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Showing posts with label US Hegemony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Hegemony. Show all posts

Sunday 26 February 2023

'US plan for destruction of Taiwan' draws public outcry, distrust grows toward Washington

Biden had revealed the US plan to destroy Taiwan

To kill everyone in Ukraine and Taiwan!! Fight against China and Russia!!! Are you an idiot for being the leader of China and Russia?

The United States issued bonds to borrow one trillion dollars from China,!! Biden used the borrowed money to fund anti-China groups!!, and encouraged them to attack China!! Can President Xi Jinping still expect peace?

Biden said our plan to destroy Taiwan is more catastrophic than destroying Ukraine!! It is to use the evil empire China+Russia as a tool in disguise!! Destroy Taiwan+Ukraine these two little allies!!

So letting the EU and Russia kill each other is also part of Biden’s plan!! No wonder the destruction of Nord Stream 2!!Ultimately killing the poor of America!!

Jesus said that God loves everyone!! Spread rumors about the so-called evil China, Russia, North Korea, and Middle East countries, and tell the poor to go to the battlefield to destroy them!! Is it in line with what Jesus said? May I ask the poor in the United States? Are you willing to go to the battlefield and die for Biden?

 'US plan for destruction of Taiwan' draws public outcry

A screenshot of a recent Taiwan media discussion on a social media post of the US president's purported claim of Washington's "plan for the destruction of Taiwan".  (PHOTO / CHINA DAILY)

 A recent controversy sparked by a purported “US plan for the destruction of Taiwan” has sparked growing distrust of and dissatisfaction in the United States by the island’s residents for using the island as a pawn to contain the Chinese mainland.

The remarks came in a social media bombshell dropped in Washington by Garland Nixon, a renowned American radio program host, who quoted a White House insider as saying that Biden had revealed the US plan to destroy Taiwan.

The incident also shows that Taiwan residents’ distrust of the US is growing and they are not willing to be used by US politicians

The post, on Feb 16, read that “when asked ‘if there could be any greater disaster than the neocon Ukraine project, President Biden responded, “wait until you see our plan for the destruction of Taiwan”.

The bombshell went viral on Taiwan’s social media platforms, trigging a public outcry and wrath against US politicians. Many media programs held debates on US’ intentions to exploit and sacrifice Taiwan for its hegemonic purposes, including plotting to undermine Taiwan’s chipmaking sector.

According to a media report by Hong Kong-based Ta Kung Pao, Zhang Wensheng, deputy dean of the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies at Xiamen University, said that although the post’s content has not been verified, it has always been evident that the US has used Taiwan as a pawn to contain China and never cared about the safety or interests of Taiwan residents.

The incident also shows that Taiwan residents’ distrust of the US is growing and they are not willing to be used by US politicians, Zhang added.

The island’s authorities rushed to defend the US stance, but analysts from the island brushed aside their simple denial with examples of US moves against Taiwan interests in the name of “shared value”.

A representative of a Taiwan youth council said US politicians and high-ranking military personnel have been pushing to liken Taiwan to Ukraine, when they are vastly different. American politicians and military personnel hype up tension across the Taiwan Strait in order to peddle more weaponry to Taiwan and turn the island into an arms storage facility for the US, the representative said.

A Feb 24 report by Bloomberg website headlined: “US to bolster its small force on Taiwan” said that US troop numbers in Taiwan “would grow to between 100 and 200.”

If the Bloomberg report is true, the US is blatantly breaking its promise to and infringing the sovereignty of China as Washington officially acknowledges that the People’s Republic of China is the sole representative of China and Taiwan is part of China, analysts said. The US is also violating international law and contravening the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, its founding document. 

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Distrust grows toward Washington amid revelation of US’ ‘destruction of Taiwan’ plan

Photo taken on Jan 12, 2019 shows the White House and a stop sign in Washington D.C., the United States. Photo:Xinhua 
Photo taken on Jan 12, 2019 shows the White House and a stop sign in Washington D.C., the United States. Photo:Xinhua

Along with reports of enhanced interactions between the US and the island of Taiwan, the US was also reported to have been considering plans to destroy the island in the event of a military conflict between the island and the Chinese mainland. Related reports have seriously damaged the belief that the US can "defend the island," and demonstrated that the US is just using it as a pawn.

US radio talk show host Garland Nixon last week wrote on Twitter that White House insiders said that US President Joe Biden had warned about the "destruction of Taiwan," when asked if there could be any greater disaster than the Ukraine crisis.

