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Showing posts with label credible information & knowledge. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Covid19 - USA is a basket case

China has kept the Covid virus away from its people for 3 years with a stringent lockdown. The Chinese people could move around inside China free from the virus, like living in a cocoon. While the Americans were suffering from more than 100m infections, probably double that as the numbers are unreliable knowing congenital American liars, and more than 1m deaths, again could be higher, China only had a couple of hundred thousand infections and about 5,000 deaths.

The Americans were envious and angry that their mismanagement and quarrelsome domestic politics have turned them into an international basket case, a nation with the most infection and most deaths while the Chinese were saved from this pandemic. So they went all out to smear the Chinese lockdown as violation of human rights. According to American so called human rights, freedom to do as everyone pleases is more important than protecting lives. The Chinese human rights chose to protect and save the lives of their people. China thus was repeatedly attacked by the Americans and demanding that the lockdown be removed to let the Chinese people move around freely like the Americans and infecting everyone like the Americans. If China would to listen to the Americans, the infection in China could be more than 300m or 400m and death could be several millions.

China avoided this disaster. The Chinese people were saved.

After 3 years of mutation, the virus has reached a stage as scientifically expected, to be be less virulent and less deadly. It is gradually turning into the common flu. Infections could be high but no longer as deadly as the beginning. China now decided to loosen the control measures which should make the Americans happy as that was what they were demaning. But no, the Americans are angry again, politicising the issue by raising barriers of entry to basket USA. 

When the loosening was first announced, many countries announced that they would not increase monitoring measures as they know that this was unnecessary. When China opens up, the Chinese would be exposed and infected by all the virus mutations from the rest of the world, especially from basket case America. When the Chinese visit these countries, visit basket America, the worse would be bringing back the same virus that these countries spread to them, and the same virus that these countries are living with. No big deal. 

But the Americans spread another lie, that the Chinese would bring in new mutations. What a joke. And silly American cronies and stooge countries also parroted this new anti China narrative as expected. Within a couple of weeks, all the American cronies and stooges, those that found no need to add new measures to check on Chinese visitors changed their position, under the coercion of the Americans of course. They have yet to say that they were coerced by the Chinese like they used to say in the past. When the Americans were the ones that were twisting their arms to make them do the American bidding, they would turn around to accuse the Chinese for doing it. These are they typical response from American cronies and stooges.

So, the world's number one basket Covid country is raising barriers to keep the world's lowest infected country, China, to stop the Chinese to visit them. What a joke! And the best part, all the retail business of these countries, especially those that are hoping for the high spending Chinese to bring in the tourist dollars, would be kept hanging up dry. The same scenario is repeating like forbidding the oil hungry Europeans from buying cheap Russia oil and gas, forbidding American chip manufacturers from selling their chips to the biggest buyer, China, left them all hungry and broke.

China should please the Americans and their cronies and stooges by banning their people from visiting these silly countries and basket America. There are many friendly countries and interesting places to go to and spend their cash.

What else can be more silly than a basket country like America, pretending to be afraid of being infected by Chinese coming out from a clean cocoon, afraid to be infected by the Chinese when the whole Ameican population is already infected?

Keep living with your lies and delusion, basket case America. The Covid virus is in your blood, inside every American due to your freedom to travel, for the virus as well. 

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Interest and inflation rates, how high is high?



AS we welcome 2023, one of the central themes this year will be how high will interest rates rise after the relentless pursuit taken by global central banks in fighting inflation with persistent and measured rate hikes in 2022.

As can be seen from Chart 1, from the 75 basis points (bps) hike by the Bank of Thailand to the 425 bps hike by the US Federal Reserve (Fed), the year 2022 has certainly been a busy year for central banks.

Central banks had no choice but to raise rates to fend off inflationary pressure that has been persistent throughout the year, although there have been some signs of easing lately.

Not to be left behind, even the Bank of Japan, while not lifting key benchmark rate, allowed its 10-year Japanese government bonds to move 50 bps from its 0% target, instead of 25 bps earlier.

