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Monday 2 September 2019

Inside America's Meddling Machine destabilizing the world order

NED, the US-Funded Org Interfering in Elections Across the Globe

In this Grayzone special, Max Blumenthal attends a Capitol Hill gathering of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and explores the group's destabilizing global campaign to meddle in other countries' affairs. The report covers the NED's interference in foreign elections in Russia and Mongolia, its participation in coup attempts from Haiti to Venezuela to Nicaragua, and its escalating public relations efforts against China and North Korea.

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I suspected that the Hong Kong riots were funded by outside interests. Now that I know about the NED I would not be surprised if they were heavily involved.
This is real journalism. Thanks much for this!
Hong Kong violence is supported by NED. A lot of evidence show that.
This is simply incredible work. A huge Thank you!!! So incredible.
NED is funding Hong Kong protests too
Everyone inside that room should be rounded up and shot for crimes against humanity.
The latest NED atrocity is the violent riots in HK, aimed to prevent China from extraditing criminals to stand trail in China. The stupids in HK fell for it, heralding doom to their safety and prosperity. without the law, HK will continue to be a dream safe heaven for international criminals.
Sadly most people are 🐑 and care more about America's Got Talent and Big Brother updates than neocon psyops and power plays. I sometimes wish I could be blissfully ignorant like them.
Pelosi cannot be trusted. Spending our tax money for meddling other nations..... She is evil.
The inimitable Mr. Max Blumenthal strikes again! Well done! This is phenomenal investigative documentary journalism, as informative as it is watchable.
Pelosi talking about DPR Korean people's "poverty of spirit" is the most racist thing I have ever heard.
How can anyone still believe a word that comes out of the bankers' owned corporate media. It is an obvious propaganda tool. Nothing more. You'd have to be willfully blind to still believe their stories. Excellent video Grayzone. Really well done and researched. Thank you very much for your amazing and really important work.
Wow! The quickness on those roaches diseased legs is phenomenal when even the smallest bit of light is shed on them, its outstanding!
China recently executed many CIA agents trying to undermine their government. The South Korean and North Korean gov should likewise do to these foreign agents.
After seeing how Western media distorted the true picture in the recent Hong Kong riots, I believe what you say is true. Thanks for standing up for the truth! This is just one of the many videos showing what the so-called peaceful demonstrators did. But the Western media called this a peaceful demonstration. If this had happened in USA the rioters would have been shot by the national guards.
John Pilger's doc The War on Democracy also exposes the ugly meddling that goes on in the NED.
@22:09 "Are you Sidney Blumenthal's son?" = "Are you that terrible Jewish person I keep hearing about?" The last 5 minutes, the way you wrapped up all the reporting at the beginning, was brilliant Max. The ending was icing. You damn "Sidney Blumenthal's Son" you.
These are demons.
West has some of the biggest psychopathic maniacs the world has ever seen, they are an abomination, nature gone wrong ! Whether it is neocons, zionists, sociopaths, Christian Zionists, military industry, wow the list is endless !
So important, Thank you Max! The unelected power establishment needs to be held responsible and pushed to the light. I mean, how can the Chairman of the NED say "We're for open societies" and still work with taxpayer money of people who don't have a clue where their tax money is going to? It's the opposite of "open" government. It's shady!
I always have faith in Max's reports. Sometimes I wish I didn't. The Nancy Pelosi "interview" (20:24) was just sooo embarrassing. "I don't know what they do..."  Where do people find hope for the future?
THANK YOU,this is excellent.
NED ought to promote democracy in the united states. And Leave other countries alone.
Great documentary, really respect your work. On another note, you should try to investigate Middle Eastern media outlets such as Radio Sawa and Al-Hurra (which are both funded by the US government). Maybe they have something to do with NED and IRI's Middle Eastern agenda since they're both pushing pro-American as well as pro-Israeli narratives on their respective media platforms.
Wish TYT Progressives do work of investigative reporting like this
I learned about NED when I researched the violent riots in HK. This is a shameful organization with objectives to instill riots and instability in other countries. Shameful!!!
Great work Max. I've never clicked on patreon before but feel kind of obligated to after this. Really compelling reporting
Very valuable work
Lol. Nancy Pelosi talks about blank faces and brainwashing. Lol. I actually laughed for the first time during this video
LOL! That Oslo Freedom Forum picture is the thing Jimmy Dore attended 😅
Genuine objective work! This should be what real journalism is about! Thank you for unveiling the truth! Please keep up with great work!
excellent Report! Thanks!
Great reporting as always. Thanks Max
Guess who were assisting the HongKong ‘pro democracy’ movement. You guessed it NED.
keep up the good work. ps would love to support via patreon but, sadly, these are bleek times
Useful idiots and Pawns in the Game
The people who work with the NED make tons of cash. It's pretty profitable thing to get into.
Excellent report!
I see how Mongolia got itself bankrupted.
This channel gonna get demonetized or banned soon. Truth is no longer allows in social medias.
lol its always trots
Appreciates your afford on this reporting. It's paint a picture bigger on what happening with HK right. Another NED play toy which create conflict between HK and China.
This is the reason why I understand some countries are pursuing nuclear weapons.
