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Sunday 18 October 2020

Turning the tide on Malaysia’s third Covid-19 wave; Staying safe at work



The country is fighting to level a third wave of Covid-19 infections. Here’s a look at how the third wave came about and how the cases have spread so far.

Turning the tide on Malaysia's third Covid-19 wave
 MySejahtera QR code and thermal scanners are available at all Mitec entrances.
THE pandemic has certainly upended all previous routines. It’s the era of the new norm now and with it comes plenty of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to observe.

In most workplaces, employees work side by side and employers have to implement distancing between work stations or assign half the crew to work from home to reduce headcount.

Other measures employers have taken include temperature scan, mandatory wearing of masks, placing hand sanitisers at various points, regular sanitisation of frequent touch points – all the while keeping an eye on the bottomline.

At Nestle (M) Bhd, throughout the different phases of this health crisis, the company has maintained robust communication across all levels in the organisation to keep the ties and values that bind the Nestle family strong.

“We swiftly transitioned to ‘work from home’ at the onset of the pandemic, providing tools and capabilities to all our office employees to perform their jobs effectively,” said Nestle (M) Bhd chief executive officer Juan Aranols.

“These arrangements have evolved during RMCO, but we still have around 50% of our office-based employees working from home.

“For all our colleagues at the factories, warehouses and sales offices, we adopted all necessary measures to ensure that the workplace is safe based on the Health Ministry guidelines and our own practices.

“We have also shared, coached and encouraged our suppliers and distribution partners to comply with all SOPs.”

Nestle also produced an employee health and hygiene handbook which outlines guidelines on health screenings, self-declaration on travel and close contacts, handwashing, wearing masks, physical distancing, as well as procedures on reporting a Covid-19 case at the workplace.

Additionally, Nestle has a rigorous contact tracing protocol that is activated once an employee presents symptoms from potential exposure to the virus.

At Lexis Hotel Group, the pandemic has strengthened the bonds within the organisastion.

“The safety and health of both our staff and our guests are top priorities, not to mention a shared responsibility.

“All of us at Lexis take this very seriously. We stay vigilant and have each other’s back.

“We work hand in hand to keep our resorts safe not only for guests but also for each and every one of our team members,” said Lexis Hotel Group president Mandy Chew Siok Cheng.

The group management set up a comprehensive guideline and SOPs that are entrusted to the whole team to maintain and practise at all times, including regular temperature checks and health updates, strict “mask-on” and hygiene policies as well as rotating shifts and adjusted working hours to maximise social distancing in the workspace.

“To keep our guests safe and happy, we need to first stay safe and high spirited ourselves.

“Being in the hospitality industry, we play host to everyone who walks through our doors every day. As such, we do everything to the best of our ability to ensure that they feel safe and comfortable at all times, so we certainly appreciate these SOPs and guidelines that enable us to do so better,” shared Chew.

At the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec), the challenge is in handling a large number of visitors.

Beyond the compulsory SOP set by the National Security Council, Mitec’s comprehensive workplace SOPs include continuous staff training; public awareness and multi-media displays on safety and health measures; physical distancing at staff work areas, public areas and event venues; ISO 22000 advanced food safety measures; routine surface cleaning; reduced touch points, as well as air quality control and daily monitoring systems.

With the resurgence in Covid-19 cases over the last week, updated work precautions have been issued to all Mitec team members, which include breaking work hours into three shifts to lower the number of people at the office.

“Mitec has an emergency management system in place with paramedics and health professionals on duty during business hours to immediately address any situation,” said Mitec chief executive officer Gunther Beissel.

“We are also the only trade fair venue in the country with our own in-house medical clinic including an isolation room if needed.

“There is an ambulance on standby during business hours and extended hours during events.

“I am proud to say that every staff member has embedded this new norm into their daily operations and has remained vigilant at all times to help combat the pandemic,” he said. 
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Tuesday 13 October 2020

Study finds COVID-19 coronavirus can survive 28 days on some surfaces

It’s extremely robust on banknotes, glass, steel, plastic and mobile phones

These results highlight the need to wash hands as well as touchscreens regularly

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can survive on items such as banknotes and phones for up to 28 days in cool, dark conditions, according to a study by Australia's national science agency. Researchers at CSIRO's disease preparedness centre tested the longevity of SARS-CoV-2 in the dark at three temperatures, showing survival rates decreased as conditions became hotter, the agency said Monday.

The scientists found that at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, SARS-CoV-2 was "extremely robust" on smooth surfaces — like cell phone and other touch screens — surviving for 28 days on glass, steel and plastic banknotes.

