if the transactions are genuine before they are unblocked.

Some of the advanced features include:

> Secure TAC

> QR code scan

> Mobile app authentication/ approvals for transactions

> Facial recognition/biometric authentication through banking application

> Device fingerprinting

Ho: OTP and Sms-type authentication is widely supported by most devices, especially older devices. Banks tend to focus on a wider userbase, and rightly so, so as to not cut out different market segments, notably those without access to more modern devices.

Bank Negara’s recent push for financial Institutions to migrate away from SMS OTP toward more sophisticated authentication methods is a step in the right direction. However, there will still be challenges for certain market segments who use the more traditional device at this point in time.

However, as older devices are replaced by devices that are affordable yet are more advanced and able to support the latest technology, we should see adoption of the advanced security features become commonplace.

We are seeing a shift towards soft tokens on mobile devices, where transaction authorisations are sent through push notifications. This means that transactions can only be authorised from a customer’s registered device, and only after the customer has authenticated, typically with their biometrics.

These methods will also see certain restrictions such as customers authentication being bound to a specific registered device.

Chan: In general, there is a visible trend in financial institutions adopting multi-factor authentication technologies which are no longer reliant on SMS OTP.

This includes in-app, certificate-based or biometric authentication, which provides a more secure authentication mechanism and prevents potential OTP hijacking or other phishing and scamming attempts.

With Bank Negara’s directive of moving away from SMS OTPS by 30 June 2023, we can only expect the adoption of these measures to be accelerated.

Is cost holding back Malaysian banks from enhancing their level of security?

Ubaid: Any upgrades, enhancements or technology integration, be it security or others, will always have a cost component as well as skills requirements attached to it.

Typically, each organisation has its technology plans and budgets based on its business strategy, and banks will follow their approved business plans along with budgets in accordance with the guideline from the central bank.

Ho: There is certainly a cost element to enhancing security. However it should be noted that cyber risk and customer fraud have in recent years become a top risk for banks and doing well to combat these risks can also be seen as a competitive differentiator.

While cost is a consideration, I would think that this is an area that banks are fully prepared to spend on given the focus around regulatory expectations, consumer protection and preventing cybercrime.

Chan: We don’t believe that cost is a particular factor holding Malaysian banks back from enhancing their level of security.

If we consider the results of Pwc’s 2023 Global Digital Trust Insights survey, in which banking and capital markets make up the second highest proportion of Malaysian C-suite respondents, 19% of respondents say that their organisation’s cyber budget is increasing by 6% to 10% in 2023.

Also worth noting, 49% of Malaysian respondents agree to a great extent that their cybersecurity budget is allocated well against the risks they face in the next 12 months.

However, banks can continuously explore and enhance their security posture to aid in curbing scams, focusing on educating customers to combat online banking fraud.

To build customer trust, banks should invest in continuous awareness efforts to ensure that their customers remain informed and updated on the latest scam tactics, and modus operandi observed in the industry. - StarBiz 


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Friday 30 September 2022

Cybercriminals beware: public must be aware of how scams work, Putting the brakes on cybercrime

 A day after The Star’s page one story on the increasing number of online financial crimes, Bank Negara announces it is joining forces with the police to stem the rising tide. The central bank is instituting tighter security controls while the cops are intensifying efforts to make the public more aware of cybercrimes.

  Public must be more aware of how scams work

KUALA LUMPUR: Cybercriminals are very good at quickly adopting and exploiting new technological changes to stay ahead of law enforcement while they scam millions from the public.

This is why the number of online financial crimes is rising around the world and in Malaysia, according to Inspector-general of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani.

Such crimes can have terrible consequences, he pointed out in his speech before he and Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus launched a virtual Financial Crime exhibition yesterday.

“Financial crimes can devastate the victim and lead to more mule accounts being created for the purpose of scams. It can also have a negative impact on the nation’s economy in the long term,” said Acryl Sani.

Loan scammers and Ah Long (loan sharks) use social media sites and chat applications to advertise their loan offers with fast approvals.

“The syndicates will deal with the victims online and demand various documents and fees before duping them,” he explained.

Bukit Aman expects the syndicates will still employ similar tactics, but they will focus on a younger victim pool – students and youths – to pull off illegal money lending and mule account scams now.

“We are cooperating with banking institutions to ensure investigations, especially those involving mule accounts, can be completed faster,” Acryl Sani said.

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In 2019, there were 13,703 cases recorded with Rm539mil in losses; followed by 17,227 cases in 2020 and Rm511.2mil in losses; and 20,701 cases last year with Rm560.8mil lost. As at July this year, 12,092 cases had been recorded, resulting in Rm414.8mil in losses, he said.