wooohw... this is dangerous. thank you for the information 👍🏼👌🏼
Holyshit,I can't believe this interview has not yet been deleted by youtube...Such a miracle for REAL JOURNALISM
Thanks for sharing the truth. I am feeling very sad that some evil people In the US are causing so much grief for so many people throughout various parts of the world.
i aim starting to have doubts if those "defectors"are real and not some Korean claiming to be a NK defector
13:40 The guy who declared that the fall of the Soviet Union represented 'the end of history' because capitalism was clearly the best possible system.
NED = National Extremists of Destruction
Now they are working in HongKong. Thank you Max for in depth journalism.
So sad. How do they face themselves without principals in life.
They are terrified of Max! Those in the room that don't know him don't know what they are in for, they are flirting with peril. Brilliant Socratic dialogue with the ignorant ones!
Thank you for revealing the nature of NED
They have now infiltrated HK.
Never knew your dad was part of the Clinton admin. Can tell by your unbiased reporting thanks max
Hands off HK. Hands off China. Ned Go fvk urself.
Now all MSM take note, that's "REAL REPORTING" !
Thanks for the information. I never heard of NED. I knew the U.S.'s corrupt methods of controlling politics globally was happening. I don't call it "meddling" that's too mild a word for it. I just wasn't sure exactly how "we" did it.
thank you for sharing this information, a great job of journalism!
NED is the most evil organization in the world.
NED=National Endowment for Destabilising countries not in line with US neocon agendas.
38K?? more US people should watch this and see what is going on and how corrupt their government is.
Thanks Greyzone. You'd showed it fact & fake, black & white, so clear, not grey at all. You only make more grey hairs on the NED head.
NED seems to be a riot-booster and spying organization. Americans tax players money.
Once again Mr Max, thank you very much for all your efforts digging into these difficult and "hidden" subjects and bringing the truth into light!
..nd thereby making the US the biggest terror nation in the world. Shocking, positively shocking.
WOW, tax payer's money goes to there each every day.
Endowment for Democracy (NED) = Evil organization National Endowment for Demonization.
NED is the root cause of the world turmoil and tragedy.
nancy pelosi and 57 other ned members/supporters/soul sellers disliked this magnificent reporting.
Lies to prevent the engagement or the exchange of information are being funded by tax payers. God are we sick, and we kill like maniacs.
lying is how the devil and Satan rules the world.
so called Democracy, =Demon+cracy👿
These people surely found a way to make money, thanks for exposing these traitors.
"Promoting democracy" means something completely different to me, than these war mongerers.
Great great work! Thanks from China where its city HongKong are facing riot funding by NED.
thunbs up for you- a honest media.
I love you Max Blumenthal, your journalism is real. It is a source of inspiration to, for once, have someone who undoubtedly delivers the truth to the masses.
US should be the last one talking of Human Rights after that record. It's like a serial addict giving lectures on abstinence.
I've long held that the US is effectively the world's largest, and most destructive, TERRORIST organization! Real journalism is proving me right all along...
Max (to NED official) : "May I ask you a question?" / NED: "Are you Sidney [Blumenthal]'s son?" / Max: "Yes." / NED: "I heard about you." / Max: "Is that a no?" / NED: "Yes." Some badge of honor!! Bravo, Max Blumenthal!! Great work!!
anybody believe North Korea defector? no me!
They just funded the riot in HK....has been proven NED is largest donator of HK protestor organizers
Unbelievable!! Right out in the open! With OUR MONEY!!
The US NED is active is Hong Kong as we speak.
Nancy Zombie Pelosi talking about 'brainwashing'.......hahahahahahahahahahaha !!.....hahahaha !
Not just Socialist governments, any government which does not bend over to the will of the US govt.
Great job on your coverage! I learn more everyday thanks to you and many others.
Great job! wonderful piece of independent journalism in these times of uber state/MSM propaganda!!
Well done Max Blumenthal. This is real journalism.
Today NED is meddling in HK!
Odd how he asked who he was. At the end 😆 I love every min of news like this helps people know how to see thru the illusions out there!!
As Ret Col L. Wilkerson put it in a nutshell (para): Right now we have two colossal battles going on between two titanic state-building efforts: one started in 1947, coming to fruition in the cold war, and now called by scholars, “The National Security State.” And the raison d’etre of that state is to have war… constant war… to keep the Military Industrial Complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, rich and bountiful! On the other hand, you have the Koch inspired… and now the well-fueled predatory capitalistic state which is aiming at making capitalism ballistic and so forth and making billionaires the plutocrats that rule this country! Those two states right now, having contiguous elements…that is to say the Military Industrial Complex – a company like Lockheed Martin – will be in the predatory capitalist state and vice versa. They are having a titanic struggle though, intellectually and realistically, on the ground as to who runs this country in the future. And NEITHER STATE HAS THE REMOTEST CONCERN FOR THE AVERAGE AMERICAN, FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS, OR ABOUT FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY OR LIBERTY! They ONLY HAVE CONCERN FOR THEIR STATE-BUILDING EFFORTS: the one - leading to more wealth for fewer people, and the other – leading to more war and wealth to their people. [The “Permanent War State” Aims to Plunder Venezuela - Wilkerson and Jay @fjsA]
What this defectors do. And their supporters do is political warfare.
US: if you don't listen to us, I will destory you. China: hold on US: hey, those protesters in Hong Kong are heroes.