At 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the survival rate dropped to seven days and plunged to just 24 hours at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

The virus survived for shorter periods on porous surfaces such as cotton — up to 14 days at the lowest temperatures and less than 16 hours at the highest — the researchers said.

This was "significantly longer" than previous studies which found the disease could survive for up to four days on non-porous surfaces, according to the paper published in the peer-reviewed Virology Journal.

Trevor Drew, director of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness, said the study involved drying samples of the virus on different materials before testing them, using an "extremely sensitive" method that found traces of live virus able to infect cell cultures.

"This doesn't mean to say that that amount of virus would be capable of infecting someone," he told public broadcaster ABC.

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He added that if a person was "careless with these materials and touched them and then licked your hands or touched your eyes or your nose, you might well get infected upwards of two weeks after they had been contaminated."

Critical for "risk mitigation"

Drew said there were several caveats including that the study was conducted with fixed levels of virus that likely represented the peak of a typical infection, and there was an absence of exposure to ultraviolet light, which can rapidly degrade the virus.

Humidity was kept steady at 50 percent, the study said, as increases in humidity have also been found as detrimental to the virus.

According to the CSIRO, the virus appears to primarily spread through the air but more research was needed to provide further insights into the transmission of the virus via surfaces.

"While the precise role of surface transmission, the degree of surface contact and the amount of virus required for infection is yet to be determined, establishing how long this virus remains viable on surfaces is critical for developing risk mitigation strategies in high contact areas," CSIRO's Debbie Eagles said.

The main message remains that "infectious people are far, far more infectious than surfaces", Drew told the ABC.

"But nevertheless, it may help to explain why even when we got rid of the infectious people, we do occasionally get these breakouts again, sometimes even in a country which is considered to be free," he said.

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Saturday 10 October 2020

China joins WHO-backed vaccine programme Covax rejected by Trump

China officially joins COVAX vaccine facility_英语频道_央视网 ...

Oct.08 -- China has signed on to the World Health Organization’s Covax program, the $18 billion initiative to deploy covid-19 vaccines to the world. Bloomberg’s John Liu reports on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia.”

Joining the fight: Hua said China will also strengthen vaccine cooperation with relevant countries through the Covax network. 

This is an important step China has taken to uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all and to honour its commitment of turning Covid-19 vaccines into a global public good, Hua said in a statement released on the Foreign Ministry’s website yesterday.

Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic still poses a severe threat to the safety and health of people in all countries.

China continues to focus on ensuring that developing countries have equal access to appropriate, safe and effective vaccines.

“To that end, we have solemnly pledged to make vaccines developed and deployed by China a global public good, which will be provided to developing countries as a priority,” Hua said.

China has maintained close communication with Covax with a positive attitude towards joining it, Hua said, noting that even when China is leading the world with several vaccines in advanced stages of R&D and with ample production capacity, it still decided to join Covax.

“We are taking this concrete step to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines, especially to developing countries, and hope more capable countries will also join and support Covax,” said the spokesperson.

“China will also strengthen vaccine cooperation with relevant countries through the Covax network.”

The country will continue to work together with Covax partners and contribute its share to the global fight against the pandemic to safeguard all human beings’ safety and health, Hua said. — Xinhua

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Friday 9 October 2020

BE PREPARED what to do if you get #coronavirus 請裝備自己 如果不幸患上冠狀病毒



Everyone is telling you how to NOT catch #coronavirus, but NO ONE is saying what to do if you get it.  每個人都在告訴您如何避免冠狀病毒,但是沒有人教你,如果不幸患上冠狀病毒,那應該怎麼辦。 Thanks to this nurse in the UK for putting this guide together: 感謝英國的這位護士整理以下的指引:

Finally, some sensible advice.  From a GP Nurse in the UK. 終於,由這名英國的執業護士提供了這些明智的建議。 What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place: 我已經看過很多關於如何首要避免感染冠狀病毒的建議:

What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place: 我已經看過很多關於如何首要避免感染冠狀病毒的建議:

• good hand washing 勤洗手• personal hygiene 個人衛生• social distancing  社交距離

but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many of us will. So as your friendly neighborhood Nurse let me make some suggestions: 但是我沒有看到太多關於在感染冠狀病毒後該如何做的建議, 而我們很多人也有機會患上。所以作爲你的友好鄰里護士,我有一些建議:

If you get Covid-19 如果你感染了COVID-19

You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it might come your way! 基本上,您只是想做好準備,就好像您知道自己將要患上令人討厭的呼吸道病一樣,例如支氣管炎或肺炎。你只要想象你有機會感染COVID-19。

Things to start doing now: 從現在開始要做的事情:

1. Get 20 minutes sun on your entire body (or as much as possible) every day. This will dramatically increase your Vitamin D levels, which improves  your immune system.  每天花20分鐘曬太陽(盡可能曬多點身體部位)。這將會大大提高體内維生素D的量, 以改善你的免疫系統。

2. If affordable take a good general supplement, plus 2000mg Vit C a day. Include ZINC, SELENIUM & GLUTATHIONE.  如果負擔得起,服用良好的功能營養,和每天攝取2000mg 維生素C。再配合鋅,硒和谷胱甘肽。

3. Scott’s Emulsion is a great general tonic (cod liver ooi)l 司各脫乳白是一款很好的普通補品(鰵魚肝油)

Things you should actually buy ahead of time:  您應該盡快購買的東西:

4. Kleenex

Paracetamol 對乙醯氨基酚

5. Cough medicine of choice (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on Paracetamol)    止咳藥(檢查標籤確保您不會重覆服用對乙醯氨基酚) Zinc lozenges 鋅錠 6. Throat spray like Andolex or TCP 喉嚨噴霧劑,如Andolex或TCP

7. Honey and lemon can work just as well! 蜂蜜和檸檬也可以!

8. Vicks vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. Vicks vaporub 維克斯舒緩薄荷膏對舒緩胸部不適也是一個很好的建議。

9. A humidifier would be a good thing to buy and use in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam) 晚上睡覺時,在房間裡使用加濕器,是一件好事。 (您也可以打開淋浴,然後坐在浴室裡呼吸蒸汽)

10. If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary. 如果您有哮喘病史,並且有處方吸入器,請確保所用的吸入器沒有過期,並重新裝滿/如有必要,請重新購買。

11. Meals This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. 用餐 這也是準備用餐的好時機:將一大批您喜歡的湯冷凍並準備好。

12. Hydrate hydrate, hydrate! Stock up on whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink, though tap water is fine you may appreciate some variety! 水分,水分,水分!儲存你最喜歡的清澈液體,儘管自來水還可以,但您可能會喜歡各種各樣的產品!

13. For symptom management and a fever over 38°c take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen. 如有病徵或發燒超過38°c,服用撲熱息痛(Paracetamol)而不是布洛芬(Ibuprofen)。

14. Rest lots You should not be leaving your house! Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided! 多休息 你不應該離開家!即使你病情好轉,14天內你仍可能具有傳染性,也應避免與老人家和身體狀況欠佳的人接觸!

15. Wear gloves and a mask to avoid contaminating others in your house 戴上手套和口罩,以免傳染家庭中的其他成員

16. Isolate in your bedroom if not living alone, ask friends and family to leave supplies outside to avoid contact. 如果不是一個人住,請隔離在臥室中,請親朋好友將用品留在外面,以避免接觸。

17. Sanitize your bed linen and clothes frequently by washing and clean your bathroom with recommended sanitizers.經常清洗並用推薦的消毒劑清潔您的床單和衣服。

18. You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high (over 39°C) and unmanaged with meds.  除非呼吸困難或發燒非常高(超過39°C)並且沒有藥物治療,否則您無需去醫院。

19. 90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds.迄今為止,已有90%的健康成人病例在家中接受了基本的休息/補水/非處方藥物治療。

20. If you are worried or in distress or feel your symptoms are getting worse:如果您擔心、緊張,或者感覺自己的症狀越來越嚴重: 21. Pre-existing risks If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your Doctor or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick.  預先存在的風險  如果您患有預先存在的肺部疾病(慢性阻塞性肺病,肺氣腫,肺癌)或正在接受免疫抑製劑,現在是時候與您的醫生或專科醫生談談,了解你生病時他們的治療方案。

22. Children One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus, they usually bounce back in a few days (but they will still be infectious) Just use pediatric dosing . 兒童父母對您的最大安慰是,兒童對於冠狀病毒的治療效果非常好,他們通常會在幾天內反彈(但仍會感染),只需使用兒科劑量即可。

23. Be calm and prepare rationally and everything will be fine. This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. 保持鎮靜,合理地準備,一切都會好起來的。這是要通知我們所有人,冠狀病毒的pH值在5.5到8.5之間變化。