Bukit Aman has rounded up 33,147 suspects between 2019 and July this year, while 22,196 cases have been prosecuted.

While there is some awareness among members of the public of such crimes nowadays, it is still not strong enough to prevent increasing numbers.

The Royal Malaysia Police has various programmes and campaigns to raise awareness about cybercrimes among the public, such as the “Let’s Fight Scammers Together” campaign.

“We will step up such activities this year,” Acryl Sani added.

The IGP advised the public to safeguard their personal information and avoid downloading files or applications from unverified sources onto mobile devices.

Account holders who encounter suspicious transactions involving their bank accounts should immediately notify their banks, contact the CCID infoline via Whatsapp at 013211 1222, or the CCID Scam Response Centre at 03-2610 1559/1599 or BNMTELELINK at 1-300-88-5465.

“They should also lodge a police report to facilitate the investigation,” said Acryl Sani.

The virtual Financial Crime exhibition by Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Art Gallery, which can be accessed at crime, lays out various types of financial crimes and how they have evolved over time.

It features interactive exhibits that allow the public to simulate financial scam scenarios. Through the various exhibits, the public will be able to learn strategies – such as Spot, Stop and Share, aka 3S – to protect themselves and others from becoming victims. 


Putting the brakes on cybercrime

 Banks to further tighten security control to stay one step ahead of scammers

KUALA LUMPUR: If you notice your online banking transactions taking a little longer in the future, don’t complain. It’s a sign that your bank is trying to protect you from cybercriminals.

Concerned by the rising number of scams and online financial crimes globally and in Malaysia, Bank Negara is directing the banking industry to undertake tighter security controls, its governor Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus said.

ALSO READ:  Public must be more aware of how scams work

The level of concern is great enough to bring about a rare high-level meeting between Nor Shamsiah and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani yesterday, when they also launched a virtual Financial Crime Exhibition.

“Bank Negara requires banks in Malaysia to adopt high standards of security, especially for Internet and mobile banking services,” Nor Shamsiah said in her speech at the event.

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This will include measures such as migration of SMS one-time-passwords (OTPs) to a more secure form of authentication; further tightening of detection rules and triggers for blocking scam-related transactions; and subjecting first-time enrolment of online banking services and secure devices to a cooling-off period.

Customers will also be restricted to one mobile device or secure device for authenticating online banking transactions, and banks will also be required to set up dedicated scam hotlines.

ALSO READ: Consumers must become more aware of scams

While the control measures may entail some inconvenience, they are important to protect customers.

“These controls may lead to some friction or inconvenience in the online banking experience of customers.

“For example, online banking transactions might take a little longer to process. Financial institutions will also conduct more checks when customers request to change or register a new phone number,” Nor Shamsiah said.

Fighting crime: Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus and Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani at the virtual launch of Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Art Gallery’s ‘Financial Crime: Scan Before You’re Scammed’. — Bank Negara

Fighting crime: Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus and Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani at the virtual launch of Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Art Gallery’s ‘Financial Crime: Scan Before You’re Scammed’. — Bank Negara

However, she said, when implementing these measures, Bank Negara and the financial industry will continue to carefully balance between security considerations and customer convenience.

She also said that financial institutions have been directed to be more responsive to scam reports lodged by customers and to facilitate efforts to recover and protect stolen funds, including working with relevant agencies to prevent further losses.


“Bank Negara will also continue to monitor and take appropriate action with financial institutions to ensure that the highest levels of controls and security standards are observed.


“We will also continue to take effective preventive measures against ever-evolving financial scams.”

Together with the financial industry, Bank Negara will continue to ensure that banking and payment channels remain secure and equipped with the latest security controls, she said.

Acknowledging that criminal tactics change all the time, she said that Bank Negara continuously intensifies deterrent efforts and introduces additional controls as well as safeguards and collaborates with other stakeholders to keep ahead of scammers.

These include rolling out preventive measures, pursuing more effective and coordinated enforcement actions, and raising public awareness.

“The effort to eradicate financial scams requires cooperation and concerted action from all parties – not just from Bank Negara and the financial industry, but also from law enforcement agencies and relevant ministries and agencies, as well as the public,” she added.

Bank Negara, together with the police, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and National Anti-Financial Crime Centre, will work together to further elevate the Commercial Crime Investigation Department’s Scam Response Centre into a more systematic information-sharing platform that will enable quicker action to prevent further losses.

Nor Shamsiah said the cooperation of law enforcement agencies is key, especially in sharing information and intelligence.

The public also has a role to play in protecting themselves by making sure to be aware of scams.