It is a move that is seen recognising that inflation is finally biting the Japanese too.



 Chart 2 shows that based on November 2022 statistics, the depositors are at the losing end as the 12-month deposit rate was 132 bps lower than the monthly inflation print of 4%.

Can inflation be tamed?

Reading inflationary pressures and forecasting where it is going is not an easy task especially when inflation prints itself is a combination of many factors and not just commodity prices and supply chain disruption that has been the core issues among central banks the past year. Although the global economic momentum has eased, global aggregate demand is still rising and much higher than it was before the pandemic.

Hence, there has been not only a persistent rise in consumer demand but one that is not matched by consistent supply provided in the marketplace, resulting in a hike in aggregate prices.

In theory, inflation is tamed by using monetary tightening measures as it is believed that by raising interest rates, consumers and businesses will be impacted by higher borrowing costs, resulting in lower consumption as well as a slower pace of investments, which in turn will reduce aggregate demand.

Nevertheless, rate hikes have also other consequential impacts on the economy in the form of a weaker or a stronger currency, depending on the relative increase in domestic rates vis-à-vis the comparative increase in other corresponding currencies.

For example, for the United States, the relentless increase by the Fed has caused a significant rally in the US Dollar Index, which rose to a high of US$114 (RM501) last year, up almost 20%, before easing to close the year at US$103 (RM454), down 9.3% from its peak, but still higher by more than 8%.

The surge in the dollar made US imports cheaper from the rest of the world, in particular those from China, even cheaper, which allows the US retail prices at the store to be relatively lower than they used to be before the rally in the dollar.

In essence, while the surge in US interest rates has reduced disposable income due to higher borrowing costs, which in turn lowered consumer demand, it has also caused imported end product prices to be relatively cheaper than before, allowing aggregate prices to be lower as well.

This suggests that US consumer products are in for a double-whammy in terms of prices as aggregate demand has been reduced due to lower disposable income and at the same time for products that are imported, prices too have eased due to the strength of the greenback.

For an economist, this is good news as the intended outcome will likely be achieved in taming inflationary pressure due to persistent hikes in interest rates. A look at inflation prints from the peaks in 2022, both the core Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditures index (PCE) have eased, falling by 67 bps and 62 bps from the highs and were last seen at 6% and 4.7% respectively.

Are we there yet?

After a 425 bps hike, the Fed’s message in the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) released this week was an important one as it guided the market to expect higher rates going into 2023 but at the same time also signalled that the war against inflation is far from over and the Fed will continue to raise rates until it can achieve its targeted inflation print.

Compared with its September forecast of 4.6%, the Fed has now raised its median Fed Fund Rate (FFR) for 2023 to 5.1%, an increase of 50 bps while at the same time, the Fed also expects median FFR to drop by 100 bps each in 2024 and 2025 to 4.1% and 3.1% from earlier projected rate of 3.9% and 2.9% respectively.

Core PCE inflation, which is the Fed’s benchmark rate for inflationary pressure, is now expected to hit a median rate of 4.8% in 2022 before easing to 3.5% and 2.5% in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

By all means, the Fed is forecasting that inflation will be tamed in time to come. Hence, in all likelihood, we have seen the peak in inflationary pressure but perhaps we will be in for a higher US rate for longer before we see the Fed’s pivot.

Contrary to market expectations, the FOMC minutes this week revealed that the Fed is not expected to cut rates in 2023.

As for the market, based on Fed Fund Futures the Fed is expected to raise the FFR by 25 bps each over the next three meetings to reach 5.00% and 5.25%, followed by two rate cuts of 25 bps each in the second half of 2023, bringing the FFR back to 4.5% and 4.75% at the end of 2023.

Bank Negara to stand pat?

Compared to many central banks in the region or globally, Bank Negara move to raise the benchmark Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 100 bps last year is seen as rather muted.