24. All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus.  為了戰胜冠狀病毒,我們需要做的所有事情都是需要攝取更多高於上述pH值以上的鹼性食品。Some of which are: 其中包括:

 25. Lemon檸檬 - 9.9pH   Lime萊姆 - 8.2pH  Avocado 牛油果- 15.6pH  Garlic 蒜頭- 13.2pH - Mango芒果 - 8.7pH   Tangerine柑橘 - 8.5pH  Pineapple 菠蘿 - 12.7pH  Dandelion 蒲公英- 22.7pH  Orange 橙- 9.2pH 

26. How do you know you have coronavirus? 你如何知道你有冠狀病毒?1.  Itching in the throat 喉嚨痕癢2. Dry throat 喉嚨乾渴3. Dry couch 乾咳4. High temperature  高體溫5. Shortness of breath 呼吸短促6. Loss of sense of taste & smell 失去味覺、嗅覺7. Covid toes - toes turning blue/black  Covid腳趾-腳趾變成藍色/黑色

27. So where you notice these things quickly take warm water with lemon and drink.   因此,如您注意到自己有這些徵狀,請迅速飲用溫檸檬水。

28. Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends. 不要僅將此信息保留給自己。請將其傳遞給您的所有家人和朋友。

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Saturday 3 October 2020

US president Donald Trump is world's biggest driver of Covid-19 misinformation

US President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he steps off Air Force One upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland yesterday. - The president has been the world’s biggest driver of Covid-19 misinformation during the pandemic, a study from Cornell University said on Thursday. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)

Coronavirus Outbreak: Live Updates and News for October 3, 2020


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump has been the world's biggest driver of Covid-19 misinformation during the pandemic, a study from Cornell University said on Thursday.

A team from the Cornell Alliance for Science evaluated 38 million articles published by English-language, traditional media worldwide between Jan 1 and May 26 of this year.

The database they used aggregates coverage from countries such as the United States, Britain, India, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and other African and Asian nations.

They identified 522,472 news articles that reproduced or amplified misinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic, or what the World Health Organisation has called the "infodemic."

These were categorised into 11 main sub-topics, ranging from conspiracy theories to attacks on top scientist Anthony Fauci to the idea that the virus is a bioweapon unleashed by China.

But the most popular topic by far was what the study authors termed "miracle cures," which appeared in 295,351 articles – more than the other 10 topics combined.

The authors found that comments by President Trump drove major spikes in the "miracle cures" topic, led by his April 24 press briefing where he mused on the possibility of using disinfectants inside the body to cure the coronavirus.

Similar spikes were seen when he promoted unproven treatments like hydroxychloroquine.

"We conclude therefore that the president of the United States was likely the largest driver of the Covid-19 misinformation 'infodemic,'" the team wrote.

Sarah Evanega, who led the study and is director of the Cornell Alliance for Science, said: "If people are misled by unscientific and unsubstantiated claims about the disease, they may be less likely to observe official guidance and thus risk spreading the virus."

Co-author Jordan Adams, a data analyst at Cision Insights that provided the database, added: "One of the more interesting aspects of the data collection process was discovering the staggering amount of misinformation coverage directly linked to the public comments of a small number of individuals."

After miracle cures, the second-most prevalent misinformation topic was that the pandemic was created to advance a "new world order."

Next came the claim that the pandemic was a hoax for political gain by the US Democratic Party, followed by conspiracies alleging the virus was a bioweapon released by a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Conspiracy theories linking the pandemic to philanthropist Bill Gates came next, then the hoax that Covid-19 symptoms are caused by 5G phone networks, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and the notion that the virus is a form of population control.

Attacks on US government scientist Fauci, references to the debunked "Plandemic" video, and blaming the virus on Chinese people consuming bat soup rounded off the list.

The study's authors tracked how the stories were shared on social media, finding that the posts elicited 36 million engagements, three-quarters of them on Facebook.

The research was partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. - AFP

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Friday 2 October 2020

America’s 5 Stages of Grief Over China’s Rise; Trump and wife test positive for Covid-19


Whenever people face a huge loss in life — like a sudden divorce or death of a family member — they go through five stages of grief. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The U.S. is about to lose its top spot as the biggest economy and is, in a textbook manner, going through the same stages.