“An important aspect of dealing with financial scams is raising public awareness about tactics used by criminals and the steps that the public can take to avoid becoming victims.

“In this regard, Bank Negara, the financial industry and law enforcement agencies will continue efforts to enhance the effectiveness of awareness programmes and improve on the dissemination of information to the public,” she said.

The virtual Financial Crime Exhibition launched yesterday is an example of such efforts as it seeks to educate the public about financial scams. It can be viewed at 


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Thursday 29 September 2022

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No easy battle ahead for Pejuang

IT looks certain that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic), who now heads the Pejuang party, will defend his Langkawi parliamentary seat in the impending general election.

The former prime minister, who turns 98 next year, does not have much choice as he is the only candidate from his party who has a realistic chance of winning.

Although he has announced that his newly-formed movement Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA), led by Pejuang, will be contesting in 120 seats, he should not be too ambitious.

In the Johor state election in March, all 42 Pejuang candidates lost their deposits.

In GE15, the field is expected to be crowded with Opposition parties, which will not be helpful to his coalition of Muslim-Malay political parties and non-governmental organisations.

Most of the coalition leaders are has-beens and unknowns while even the electorate still has no idea what Pejuang – or the coalition – really stands for.

That, however, has not stopped Dr Mahathir, who was twice PM, from saying he “would reluctantly accept the responsibility of leading the government for a third time if needed”.

The Malay Mail reported him as saying at a GTA forum at the Bangi Convention Centre last week that “he would prefer a less taxing role, one that would allow him to advise or be an expert consultant to the prime minister”. But he was quick to add: “If the insistence were to be incessant, I would find it hard to only think about myself.”

“So, if the insistence is there, I will accept,” he said when asked about his willingness to assume the mantle for a third time.

“However, it cannot be for the full term,” he told the audience in Bangi. “Maybe just for a year.”

With due respect to Dr Mahathir, a seasoned political player, he may have been trying to boost the confidence of his audience ahead of the polls.

Heading a fledgling political party and a hurriedly put-up coalition, Dr Mahathir would surely want to instil hope and belief that victory is possible and that he can become a PM for a record third time.

Dr Mahathir may be good at setting records, but it would not be wrong to suggest that most Malaysians do not share his enthusiasm. In fact, we are quite horrified at the thought.

His political detractors, especially those in Umno, would want him stopped as Pejuang’s entry could split the Malay voters.

The same sentiment is shared by Perikatan Nasional led by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

While Dr Mahathir’s coalition talks of uniting the Malays and Muslims, the other two similar coalitions think it will be the other way around.

He has no friends in the Opposition either. Prior to his resignation as prime minister in 2020, Dr Mahathir had been meant to pass the post to PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, but he never did so, claiming there was no formal agreement setting a deadline for him to do so.

Dr Mahathir is still respected by non-Malays for his two decades as PM but that admiration took a huge dent after the collapse of the 22-month old Pakatan Harapan government. He has been blamed for the downfall as he quit as PM.

Worse, his occasional racist remarks have alienated many non-Malays.

While 60% of the country’s population are Malays, non-Malays find such narratives of race and religion outdated and reflecting poorly on political leadership.

Political leaders around the world have become younger – many are even in their 30s and 40s – and voters are looking for new ideas and a better Malaysia.

But Dr Mahathir still talked of race, saying at the Bangi convention that “he only wished to see his vision for the Malay community come to pass under a caring and trustworthy government”.

At 97, it is very hard for Dr Mahathir to change his beliefs.

His legacy is already ruined, but he can earn a last round of respect if he talks of bringing Malaysians together.

It is unfortunate that as the nation celebrates 65 years of independence, our political leaders still want to harp on Muslims and Malays as if other Malaysians, including the large non-Muslim bumiputra population in Sabah and Sarawak, do not exist at all.

The Chinese population may be declining but it remains an important 25% and playing a crucial role in Malaysia’s economy. The same goes for the Indians.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s “Keluarga Malaysia” campaign may be seen by some as mere political rhetoric, but it resonates with the call for diversity and inclusiveness.

Dr Mahathir’s problem is that he cannot let go. In March, he “confirmed” that he would not defend Langkawi due to health reasons but in June, he changed his mind, saying he “may” defend his seat if no suitable candidate is found.

Now, it is almost sure he will be a candidate.

Dr Mahathir deserves a rest from politics. He was discharged from hospital early this month after a bout of Covid-19 and in February, he had to undergo a procedure for a heart problem.

Seriously, he needs to know when to exit the stage. No one is indispensable and there is nothing worse than old scripts and sequels. It really turns off the audience.

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