Based on the year-to-date core CPI of 2.9% up to November 2022, the inflationary pressure experienced by Malaysia remained within Bank Negara’s forecast of between 2% and 3% for the year and going into 2023, core inflation prints will remain elevated at the beginning of the year but may ease later on, especially with the current government’s efforts in reducing the cost of living.

Given that scenario and the likelihood that the Fed and other regional central banks too are almost done raising rates, Bank Negara may stand pat and leave the OPR unchanged for 2023 at 2.75%. After all, a higher rate of between 25 bps to 50 bps as predicted by many broking firms will only result in higher borrowing costs for consumers and businesses, a move that will likely accelerate the pace of economic slowdown in 2023. By leaving the OPR unchanged, Bank Negara is signalling that it is done with raising rates and the current rate remains commodative and supportive of economic growth.

Positive real returns?

One of the arguments for higher interest rates is whether depositors are getting positive real returns, which is the difference between fixed deposit rates and inflation prints.

Chart 2 shows that based on November 2022 statistics, the depositors are at the losing end as the 12-month deposit rate was 132 bps lower than the monthly inflation print of 4%.

However, interestingly, as the market is anticipating rate hikes of 25 bps in the January 2023 Monetary Policy Committee meeting and another hike in March 2023, 12-month fixed deposit rates of many banks have passed the 3% mark and depositors could even easily enjoy rates up to 4% as promotional activities to attract fresh deposits have intensified over the past month. With that, depositors are already getting returns close to the headline monthly inflation prints.

In conclusion, while it makes sense for Bank Negara to stand pat and not raise rates in its first two meetings this year as widely expected, the market has already priced in the scenario that the central bank is ready to raise rates by 50 bps to take the benchmark OPR to 3.25%, the level last seen in March 2019, almost four years ago.

Pankaj C Kumar   Pankaj C. Kumar is a long-time investment analyst. The views expressed here are the writer’s own.

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Friday 30 December 2022

2023 shows tip of mast and it represents hope, the righteous path of mankind lies in Great Unity


Braving the waves. Illustration: Liu Rui/GT


2023 is coming, and its mast tip has emerged from the sea level. This represents more of a hope for the world that has experienced various uncertainties, crises, and changes in 2022. For both China and the world, 2022 is destined to be marked in a unique position. As the time comes to a new junction, people are faced with another choice and test on how to make the future better.

The overlapping effects of changes unseen in a century and a once-in-a-century pandemic reached a phased peak in 2022. Climate disasters, geopolitical tensions and confrontations, soaring food and energy prices, a sluggish economic recovery - a series of crises in both traditional and non-traditional security areas put world history again at the crossroads of turmoil or stability and recession or prosperity. The sudden outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the biggest "gray rhino" event. It is a consequence of the long-term US and Western push for bloc security and camp confrontation in Europe, and its spillover effects are still profoundly evolving. Today, more than 30 years after the end of the Cold War, it offers a sober reminder again for the world that security has become problematic and development has been threatened on this planet.

If 2022 is a mirror, it probably reflects the world's confusion, perplexity and hesitation at a new junction. This is also the current state of many countries in the world. Needless to say, 2022 has been a difficult year for China as well. From external changes and impact of the epidemic to the economic slowdown, there was no challenge that can be easily tackled. Even at this moment, many Chinese people are still fighting COVID-19. But China is a major power that knows best where it stands and where it's headed. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China contains both clear guidance on which direction to go and specific planning framework. The clarity of policy and stability in the medium and long term is obviously a crucial institutional advantage today, giving the Chinese people the courage and confidence to enter 2023.

At the crossroads of history, should we build bridges and pave roads or build high walls and deep fortifications? Should we choose win-win cooperation or a zero-sum game? Different choices lead to different fates.

