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Friday 24 May 2019

China won't accept unequal trade deal

China-U.S. trade tensions | Mideast tensions take turn for worse

封杀华为 发难大疆 美滥用国家力量打压中国企业!| CCTV中文国际

Growing US pressure won't force China to submit 

The US Department of Homeland Security warned that drones pose a potential information risk because they contain components that can compromise users' data and share information on servers other than users.

Since nearly 80 percent of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drones in North America are produced by China's Dajiang Innovation (DJI), a Shenzhen-based company, analysts generally believe that tarnishing DJI's reputation may be laying the groundwork for taking actionsagainst DJI.

DJI is the world's largest producer of civilian drones and is said to control more than 70 percent of the world's civilian drone market. The drones it produces are not only good in quality but also cheap. Many products are under $1,000, so they are popular and increasingly versatile.

The US military is also a DJI drone user. The use of DJI drones by the US military has not completely stopped following the controversy over its information security. This shows that while the US has real concerns about the information security risks of DJI UAV , there is no real evidence to support such concerns.

The US Department of Homeland Security raised the issue of the information security risks of UAV to increase leverage and pressure on China after the US decision to cut off supplies to Huawei. It seems Washington is in a hurry to press China to make concessions and reach a trade deal at an early date beneficial only to the US.

The vast majority of users in the US use DJI drones in non-classified areas. The airspace over sensitive US institutions is closed to drones and there is another set of security measures that have nothing to do with the use of DJI drones in the US market. The prevention of forest fires, assistance with construction layouts, and the development of express delivery services to remote areas are obviously not the direction that intelligence agencies are aiming for. It is hard to believe that DJI has an incentive to engage in "intelligence activities" at the risk of being shut out of international markets.

The US is abusing the concept of national security. It is the US that was caught a few years ago spying on the leaders of its allies. It is now saying that Beijing's intelligence threat is everywhere. A big part of it is putting on a show. It may be partly because the US does install a lot of "back doors" into its electronic exports, Washington thinks other countries will do the same.

China will not fall into the trap to make unconditional compromises as Washington increases its pressure. If the US cracks down on Chinese companies, American consumers and suppliers will also suffer losses.

The US is having a profound effect on the global economic order by abusing national security and trampling on commercial principles. Current US administration is destroying the reputation and national image that generations of Americans have built. Such arrogance and hegemony are by no means good signs for the US..

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US orchestrates self-defeating maneuvers

Chinese people do not know whether we should call US approaches hegemonic politics or profiteering politics. But in short, they are crooked means. The threat of tariffs will not work. Neither will US threats against Chinese companies create a shock wave against China. The US is picking a wrong opponent at a wrong time. It will find no way of crafting a good result from a strategic mistake.




"What China Will Be Like As A Great Power" : Martin Jacques Keynote (32nd Annual Camden Conference)

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Wednesday 22 May 2019

华为不惧美国封杀 美式霸凌失道寡助!Huawei's goodwill gesture being treated unscrupulously by the US !


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Huawei products should not be linked to politics: Ren

U.S. ban not to affect Huawei's high-end and 5G products: Ren

Huawei is a commercial company, and the use of its products is a choice for consumers based on their likes and should not be linked to politics, said Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. on Tuesday.

Ren made the remarks after the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce put Huawei and its affiliates on an "Entity List," which would restrict the sale or transfer of U.S. technologies to the company. The ban has triggered opposition from markets worldwide.

Huawei maintains mass production capacities for specific key components, including chips, and the U.S. ban will not result in negative business growth, Ren told reporters.

The telecommunications giant projected slower but positive growth this year.

Huawei posted a 39 percent year-on-year revenue growth in the first quarter of the year. The growth has slowed slightly in the second quarter, but the slowing will not hurt the company, Ren said.

"Huawei had made preparations for the extreme situations even before the Chinese Lunar New Year," he said.