so what is democracy, US is the culprit who has created unrest
Thanks for the video. I'm sharing it wherever I can. !
Well done Max. You are the Superman of journalists.
See if you can run the audio through a compressor to automatically equalize the sound levels. This is very important work. Now for the easy part. Your video software may already have "compress/expand" and "normalize" for audio. You'll be experts in 10 minutes if you practice on small clips. Thank you Greyzone!
4:30 Oh, that girl. A delight for body language analysis. 17:50 Madeleine Albright, child mass murder advocate
more people need to know about this
SOMEONE SHOULD BLOW THEM ALL UP IN ONE PLACE! I hate evil people, especially corporate types.
This is really important work. Keep it up.
Democracy leads to rise of working class, and the rise of working/labor class leads to socialism.

The NED exists to protect the American bourgeoisie's global interests
Thank you Max for real report
Wish I could give this 100 thumbs up. This is why I'm a monthly Patreon donor. Such excellent journalism!!
A lot of people hugged Hitler and German warcriminals. For starters , ask the USA and Henry Ford.

This video is awesome! thank you! so glad I found this channel!
Thank you so much for your hard work and courage to show us the truth. Real journalism like this is truly rare and precious in the world today. Thank you! Thank you!
Are these people involved in the Hong Kong's 2019 protest?
Doesn't Amazon own New York Times? Or is it a different tabloid? I can't remember which one it is.

Max,..will you please run for president!? Thank you for your dedication to presenting the 'stubborn facts',...that the american government tries so hard to conceal behind their flimsy and unsubstantiated veil of 'democracy', and 'freedom and justice for all'. The Empire wears no cloths,....Thank you Max, and all at Grayzone.
Hong Kong said: "hi, daddy!"
Wow. This is a new level of revelation for me. True journalism is a form of heroism. Thank you! ❤
Bari Weiss is a clueless tool doing the bidding without knowing it of the wealthy and owners of the media. She doesnt even know why she thinks things if you watch the Joe Rogan podcast with her on it.
Is that like the Democracy they gave to Libya
Now they put their dirty hands on Hong Kong.
excellent reporting, thank you Max!
NED=World Terrorist Organization
Well done Max! A great piece
He gets good interviews when he's not confrontational about it. People open up when they feel like you're on their side or persuadable.