In 2022, absurd theories like the "New Cold War" and "global NATO" emerged one after another in the US and the West, and obsolete concepts such as hegemonism and power politics have revived. However, this has inspired people to cherish peace and attach importance to development. The urgency of global challenges has forced countries to cooperate, and the unilateral manipulation of "decoupling and breaking chains" has accentuated the significance of multilateralism. Under the shadow of the war and the pandemic, the success of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the Qatar World Cup not only made people feel the charm of sports but also offered the world a warm and healing embrace, showing the great power of peace and unity.

The more turbulent the world is, the more we need the power to put people at ease. It has become a strong voice of the times that we need peace rather than war, development rather than recession, openness rather than isolation, and cooperation rather than confrontation. In his 2023 New Year's message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that "in 2023, we need peace, now more than ever." 

Where is the new path for peace and development? The world is still exploring. But solutions offered by China are being recognized by many countries around the world. In April, the Global Security Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022 aroused widespread resonance in the international community and has been regarded as a powerful weapon to defend the shared values of all humankind. This initiative, together with the Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi in September last year, will serve as an international public good and shine even brighter in the world in 2023.

It is foreseeable that the year 2023 will not be easy either. China is facing the new challenge of better coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. It still needs to continue to overcome all the difficulties on the way. And the world is hovering on the edge of war and peace and the light at the end of the tunnel has yet to appear. 

However, we can still be full of new expectations for the world, because, under its imperfect performance, an upward growth force has broken through the ground - that is the earnest expectation for a better life, the powerful voice for fairness and justice, and the firm pursuit of win-win cooperation. Unremitting down-to-earth striving is the bridge to the future.

The times are catching up. China has taken a big test in 2022, which made us stronger and more determined. We kept marching forward while biting the bullet. Navigating through wind and storm, we never stopped. As the new year's bell is about to ring, we embrace 2023 with open arms, expecting it to become a new year for China to "roll up our sleeves and work hard" and provide the world with an inexhaustible supply of positive energy. 

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The righteous path of mankind lies in Great Unity 


This picture taken on November 16, 2022 in Bangkok shows signage for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Photo: Xinhua This picture taken on November 16, 2022 in Bangkok shows signage for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Photo: Xinhua

The world in 2022 is not peaceful: War began on the European continent, the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, global food and energy problems have become prominent, and the world economic recovery is stumbling. What is presented to the world unprecedentedly is a profound change in the world, the times and history.

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is a brutal extension of the post-Cold War global geopolitical reality. Abnormal terms from the US and the West, including the "global NATO," "parallel world," and "new iron curtain," emerged. Concepts that should die out, such as the Cold War thinking, bloc confrontation, and power politics, took the opportunity of the chaos to rise up. In the third decade of the 21st century, 30 years after the end of the Cold War, turmoil and crisis alerted the world to the fact that security is facing problems and development is being threatened on this planet.

"Security is the precondition for development and humanity are living in an indivisible security community," said Chinese President Xi Jinping in April this year when he solemnly put forward the Global Security Initiative at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022, providing the international community with practical new ideas and paths for jointly maintaining world peace and security.

"Global development would be impossible without a peaceful and stable international environment," noted President Xi in November in a discussion about the Global Security Initiative at the 17th G20 Leaders' Summit. He profoundly clarified the importance of security for development and promoting a more inclusive, universal and resilient global development.

With the wisdom of the East and the vision of China as a great nation, the Global Security Initiative is connected to the well-being of humankind. It focuses on sore points in security, reflecting the global consensus and arousing universal resonance.

Risky, peculiar situation in great changes unseen in a century

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has dragged on for 10 months, has severely depleted the strategic resources of both sides and produced incalculable spillover effects.

Statistics show that energy and food prices in the Eurozone continue to climb, with the annual inflation reaching 10.7 percent in October, a record high. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused global food shortages and soaring commodity prices outside Europe. Many developing countries have fallen into extreme poverty and hunger, and the specter of bankruptcy and unrest is hovering above them.