Denial: Some people like Kishore Mahbubani predicted twenty years ago that China will eventually be the leading economic powerhouse. But Americans chose denial and laughed at the concept. The popular beliefs behind the denials were:

  • China’s economy will collapse any moment now!
  • China will eventually become just like the West and then we will have nothing to worry about.
  • China is a totalitarian, communist country. They don’t understand capitalism or free market, and thus will never be rich.
  • China can never innovate. The workers are just slaves and bots.
  • China makes only crappy products and thus can never compete with western brands.
  • As soon as Chinese people travel to the West and see how glorious the West is, they will go back to China and overthrow the tyrannical and corrupt communist government.
  • China’s GDP numbers and other stats are fake!
  • China’s patents and scientific publications are of low quality.
  • Chinese products will never succeed outside China.
  • We can always nuke China and maintain our hegemony.
  • COVID19 will surely bring China down. And all the countries will start decoupling from China.
Alas, none of those happened. China miraculously kept advancing. Without a single recession in forty years, the engine of China kept roaring. China’s communist party grew the GDP 50x in forty years, lifted 800 million people out of poverty, created the world’s largest middle class, fostered innovative companies, and built a vibrant and all-around successful society. (See my blog on China’s global leadership)..

Anger: After denying reality for a while, people become angry. They feel like victims and start blaming others. That’s exactly what’s been happening, especially since Trump came to office. The anger is reflected in following ways:
  • China stole America’s jobs.
  • China stole intellectual property from the U.S. (after all, Chinese can’t innovate, remember?)
  • Chinese are spies and hackers.
  • China doesn’t buy anything from us.
  • China doesn’t treat U.S. corporations fairly. China is too protectionist.
  • China subsidizes its corporations. Not fair!
  • China made the coronavirus in the Wuhan lab. China tricked us into a lock down.
  • China bad, China bad, China bad!

: This is the hopeful phase. It’s like saying after the divorce, “Maybe I can get my wife back.” This phase is not always benign; it can involve a lot of ruthless scheming as seen in the last four years:

  • If we can just force China to buy more from us, we can eliminate trade deficit and make America great again.
  • Tariffs will cripple China and also force American companies to bring manufacturing jobs back.
  • If we just arrest Huawei’s CFO and kill the company with sanctions, China will bend its knee.
  • Let’s go on an all-out attack on every successful Chinese company. That should do the trick!
  • Let’s use Hong Kong and Uyghur separatists to disrupt China. How about using India and Taiwan to start a war?

None of these seem to be working, although military conflicts are possible (with devastating impact on global economy). America’s tech war will only spur more Chinese innovation and self-reliance.

Depression and Acceptance: We are not here yet. The U.S. is still trying hard to stop China, rather than planning for an inevitable post-American era,  which will start within five years. The geopolitically smart strategy will be to skip the stage of depression and go to acceptance. That will translate to embracing multilateralism and partnering with China, EU and Russia to forge a multi-polar world order for the 21st century. However, with so much Sinophoba and hubris in the U.S., no politician or think tank will dare propose such a solution. So … get ready for American depression.
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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Ping Shuai Gong 平甩功 'Swinging hand workout', Energy Bagua

Ping Shuai Gong (Chinese: 平甩功; pinyin: Píng Shuǎi gōng; lit.: 'Swinging hand workout') is a hand-swinging exercise pioneered byTaiwan Qigong (氣功)master Li Feng-shan (李鳳山

Standing with both legs apart at a width roughly equal to that of the shoulder, Ping Shuai Gong involves moving both arms in parallel, swinging first to the front of the body until they are the same height as the shoulder, then swinging the arms back with a little effort until both arms are behind the body. On every fifth swing, the knee should slightly bend down and spring back quickly - once when the arms are swinging towards the back of the body and another on the return swing to the front of the body.

It is suggested to be carried out 3 times a day and at least 10 minutes each time. It is to help to improve the blood circulation and start the healing process if there are any ailments. It is recommended to avoid drinking cold water immediately after the exercise despite cold water having no negative effects.

Pingshuai Gong is entry level Qi-Gong that founded by Taiwan Meimen master Lee Feng-San Shifu.

Ping Shuai Gong is claimed to cure many ailments including cancer, with anecdotal cases reported in Taiwan.

Energy Bagua

The official Energy Bagua website has launched. Find out more about Energy Bagua’s origin, philosophy, features, and benefits. Testimonials from all over the world, teaching materials, practice accessories, and worldwide center details can be found online as well. Visit our official website to learn more. ...


We have had people in wheelchairs practice with us. Some needed help to reach us. They all had a difficult start; some needed a little help, using a chair or a cane as support. I saw someone in Malaysia circling in a wheelchair. I heard that most of them could walk by themselves after practicing for a while. It could be difficult at the beginning, but they adapted to it .. Start at 0.49 ...

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