10:40 Pelosi is confusing her own SF district with NK.
There are No Democracy in more..the most corrupt nation...
anothr rappid braidwashed youngster with out a clew. ohn bother

The most evil organization in the world
Max Blumenthal is an excellent journalist. This all sounds like Iraq all over again and we're paying for it.
Excellent work!! Keep it up Grayzone!
Max, you a true inspiration for journalism and future journalists. Big kudos for your work !
All is a fabrication, nothing is real. Everyone has an agenda. Make your story sound good and you will get heard. It is the money, a power that corrupts.
no wonder fda usda and epa AND TRUMP endorse napalming crops with glyphosatan herbicide just a few days before harvest --- it makes all of us at least a little bit sicker --- and thus keeps the vicious-cycle pharma/poizion-based economy healthy for certain privileded greedy sadistic corporate fascist motherfrackers with the sworn agenda to infiltrate, sabotage, corrupt, and enslave and destroy everything pure and natural and good just to piss off jesus --- who got whacked for exposing the synogog of satan's ( practice of selling animals for sacrificing in the temple --- as if sacrificing innocent critters is a way to have sins forgiven ! ) guess who gets to be the sacrificial animals these daze --- all of us pesky honest to goodness indigenous schmucks . (the proverbial meek who were fortold will inherit the earth) i'm telling all of yawl it's SABOTAGE ! "victory through deception" is on the mfn mossad logo for christsakes . give credit where credit is due . b less gullible. lets turn the table on those evil masterminds and not-see flunkys hellbent on imprisoning the planet in one worldwide-wireless concentration cramp. "rejoice --- for the kingdom of heaven is at hand !" (godspeed good shepherding yawl !)
Same as Bana in Syria, now they have some memes of her about Venezuela, named Baña. LOL!
I love how he uses the word "sidekick". CIA = Batman NED = Robin
I went to subscribe and I see that I already am. Why does this channel not appear on my suggested videos. Hmmmm.
Thoughts and prayers for Hong Kong
She speak so good English?? My Korean friend been learning years of English and still can't match hers. 🙄
Ughh, United States is such a hypocrite! And Nancy friggin Pelosi right in the middle of it.
I've been studying a lot of this stuff for some time now, I didnt know the group was called NED but I knew about things like this, didn't realize what a specific and massive role they've played. The part where the founder says "I know about you..." is kind of ominous.
If you havent worked it out the CIA and America are their to put right wing pro corporate govts in charge to take the power from the workers and people and to privatise the world with the ultra wealthy corporates in charge of all the means of production and resources. And in the end the ultimate power and control of everyone.
Pelosi and co...vermin of humanity, no value for human life other than her ilk, the fascistic 1%ters who enslave the rest
Real reporting? It's like finding a unicorn these days. 🦄 Subbed.
NED is killing Hong Kong.
04:44 "North Korea is an unimaginable country. There is only one channel on TV. There is no internet." LOL
they don't want peace and harmony within china,korea,russia,india,divide and conquer.
Mad Max at it again! Love you 💯%
The whole Yeltsin affair is the reason why I laugh at the US's whole debacle of "Russian interference". Good riddance, have a taste of your own medicine.
Heh I would expect it to at least be as bad as South Korea. My family from there tells me some pretty awful things about the social issues.
The access Max has to the nefarious goings-on with these scumbags is priceless. REAL journalism here.
Nowadays, people don’t believe in facts, they just believe dramatic story.

Important video! Great journalism! Will share!
Btw I’d love to see there books and how much money was funneled to “free market/lynching enthusiasts” in Venezuela.
That last clip was funny. "Are you Sydney Blumenthal's son?"
Same companies are censoring alternative medicine, NIH-sourced science, natural alternatives to pharma and education about mandatory medical procedures ... government-mandated injection of toxins with no valid science to defend the practice but a massive marketing campaign to create fear (measles or N Korea ... same mechanisms!)
That guy gave a shout out to your dad! I have been a fan of Max Blumenthal for a while, but now I have to look up mr. Sidney Blumenthal, because I can already tell he is the kind of guy I will like!
Thank you so much, for this work...we need to know the Truth..
Thanks so much for this riveting, informative programme , the question is how and do we really need scum like we have running our countries, are having psychos necessary ingredient for running countries.
Good to look back to this document and great journalism.
US citizens funded and funds the Government and majority of them choose their Government who made the "#American #Values" to become: #Oil Thirsty, #Gold Hungry, #War #Mongering, War #Criminals and more War #Crimes.
America itself is infected by the covetous parasite we all know about. It’s goal is to destroy ethnic and cultural identity worldwide.
Watch out from these NED related you very much!
Thanks Max, such great work! Just want to know what US tax payer thoughts of this.
It's all about $$$$ and visas...the secret invasion...