When asked for comments on the so-called "destruction of Taiwan" plan at a press conference on Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said, "I also want to know what the 'destruction of Taiwan' plan is. The US should give a definitive explanation."

He noted that Taiwan is China's Taiwan and China will firmly safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Similar plans have been revealed before. In late 2022, Taiwan authorities said that they had rejected a proposal to destroy its flagship semiconductor industry in the event of a military conflict with the mainland.

The "destruction of Taiwan" must be one of the US' options, and it could even be one of the options that preparations are being made for, Zheng Jian, director of the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University, told the Global Times.

For the US, the best strategy is to deter the Chinese mainland without using a single soldier. The middle and worst policy is to destroy Taiwan, or the essence of Taiwan, such as taking away TSMC and the talents on the island, Zheng explained.

Amid reports of the US' plans for destroying and abandoning the island, Washington has also recently ramped up military support for Taiwan.

It has been reported that Taiwan authorities plan to boost military exchanges with the US, after the island's regional leader Tsai Ing-wen met with some US lawmakers recently. The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that the US plans to deploy between 100 and 200 troops to Taiwan island in the coming months, up from roughly 30 there a year ago.

Zheng noted that the US' decision to release the news just before the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict reveals its real intention, which is to closely bind the Taiwan question and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

However, the Taiwan question is fundamentally different from the Ukraine issue, as China has reiterated on many occasions. The most fundamental difference is that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and the Taiwan question is completely China's internal affair, one which brooks no external interference.

Illustration:Liu Rui/GT 
Illustration:Liu Rui/GT

The US has made the Taiwan question, which is entirely China's internal affair, a strategic point for its competition with China. However, it has no confidence in defeating China and is making multiple plans to impede China's reunification, Zhu Songling, a professor at the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Beijing Union University, told the Global Times.

This revelation of so-called "destruction of Taiwan" plan has sparked heated discussions on the island, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Wednesday labeling related reports as "false." 

快新聞/拜登有「毀滅台灣計畫」? 外交部嚴正駁斥

 快新聞/拜登有「毀滅台灣計畫」? 外交部嚴正駁斥:絕非事實 


The plan and previous US media reports on "blowing up the TSMC" have frustrated Taiwan secessionists and some pro-US politicians, said Zhu.

What the US has done to other countries and regions, especially those it called "allies" in the past decades, clearly shows how fragile US promises and commitments are. The US' continuous fanning of flames in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has also turned away more people on the island of Taiwan, analysts said. 

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Wednesday 28 December 2022

US politicians get jittery about TikTok’s tech, rising influence


Some Biden administration officials are pushing for the sale of TikTok's US branch, citing the so-called security concerns over the company's operations in the country, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. 

One couldn't help but raise the suspicion that behind the so-called reasons of protecting US national security is the untold, hidden intention to seize Chinese technology.

While a forced sale may just be a proposal for discussion by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, there is no denying that TikTok has been increasingly cornered in the US. This is not because its commercial operation has run into problems, but because it has faced growing political coercion from anti-China politicians in Washington.

At least 15 states across the US have banned TikTok on government devices in the past month. Many federal agencies, including the White House and the departments of defense, homeland security and state, have already banned TikTok from government-owned devices. The latest funding bill passed by the US Congress last week includes a measure banning TikTok from devices used by federal employees. 

Two weeks ago, anti-China senators including Marco Rubio announced a legislation bid to block all transactions from any social media company "in or under the influence" of China and Russia, which could kick TikTok out of the US if the bill were to become law.

All of these bans or legislative efforts are on the grounds of the so-called national security threat. Without any solid evidence or proof, the charge has been frequently used by the US government in cracking down on TikTok for quite some time. 

Former US President Donald Trump once attempted to force ByteDance to sell TikTok to US companies two years ago, but a US federal judge blocked the attempt, and further bids to argue the case were dropped when the Biden administration came to power.

Yet, as TikTok has gained a larger market share amid a challenging business climate, there has been a menacing resurfacing of national security risks, which offers a glimpse into the deterioration of regulatory environment in the US. 

It is doubtful how much US national security is at stake that precipitated Washiington's crackdown on TikTok. Instead, it looks increasingly like a robbery of others' technology. 

A report published by GroupM, a media buying agency owned by WPP, estimated earlier this month that TikTok doubled its advertising revenues in 2022, becoming the only big social media platform to garner rising advertising revenues this year, beating rivals like Meta and Snap.