Achieving peace is not only a humanitarian pursuit, but also a key to sustaining global economic recovery and growth. In the face of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China always stands on the side of peace and justice and decides its position and policy based on the merits of the matter. It has been actively promoting peace talks in its own way.

In a phone conversation with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on December 20, President Xi stressed that China stays committed to promoting peace talks and believes that a protracted and complicated crisis is in no parties' interests. China supports the EU in demonstrating its strategic autonomy and in leading the establishment of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture to realize enduring peace and long-term stability in the European continent.

To put out the flame, not fan it - this is the consensus and expectation of most countries. However, contrary to the general vision of the international community, the US and NATO so far have no intention to put an end to the conflict. On December 20, the US House of Representatives announced the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023, to provide $45 billion in emergency funding to support Ukraine. This will be the largest US aid to Ukraine to date, far exceeding the $37 billion aid requested by the White House to Congress in November.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO members agreed to invite Finland and Sweden to join the alliance. They have also taken a series of measures to transform and strengthen their organization. This created a "collective fear" about the security of Europe and even the world. NATO, which was already showing signs of being "brain dead," was able to "resurrect" and strengthen.

The essence of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is precisely the outburst of geopolitical conflicts between Russia and NATO that have long accumulated after the Cold War. Fundamentally, this is the evil consequence that US' Cold War thinking and hegemonic policies have resulted in. NATO's constant expansion and long-term containment of Russia triggered the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Shining a light of hope from security predicament

The US and Western countries have long been clinging to hegemonic thinking and ideological barriers, which are against the general development trend of the times and are the source of the current crisis and chaos of the world.

Facing the crisis and chaos three decades after the end of the Cold War, the world needs a calm and profound reflection.

Faced with the spread of violence and conflicts, rampant terrorism, global pandemic, and the threat of nuclear war and annihilation, no country can stand alone. History and reality have repeatedly shown us that there is neither a paradise of absolute security in the world, nor is there an isolation from the security of the world. No country can seek its own absolute security by itself, and no country can recover and stay stable from the turmoil in other countries.

Abandoning hegemony and confrontation and pursuing peace and development are the well-being of all mankind. It is for this reason that the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind put forward by the Chinese leader is hailed as "the only future for humanity on this planet"; the Global Security Initiative advocating joint maintenance of world peace is regarded as a "powerful weapon to defend the common values of all mankind."

Security is the most basic and universal appeal and desire of all human beings, and the basic prerequisite for human survival and development.

The Global Security Initiative is another international public product provided by China in the field of global governance, and it will lead human society with a clear path to a world of lasting peace and universal security.

Reflection on security under hegemonic dominance

Since the beginning of 2022, when the US' Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act to implement a discriminatory subsidy policy, and when the US-led NATO pursued absolute security and Russia counterattacked, the negative effect of hegemony on security has been clearly exposed to the world - the old historical dream of American hegemony runs counter to the general trend of the era of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

The root cause is that the US ignores the security and development needs of other countries, ignores the development and changes of the international pattern, and is obsessed with maintaining its own hegemony and the "center-periphery" international political and economic structure. In this structure, Western countries with the US as the head are at the core, while non-Western countries are permanently squeezed out to the periphery.

This is also the root of the security dilemma in today's world: the US and the West are continuing their hegemony, ignoring or even suppressing the rise of the non-Western world as a whole, and are extremely selfish in dealing with international security issues.

The so-called "the US and the West representing the world" is destined to be a geopolitical fantasy. Most countries reject the democratic narrative peddled by the US and the West, and even more refuse to choose sides in the great power competition promoted by the US.

The clamor to "change China's environment" is just the wishful thinking of the US. At this year's Shangri-La Dialogue, the Asia-Pacific countries' "suppression" of China that the US had expected completely came to nothing. Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto in his speech urged countries to respect China's "rightful rise back to its position as a great civilization."