I didn't realize that Nancy Pelosi was so explicitly supportive of NED. I would have thought that she opposed regime change operations.
"Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti incubator babies on the floor", the young girls speech reminds me of that!
An open society is a society open to corporate control for the purpose of extracting wealth..
Wow! Thanks for the exposing! We should spread this video clip worldwide. Overthrowing regime becoming an evil industry... 👎
lol at how the Trots are involved in this NED imperialism
Keep exposing these blood sucking vampires, keep doing the great work you do. Very illuminating video, lots of things to talk about this evening that's for sure. Btw, I just subscribed.
love you Max...thanks bro.
I wonder how many christian fundamentalists there are in the n.e.d. ?

You guys do a phenomenal job here at the Grayzone. Just about every video I've watched has been fantastic. However, I would quibble about a couple things on this one, largely on strategic grounds. I don't think it's a good look to, at the beginning of this video, refer to the NED as a "taxpayer-funded organization...that aims to topple socialist governments" and then spend much of the rest of the video documenting the NED's efforts to undermine the governments of North Korea and Nicaragua. It seems to imply that the current North Korean and Nicaraguan regimes are socialist, when in fact they are nothing of the sort, unless one strains the definition of "socialist" so much that the term becomes meaningless. Both regimes are enemies of the left and any kind of genuine socialism. I suspect you would agree with this assessment, but I think it would help enormously if you stated this fact up front in order to defend your work against disingenuous attack dogs. I want to stress that I have no problem with the substance of what's presented here, most of which is excellent, but when putting together these pieces, it's important to take measures to protect yourself from mainstream mudslinging, which I'm sure will become more and more often as you guys gain popularity. Keep up the good work!
...”but... but there’s only one channel on tv... and no internet”... Good god child... you’ve no idea how fortunate that is... “but North Korea is such a horrible country” ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
When you defect from your socialist country and can't find a job in the US the NED might be a great place to look. Outstanding report Max. Just be ready for the inevitable lay-off and a new role as human furniture for corporate business.
It is prudent to consider American info as tainted. America needs a USSR, they can use it to frighten their taxpayers. Weather Communism is good or bad depends on how life was, before. Most countries become communist after a period of extreme poverty, and extreme injustice. Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam …. and more. Think about all of these countries prior to becoming Communist / Socialist.

Really sad! They could go to and find some scum willing to work against their own citizens. This Venezuela for years.
That is what's happened in Macedonia as well and they are working there with years, they corrupted politicians professors people of every segment of the society, media and everything with one purpose to make a fake picture, people to be brainwashed so many things in the country to be changed in their own interest even if that means change of the legal elected government which is happened 2016 in Macedonia with obvious influence of the American ambassador in judicial and legal matters.Now the new government is doing everything what they said they're not going to do before the elections now they have opened new TV station under control and plus most of the old one's. Many people of the American administration are involved including SOROS open society
Thank you! I look forward to more. This is the best in journalism. Bless you all.

the most convincing argument for Max's story is that there is no way he could be making this shit up. Which says volumes about those individuals who believe it. Thank you Max, would that it would penetrate the thick fog of western imperialist propaganda
Fantastic as always max.
Running from the hard questions because they don't have answers. Thanks Max.

all that money for lying . wow, what a bunch of scumbags !!!!
Seeing this video for the first time. All the usual suspects are involved: Thor Halversson and his 'Freedom forum', which Jimmy Dore exposed last year (that's when I first heard of them); Bari Weiss, who was exposed by Joe Rogan earlier this year when she tried to smear Tulsi. Thanks to excellent reporting like this, I don't take any testimony by anyone on matters of war and peace and human rights on face value anymore. I have started to always research who is behind these stories, who pays them, where does funding come from etc. Thanks for making me aware of this!
Our government is elected by the people, the best political system in the world and you must have it. We’ll help you get it but first you must do everything we say. We’re not interested in controlling you because our aim is the world. Oh yes, we’re NOT authoritarian so you can trust us!!! SURE America!!!
I believe Operation Mockingbird is alive and well.