What Washington cares about is not whether TikTok is free of security concerns, but the sheer commercial interests behind the rapid rise of TikTok. To put it bluntly, the US government never appeared interested in offering any solution to the so-called security problem.

The US use of government power to stigmatize or try to rob TikTok is nothing but a Washington driven effort to maintain its global hegemony. If anything, unfair treatments the company received in the US market have been sufficient enough to hurt its reputation and increase the political risks in the eyes of the investors and advertisers, which will inevitably squeeze the country's future development space. 

To put it another way, it shows that Washington simply cannot allow a foreign company to grow competitive enough to challenge its American peers.

The reason why TikTok has been targeted by the US is because it represents the rise of a new algorithmic technology that has enabled it to become the most successful app in the world in recent years. This is the representative of Chinese high-tech companies gaining an advantage in international markets through their own innovations. 

Indeed, when the former Trump administration tried to push through a forced sale of TikTok in 2020, China introduced a new export regulation requiring Beijing's approval for certain technology transfers, including recommendation algorithms. And it is beyond doubt that China will protect its own core technologies and will not allow technology robbery by any party. 

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Cold War schemer: Reminiscing in its past ‘victory,’ US brings color revolutions to 21st century to maintain its hegemony

Tuesday 27 December 2022

China safeguards global economy, US exploits world for its own benefit


 Illustration: Liu Rui/GT


Making a reasonable argument is not a term in Washington's dictionary in the China-US power game. 

Ned Price, US state department spokesperson, said on Monday that the US hopes China can address the current COVID-19 outbreak as "the toll of the virus is of concern to the rest of the world given the size of China's GDP, given the size of China's economy."

His remarks aren't surprising at all. Washington has been putting and will go on to put all of China's policies and measures under the prism of China-US competition. That means the wordings of the US side will be all about shaping an international atmosphere that benefits only the US. 

When China's role in the global economy is mentioned, some very recent examples can be cited. In the just-concluded World Cup, products made in Yiwu, China's small commodity hub, have accounted for nearly 70 percent of the market share of World Cup merchandise, ranging from national flags, soccer balls to jerseys, according to the Yiwu Sports Goods Association. Made-in-China products, including but not limited to projectors and leggings, injected vigor into Black Friday, a traditional shopping bonanza in the West that kicked off on November 25, reports show. Last but not the least, the US announced in late November that it will extend its tariff exclusions for some Chinese medical products for an additional three months in order to continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Responding to Price's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Tuesday that in the past three years, China's COVID policy has provided maximum protection to people's lives and health, minimized COVID's impact on socioeconomic development, and bought precious time for understanding the virus on the basis of science, for research and development of vaccines and therapeutics, and for vaccinating more people across the country. We have achieved the most effective results at minimum cost. 

Washington does not have a say in China's influence on the world economy. Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, said earlier this month that recalibrating COVID policies "can be very good for the Chinese people and economy, and also good for Asia and the world economy." Morgan Stanley raised its forecast for China's GDP in 2023 to 5.4 percent from its previous outlook of 5 percent, predicting that a rebound in activity will come earlier and be sharper than expected.

China is the only country that has earnestly fought the battle against COVID with strict measures for three years, unlike the US, which had given up fighting the virus long long ago. Just because China has taken the lead in reining in COVID, it is able to resume businesses and production in an efficient manner. In 2020, China was the only major world economy to grow in that pandemic-ravaged year. In 2021, China's GDP was $17.7 trillion, accounting for 18.5 percent of the global total. 

In an interview with the Global Times, Sean Doherty, head of International Trade and Investment and member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum, said that China shows tactical resilience in maintaining flexible supply chains amid the pandemic, while describing China as a role model in facilitating trade domestically and a leading power in the WTO's investment facilitation discussions.

However, it's another story in the US. Washington wasted no time politicizing the virus, launched an ideological warfare and divided the world when unity was badly needed the most amid the global public health crisis. 

When the US needs to boost its economy, it tends to turn to unlimited quantitative easing, referred to as printing money wildly, which is aimed at attracting inflows of financial capital. But when its measures led to high inflation, which has been especially severe during the pandemic, the US starts to raise its interest rates, time and again. The aim is to make the US dollar stronger, attract investment capital from investors abroad seeking higher returns on American bonds and interest-rate products. But for other countries, the endless interest rate hikes are making it more and more expensive to service their dollar-denominated debts, causing currency depreciation and worsening inflation on their own soil. With the kits, like quantitative easing and raising interest rates, in its tool box, the US has been reaping benefits and wealth from the world.