He noted, however, that it would not reject the U.S. supply chain, citing Huawei's announced purchase of 50 million chips from Qualcomm in 2018.

"As long as the U.S. government allows U.S. companies to export the components, Huawei will continue to buy while sticking to its own research and development," he said.

Ren said he appreciated the support of a large number of U.S. components suppliers over the years, and they are also lobbying for the easing of U.S. government-imposed restrictions.

He said Huawei is also in talks with companies like Google for potential remedy solutions, he said.

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Ren's mind-set fit to face down US

China can hardly make the US clear about all these issues. The only option for China is to do its own things well and accept the fact that the China-US trade war will last in the days that follow. As China becomes stronger, it will eventually see the US willing to reflect upon itself.

Homegrown BeiDou system guarantees industry safety

The overall output value of China's satellite navigation and positioning services industry reached 301.6 billion yuan ($43 billion) in 2018, up 18.3 percent on a year-on-year basis, with the country's home-developed BeiDou satellite system contributing 80 percent to the core production value, reads an official white paper.

China launches new BeiDou navigation satellite

China sent a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province at 11:48 p.m. Friday.

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Why does the U.S. expect China to accept an unequal treaty?

US relies on deception and is most afraid of protracted trade war

The economic data of China and the US for the month of April was not good. There are divergent views on the reasons for China's declining retail sales growth rate and especially, its industrial output growth. But amid China's overall expectations that a trade war could have some impact on the economy this year, one month's unsatisfactory data is socially and psychologically affordable.

The problem for the US is that the government won't admit that a trade war would have a negative impact on its own economy. Instead, the Trump administration advocates that tariff revenue is a good option for the US to boost economic growth.

In fact, Chinese society's understanding of the current situation is very objective, and the official and civil understanding is echoed by each other. Chinese society is confident in the country's broader economic prospects, based largely on the country's enormous economic potential and the government's ability to take strong measures to minimize the negative impact of a trade war and contain possible unexpected risks. In addition, it is believed that as long as China resists the pressure, the US will sign the agreement with China sooner or later, because the US also feels uncomfortable.

Most of those tariffs will be shared by American importers and consumers, and it is against the common sense of international trade for the US government to insist that tariffs are paid only by Chinese export enterprises.

If the White House now publicly acknowledges the negative impact of the trade war on itself and is still able to unite the US society, then the trade war will be even more difficult for China to deal.

The US side has created a false impression that it is strong, but in fact it is weak on the inside. If the US side wants to fight, we may as well do so. China also has modest demands, namely, to safeguard its sovereignty and uphold the principle of equality in China-US relations.

In a worst-case scenario, China would suffer losses which it could still afford. The great leeway of our society can certainly have a considerable damping effect. Under better circumstances, we can quickly build resilience so that China's economy will once and for all reduce its excessive dependence on the US market, and people's interests are better protected in the long run.

The US trade war with China will build up into a political bubble as it diverges from reality. We just need hold our breath, and try to do our own thing as much as possible. It will gradually deflate on its own.

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Supply cut-off cannot stifle Huawei

The pain inflicted on China is temporary. But what the US has to face is growing long-term pain. The so-called decoupling with China is very likely the real beginning of US decline.

China's strong stand benefits Japan, Europe

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Europe's scrutiny results prove Huawei "innocent": China FM spokesperson

The results of Europe's scrutiny on products by China's Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. have proven the company's "innocence," a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Monday.

Huawei fully prepared, core tech intact: Ren

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said a 90-day temporary license the US granted is not that meaningful for the company, as it is well prepared and has kept its core technologies intact.  

Monday 20 May 2019

Huawei does not need US chips: CEO on Trump export ban

Huawei Technologies CEO Ren Zhengfei says Huawei would be "fine" even if Qualcomm and other American suppliers would not sell chips to Huawei, because "we have already been preparing for this."
Chinese telecom giant will resist Washington pressure, Ren Zhengfei says

SHENZHEN, China -- Huawei Technologies' founder and chief executive blasted the Trump administration's decision to add his company to a government blacklist, insisting the Chinese telecom equipment maker has done nothing illegal.