National Endowment for Democracy, Orwell would love that one. "one cornal of cob.." Pelosi once again executing the English language.

NED is also behind the end of yugoslavia. He knows about him - that sounded menacing.

Nancy P. Has not seen real tragic and staggering poverty yet, till she comes down to ground zero of Vancouver BC’s East Hastings Street, there she will witness eye-burning and heart-wrenching poverty caused by the city/province. Seems everyone wants to cash in on politics and made up suffering tales. Nice.

$890,000 for defector stories offered by South Korea
they just want MONEY!
For 860 000 dollars I could tell you some bad stories about my country involving mass killings tanks torture and shooting people.
I dont mind if usa infiltrate into north korea. But china? Through hong kong
I got help from lutherangrants/org .They sent me over $55,000 from their grant schemes.
Leaves me speechless....I feel I hate to be lied at.

Leaves me speechless....I feel I hate to be lied at.
Criminal trash, zionest puppets! Thank you for exposing these creatures and their lies
Well if anyone knows about brainwashing, it’s Pelosi!
Wait. Democracy exists?
The NED also sponsored propaganda about the DRCongo. Nobody talks much about that country where the worst postWWII atrocities happen.

free lunch is usually costly... the price of this particular free lunch is your soul and always be ready to be dumped like a piece of toilet paper when you are no more needed! never sell your soul to nobody - not demon, not god, not rich, not poor. souls ain’t for sale. lunches ain’t for free.

Where is the Congressional oversight? What is this costing?
Performing biological experiments on live people? Google Dr. Corneius P Rhoads and the death of Pedro Albizu Campos in Puerto Rico...

16:00 not that rare. Can find testemonies some of whom have been silenced.

dude how you still alive ? lol
Do not like the WORD GESTAPO... NAZI.... But this is What we had in our History In my Granfather Time... In Alsace-Lorraine.... Part of France Now... So,,,, SO called Free Democracy USA.. Is Doing ,,, Exactly the Same.. These People look like .... SALUTATIONS

These people need to leave governments around the world alone.
i c a lot of "leftist" sharing news articles from NEd
Yeonmi Park said her father died of cancer. Her mother said paid 2 people Carrie body was a lie she said she buried body in another interview Yeonmi said she buried ashes an other video Yeonmi Park said her mother went back to china get ashes that Yeonmi Park said on One Young World she buried in secret. Fabricated stories Yeonmi Park is telling.
4:29 "And then they took the babies from the incubators..."
horrifying truth.. inconvenient for the brainwashed. thank you sir for exposing the lies.. it's vital vital vital work for the current world.

Russia and China, as part of the Allied Forces, lost 47 million people stopping Hitler. They are currently gathering a new Allied Forces, to stop the new Empire in town: the US/NATO Empire...taking over more land than Hitler ever dreamed of. WW3 unfolding before our eyes. Who will join the Allied Forces? Who will join the US Empire? US Empire is a mirror image of what happened in Germany as WW2 unfolded.
Brillante y valiente periodista, y para que harán o con que propósito hacen esas intrigas?
Honestly I can see the fear in the eyes of those who promote or direct in any way NED, when you question they run away from you, because you uphold the truth, and therefore they see you as a vampire sees a silver bullet. " the truth will set you free"...
This makes freedom and democracy look evil
I really enjoyed these reports. Washington DC is demon NOT a democratic country.

Thanks for this. US Corporate Media fails us.

For further backstory on the NED, google "robert parry perception management"...
It is still quite shocking to me that my media in the UK and the American media and the Canadian, German, French, Dutch, Swedish...all of the ''free'' world's establishment media (and much of the rest) is full of shit. It really can't be trusted.
Top shelf report max.
Great piece of work. Thanks.

there're north korean working in chinese kidnapped by south korean and forced to make false testimony about north korea. basically everything on msm about north korea is pure lie.
Pelosi was talking about the US she described the population accurately she just confused it with N Korea

I don't know what Is worse. living in North Korea with Kim jug on, or here with Trump, and his crazy war monger's. the wrong #Amazon Is burning, and the wrong Ice is melting. thanks Wonka Luv'z y'all anyway.