Being obsessed with "containing China's influence" will lead to nothing. A few days ago, the US hosted the US-Africa Leaders Summit again after eight years. Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that this summit is exactly the same as the US-ASEAN Special Summit held earlier this year, the 9th Summit of the Americas, or the US-Pacific Island Country Summit, which are to suppress China's influence. This seems to have become the focus of the US' diplomacy, but is doomed to futility in the face of real Chinese contributions.

In the world's pursuit of common security and common development, the hegemonic rhetoric of the US has failed.

Using security challenges and "China threat" as a gimmick will not restore the credibility and influence that the US has lost during its decades of hegemony. The vast majority of countries in the world will not disregard peaceful development.

What all countries need is a real peace dividend, and they hope to find a rational balance between security and development. In the face of the US, which insists on turning the Pacific Ocean into a "battlefield of great powers," countries in the region worry about it and refuse to "dance" with the US.

Seek the way of Great Unity with the heart for the world

The recent FIFA World Cup held in the Middle East was full of excitement, and so were the eye-catching "triple summits" - the China-Arab States Summit, the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit and the China-Saudi Arabia Summit.

As China's largest and highest-level diplomatic action to the Arab world since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it reflects the strategic choice of China and Arab countries to strengthen solidarity and coordination amid global challenges.

From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand, the G20 summit in Bali, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Bangkok to the latest "triple summits," during President Xi's three overseas visits around the 20th CPC National Congress, he met bilaterally with leaders of more than 40 countries, promoting the Chinese belief of solidarity, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win to the world.

From jointly promoting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to building a community with a shared future for mankind, from putting forward four-point proposal regarding escalating Palestine-Israel conflict, proposing a five-point initiative on achieving security and stability in the Middle East, to putting forward the "Initiative of Peaceful Development in the Horn of Africa," China coordinates security and development in line with new changes around the world and cope with new challenges, and continue to enrich and develop solutions to world security issues.

The Global Security Initiative put forward by Xi takes the new vision on security as the guiding principle, mutual respect as the fundamental requirement, indivisible security as the important principle, and building a security community as the long-term goal, in order to foster a new type of security that replaces confrontation, alliance and a zero-sum approach with dialogue, partnership and win-win results.

Since its founding, the People's Republic of China has never initiated war and has always been a builder of world peace. China firmly upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and has always been a defender of the international order. The country has always been a mediator on hot issues: seeking solutions to the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian issue, the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the Afghanistan issue.

By promoting the implementation of the BRI and leveraging such platforms as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), China has injected vitality into global economic stability and recovery, and remains a provider of international public goods.

The Global Security Initiative and the Global Development Initiative proposed by Xi in 2021 complement each other. They echo the trend of the era for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, coordinate security in both traditional and non-traditional fields, seek the "greatest common divisor" and draw the "greatest concentric circles" in the international community, and provide new support for the security and development of all countries.

The righteous way of the world lies in Great Unity. 

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Tuesday 27 December 2022

Merry Christmas Holiday fitness hacks

Holiday fitness hacks The festive season usually means diets and workouts are out the window, but to assuage your guilt, try these tips to moderate the eating and get a little exercise in.

 Chewing gum can actually help reduce food cravings and appetite, so pop some in after you’ve eaten enough at the party. — AFP

ONCE again, Christmas is here.

Your diet and workout may go out the window today, but never mind; it’s a day to find some merriment to light up your heart.

Even if you’re not celebrating Christmas, everyone can savour the holiday and hope that present troubles will pass.

As Malaysians, no doubt the first thing we want to do is get together and feast today – and this activity will probably continue until 2023 rings in.

Excessive eating is one of the main reasons for the additional weight gain, but it is also due to lack of physical activity and exercise.

After bingeing on good food and drinks, we feel guilty and sign up for gym memberships – a new year, a new start.

That’s what we’d like to believe anyway! But, instead of going downhill speedily, why not put your brakes on and glide steadily down the slope for a softer landing?

Try these useful tips to stay fit this holiday season.

Eat before heading out

There will be plenty of parties, dinners, lunches and gatherings, even if they are small ones.