"We have not done anything which violates the law," CEO Ren Zhengfei told Japanese media at company headquarters in Shenzhen on Saturday in his first interview since the  U.S. decision to restrict trade with Huawei.

Ren indicated that his company will continue developing its own chips to lessen the impact of the ban on its production. Ren said it would be "fine" even if Qualcomm and other American suppliers would not sell chips to Huawei. "We have already been preparing for this," he said.

Huawei unit HiSilicon Technologies, which mainly designs core processor chips, has made similar allusions to plans for dealing with a potential disruption in supply. In a recent open letter, President Teresa He Tingbo wrote, "We actually have foreseen this day for many years, and we do have a backup plan."

Echoing his tougher tone in recent months, Ren said his company will not be dictated to by Washington. "We will not change our management at the request of the U.S. or accept monitoring, as ZTE has done," he said.

The U.S. deployed a similar ban against ZTE last year, pushing the Chinese telecom company to the brink of bankruptcy.

Ren said the impact of the U.S. ban on Huawei's business will be limited, and expressed confidence in its longer-term outlook. "It is expected that Huawei's growth may slow, but only slightly," said Ren, citing the potential of annual revenue growth undershooting 20%.

"Policies that threaten trading partners one after another rob companies of risk-taking attitudes, and the U.S. will lose credibility," said Ren. On the other hand, he sees U.S. President Donald Trump's trade policies providing the impetus for Chinese economic reforms. "I would even suggest that the environment will improve," said Ren.

Huawei's chief shot down the prospect of producing 5G equipment on American soil. "Even if the U.S. asks us to manufacture over there, we will not go," said Ren.

Huawei procures around $67 billion worth of components every year, with roughly $11 billion coming from U.S. suppliers. Huawei depends especially on American parts makers for semiconductors, and it is believed that the company could face problems going forward manufacturing smartphones and telecommunications equipment. - Nikkel Asian Review

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HiSilicon has released a series of chips geared for artificial intelligence under the name Kirin, which are currently used in some of Huawei's smartphones. The company has boasted that some Kirin chips can compete with the likes of Qualcomm Inc. and Nvidia Corp.

Huawei Unit Says It Can Help Ensure Chip Supply Without U.S. Tech, Amid Doubts - Caixin Global



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Sunday 19 May 2019

US and China: Are the superpowers heading for a collision, or can they be frenemies?

US President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping at a working dinner in Buenos Aires in December. Mr Trump recently accused Beijing of backtracking on commitments for a proposed trade deal, which Beijing denies.

Read  Source link:

US, China: Frenemies? - World | The Star Online 

Professor who predicted clash between great powers talks about the next challenges ahead, including forestalling conflicts and finding a way forward, perhaps through ‘rivalry partnership’.

Prof Allison: The souring of bilateral ties caused by the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China risks creating the politics, perceptions and psychology that make a clash between the two countries harder to avoid. — China Daily/ANN
Prof Allison: The souring of bilateral ties caused by the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China risks creating the politics, perceptions and psychology that make a clash between the two countries harder to avoid. — China Daily/ANN

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Time to discard any illusions about the US

A letter written by He Tingbo, president of HiSilicon, a semiconductor company owned by Huawei, was made public on Friday. The letter is a touching one and has won public support. In the letter, He said that employees of the company embarked on the most stirring journey in technology history in recent years to make backup products for Huawei and now these products will finally be put to use.

US relies on deception and is most afraid of protracted trade war

The economic data of China and the US for the month of April was not good. There are divergent views on the reasons for China's declining retail sales growth rate and especially, its industrial output growth. But amid China's overall expectations that a trade war could have some impact on the economy this year, one month's unsatisfactory data is socially and psychologically affordable.

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