You can have democracy, but once u have the democratic model like those of West and US, you will be always be under their world order, never to outdo them. Guess which country know this and thus was attacked by US and the West , day in , day out. I ask u, would u like a cobbler to become the CEO of a global company? Of course not, look at those ctries which followed the democratic model of US! A comedian become the President of Ukraine!A dishonest , a bankrupt , businessman, becomes the President of the most powerful ctry in the world!

Max this video is great but please learn how to say "Xinjiang" properly

The evrr dirty USA where lies, cheats and steals is the order of the day.
americas whole foreign policy is based on liar testimony. every aspect of what goes on in washington is based on lies and half truths, both foreign and domestic.

In the western world there is so much economic inequality - so should these countries like Russia - China - Korea and some other countries get together and creat NEEE - National endowment for economic equality just like NED 

You really need a pop filter.

NED is indoctrination, not democracy.

LOL, they don't even change their playbook, they have SOP for color revolution.

National Endowment for Hypocrisy

Look at HK... the CIA used to do this secretly... but now the NED is an NGO that does the dirty work for the CIA
Its a terrible shame that Blumenthal pushes the lie that Trotsky somehow is responsible for the Neo cons. People that he cites are people who REJECTED Trotsky.. even though they may have once come from groups that thought of themselves as Trotskyist. Trotsky always defended and supported the Soviet Union ..his critique of Stalin gets turned by people like Blumenthal into him being anti Socialist...and Anti Soviet. Some of the people he mentions did become anti Soviet and moved on to becoming players for the Neo Cons and Israel. Others Like the disgusting International Socialists ( ISO) turned to calling the Soviet Union just another form of Capitalism and even opposed the heroic Cuban troops that defeated South Africa in Angola...calling them an imperialist occupation force. More genuine Trotskyist Leninist's like the Spartacist League , with all their faults...praised the Cubans..and fought against Solidarnosc..they were hated by the liberal left and the ISO for this. It is just WRONG that Blumenthal and so many others push this lie and advance the falsification of history by doing so. I otherwise support much of his fine work.
you misquoted, the North Korean girl did not say she escaped with her mother only at 5:45. why r u lying? and you edited the video at that part, some screens are being cut as well.

You won't be able to get away with amazing infiltrations like this for long if they are properly dispersed among civilians. It is great that you used it to such strong effect. Keep defining yourselves and achieving such needed distinction within journalistic integrity.
Elizabeth Taylor, thank you so much for this Max, I'd never heard at all about this dreadful group tho they badly affected things I was very interested in and cared about a lot, like Nicaragua 1990.

Blowjob Pelosi could hardly dodder away fast enough when she heard "Russia".
NED bunch of CREEPS! They have no rights!


thanks to the Max !
Oh well the Kim's are great then

do americans support what their government is doing outside US?
Thank you for my government who like to interfere other countries for democratic???? Humans right???? I can tell HK peaceful rioters???? I want to join this good pay job.????? God bless America

Liars, cocodile tears, hows are the free money paid by the american tax payers? nice right?
Kimy likey Sum Yong Gurl...

That was absolutely brilliant. However I am unsettled by ending saying the journalist was Sidney Blumenthal's son. Now I don't know what to think

satanic machine.. SMH

Max be careful. Look what happened to Epstein. Almost everything which could go allegedly went wrong and Epstein was eliminated. Who knows may be Killary and her seven pervert dwarfs did it but one is for sure that he knew so much that they feared him and were desperate making up such a story. So be careful my friend in the criminal states of zionazimerica. It is like the daughter of ambassador of kuwait before the Iraq war. Those who claim that others are dictator are themselves the real dictators. Those coup makers got busted in Turkey 2015. Not anymore, said Turkish people.

Some facts are obvious: if the "blankist faces" she ever saw were the N Koreans Pelosi obviously must be dozing off in Congress - the drone, I guess. And since Kuwait, the ante has been raised on ghoulish atrocities requiring R2P attention: an invasion over incubators and now producing babies for hungry dogs!. Don't think I can stomach the next fantasy.