So, eat something before leaving home so that you won’t be tempted to overeat there.

Some people prefer to skip their meals for the day to enjoy the festive spreads later, but that only means you will be enticed to eat more and thwart your digestion.

Foregoing meals actually leads to faster weight gain.

If you have a lot of invitations, eat smaller meals and chew food well.

Remember, the slower you eat, the faster you’ll feel full.

Fill up on salads and veggies

Chances are, if you are at a big party, there will be a variety of dishes to choose from.

Fill up at least half your plate with salads (minimise the dressing) and veggies (potatoes don’t count) as these choices contain very few calories and sugar.

Also, sit further away from the food, especially desserts, so that you have to get up and walk to get second or third helpings. Every little walking step counts!

It also helps prevent you from continuing to pick at a certain food just because it is in front of you.

Load up on water

Drink a lot of water to satiate your appetite and keep hydrated.

It will also prevent a possible hangover if you go overboard with the alcohol.

A dry mouth and a nagging headache are classic symptoms of dehydration.

As a rule of thumb, experts recommend drinking one full glass of water for every alcoholic beverage that you consume.

Bear in mind to drink moderately, and if you’re driving, definitely stick to non-alcoholic beverages.

If you do have one too many alcoholic beverages, have a glass of warm water with lemon or a green tea the next morning.

This will help to activate your system and begin any detoxification process needed.

Also, just prior to going out, have something like some yoghurt and a banana – the protein contained in them slows down stomach digestion, and the potassium will assist in balancing out any salty foods that might exacerbate dehydration.

Many Christmas treats and snacks are full of salt or sugar, which tends to throw your metabolism completely out of balance (including when it come to alcohol), so nibble instead of gobble.

Chew gum after meals

If you chew gum after tucking into your meal, that minty fresh taste and the action of chewing will help you avoid going back for more helpings, even if you’re still hungry.

A few small studies have shown that chewing gum can help reduce cravings and appetite, as well as shave calories.

Research conducted by the University of Rhode Island, United States, found that people who chewed gum every day consumed 68 fewer calories and did not bingeeat later.

Plus, gum chewers actually burned about 5% more calories than non-gum chewers.

Go ahead, chew gum when you have the urge to snack and right after your meals to prevent mindless munching.

However, note that chewing gum can also lead to swallowing air, which can cause bloating, so if you are prone to getting “wind” in your tummy, ignore this tip.

Get out of the house

Fret not if you don’t receive any invitations this year as many are struggling to make ends meet.

Allocate time for family and perhaps plan some outdoor activities that do not involve costs.

Maybe a hike in the forest, a picnic in the park, a frolic in the playground or a walk about town – if the weather permits.

All these will help burn calories while keeping the children entertained.

Squeeze in some strength training

Staying active and maintaining a semblance of an exercise routine may seem like an impossible task with a calendar full of holiday parties and family obligations. But it can be done.

Plan to exercise in the morning before starting your day, when there are minimal distractions.

To maintain the muscle mass that you’ve worked so hard to build, perform your strength-training exercises as you can burn just as many calories as a cardiovascular workout in a shorter span of time. No weights?

No problem, just use your own bodyweight – 20 minutes daily or every other day is enough during this period.

Here are some examples of exercises you can do:

> One-minute jumping jacks and/or marching on the spot with knees high (to warm up).

> Twenty parallel squats.

> Twenty walking lunges.

> A one-minute plank.

> Ten push-ups.

> Twenty bicycle crunches.

> Twenty tricep dips.

> Twenty duck squats (with legs separated and feet turned out).

Opting for meat dishes at the parties and buffets might even mean you will gain some extra muscle – definitely much better than gaining some extra fat!

So, stay healthy, indulge a little bit, keep your face masks on in crowded areas, and as Ella Fitzgerald would sing, Have yourself a merry little Christmas.

See you next year!

RevMathi urugappan is a certified fitness trainer who tries to battle gravity and continues to dance to express herself artistically and nourish her soul. For more information, email my. The information contained in this column is for general educational purposes only. neither The Star nor the author gives any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to such information. The Star and the author disclaim all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information. 

  The Star Malaysia 25 Dec 2022REVATHI MURUGAPPAN

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China safeguards global economy, US exploits world for its own benefit


 Illustration: Liu Rui/GT


Making a reasonable argument is not a term in Washington's dictionary in the China-US power game. 

Ned Price, US state department spokesperson, said on Monday that the US hopes China can address the current COVID-19 outbreak as "the toll of the virus is of concern to the rest of the world given the size of China's GDP, given the size of China's economy."

His remarks aren't surprising at all. Washington has been putting and will go on to put all of China's policies and measures under the prism of China-US competition. That means the wordings of the US side will be all about shaping an international atmosphere that benefits only the US. 

When China's role in the global economy is mentioned, some very recent examples can be cited. In the just-concluded World Cup, products made in Yiwu, China's small commodity hub, have accounted for nearly 70 percent of the market share of World Cup merchandise, ranging from national flags, soccer balls to jerseys, according to the Yiwu Sports Goods Association. Made-in-China products, including but not limited to projectors and leggings, injected vigor into Black Friday, a traditional shopping bonanza in the West that kicked off on November 25, reports show. Last but not the least, the US announced in late November that it will extend its tariff exclusions for some Chinese medical products for an additional three months in order to continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Responding to Price's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Tuesday that in the past three years, China's COVID policy has provided maximum protection to people's lives and health, minimized COVID's impact on socioeconomic development, and bought precious time for understanding the virus on the basis of science, for research and development of vaccines and therapeutics, and for vaccinating more people across the country. We have achieved the most effective results at minimum cost. 

Washington does not have a say in China's influence on the world economy. Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, said earlier this month that recalibrating COVID policies "can be very good for the Chinese people and economy, and also good for Asia and the world economy." Morgan Stanley raised its forecast for China's GDP in 2023 to 5.4 percent from its previous outlook of 5 percent, predicting that a rebound in activity will come earlier and be sharper than expected.

China is the only country that has earnestly fought the battle against COVID with strict measures for three years, unlike the US, which had given up fighting the virus long long ago. Just because China has taken the lead in reining in COVID, it is able to resume businesses and production in an efficient manner. In 2020, China was the only major world economy to grow in that pandemic-ravaged year. In 2021, China's GDP was $17.7 trillion, accounting for 18.5 percent of the global total. 

In an interview with the Global Times, Sean Doherty, head of International Trade and Investment and member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum, said that China shows tactical resilience in maintaining flexible supply chains amid the pandemic, while describing China as a role model in facilitating trade domestically and a leading power in the WTO's investment facilitation discussions.

However, it's another story in the US. Washington wasted no time politicizing the virus, launched an ideological warfare and divided the world when unity was badly needed the most amid the global public health crisis. 

When the US needs to boost its economy, it tends to turn to unlimited quantitative easing, referred to as printing money wildly, which is aimed at attracting inflows of financial capital. But when its measures led to high inflation, which has been especially severe during the pandemic, the US starts to raise its interest rates, time and again. The aim is to make the US dollar stronger, attract investment capital from investors abroad seeking higher returns on American bonds and interest-rate products. But for other countries, the endless interest rate hikes are making it more and more expensive to service their dollar-denominated debts, causing currency depreciation and worsening inflation on their own soil. With the kits, like quantitative easing and raising interest rates, in its tool box, the US has been reaping benefits and wealth from the world.

This is the truth: When China makes contributions to the world economy during the pandemic, Washington is busy making deliberate transfer of wealth from the world to the US. 

Despite Price's rhetoric, the world will see which side has been the problem. If Price does cares about the world economy, he should have advised the White House to restrain itself when disrupting global supply chains and provoking conflicts and even wars. 

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