This is the truth: When China makes contributions to the world economy during the pandemic, Washington is busy making deliberate transfer of wealth from the world to the US. 

Despite Price's rhetoric, the world will see which side has been the problem. If Price does cares about the world economy, he should have advised the White House to restrain itself when disrupting global supply chains and provoking conflicts and even wars. 

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Tuesday 20 December 2022

Over 60% participants believe China’s global influence rising; world concern war, preserving biodiversity, energy & foods crises more than pandemic


People celebrate the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, on July 1, 2021. Photo: VCG

A survey released on Saturday at the 2023 Global Times Annual Conference showed that more than 62 percent of participants around the globe believe that China's influence is rising, double the number that believes the US' influence is rising, and more people expect that the China-US tension is likely to turn into "conflict" rather than "easing."

On shared global issues, concerns over inflation, war, energy and the food security crisis have surpassed concern over the COVID-19 pandemic, with analysts saying the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the following serious impact to the world economy have brought more urgent problems and impending dangers to the world, while most countries and people are showing less worry toward the impact brought by the pandemic, which is into its third year, as the virus has become less harmful.

The survey is released annually and conducted by the Global Times Research Center. This year, from October 29 to December 6, the survey which covered 30 questions related to China-US relations, global security and development, received more than 36,000 effective samples from 33 countries all over the world including China, the US, Russia, France, the UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and South Korea.

Analysts said the survey reflects that the world welcomes and has strong confidence in China's development and Chinese modernization, even though the US and some of its allies are trying to spread the China threat theory, still more and more people are losing faith in the US and globalization that is dominated by US hegemony.

Which is more influential?

On the question "How has the US or China's international influence changed in the recent year?" more than 30 percent among all participants worldwide believe the US' influence is rising, while a similar number of participants believe the US' influence is declining. More than 62 percent believe China's influence is rising.

In countries like Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Austria, Poland and India, more people believe that the US' influence is rising rather than declining. In the US, 32 percent of participants believe their country's international influence is rising while another 32 percent believe the US' influence is declining, while 56 percent believe China's influence is rising.

"Judging from real national strength, the US still has the upper hand in terms of military, economy and science and technology, but if viewing 'international influence' from a perspective of being a leader to represent values shared by humanity, or the popularity and favorability among other countries, the US' influence is certainly decreasing," Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University told the Global Times.

Lü Xiang, an expert on international relations and research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times there are two main reasons why the majority of the participants worldwide believe China's influence is rising - first, China's sustainable and fast development as well as the powerful national strength are most convincing evidence; second, China's ideas for global development and security have been accepted well worldwide.

China's principles of not seeking hegemony and non-interference, as well as standing with developing countries forever, have been set very long ago. When China was a weak and undeveloped country, other countries did not really care about what China said, according to the expert. Today China has become a major world power with undoubted national strength, and more and more countries have found that China keeps its promise of not seeking hegemony, Lü said.

The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative have continually brought benefits and development to China's partners worldwide, comparing the destructions and instabilities caused by the US hegemony around the globe, it's very natural for the countries around the globe to be more favorable on China's rising influence, Lü noted.

Although more people in African countries like Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria, as well as some European countries like Poland and Austria believe the US' influence is rising rather than declining, the vast majority in these countries (from 56 percent in Poland and 70 percent in Austria, to 78 percent in South Africa and 76 percent in Kenya) also firmly believe that China's influence is rising.

For China's rising international influence, Shen said it could be interpreted from two perspectives. One is that countries around the world do have a better impression about China and they hope China will play more important roles in the future as they have benefited from ties with China, or they want China to be more powerful to balance the negative impacts brought by US hegemony, Shen said.

But in some Western countries, especially the US' allies that follow Washington closely, the reason why they believe China's influence is rising is because of the long-existing hyping of the "China threat" theory in their countries, and they are afraid of the rising influence of China as US propaganda tries to shape an aggressive image of China around the globe, Shen noted.

"The US is not in its prime of life, no longer the protagonists of Hollywood action movies who are handsome, elegant, quick in action and reaction. Today's US is like 'a mafia boss in his later years who can barely walk but still holds particularly large power among the gangsters. Today, the US' position is largely determined by the system it built long ago," said Jin Canrong, associate dean of the School of International Studies at the Renmin University of China.

China-US relations

The survey also shows that the world is concerned about China-US tension. More of the participants in 19 countries, including the US, expect China-US relations to "maintain the status quo."

In China and the US, the survey results show that 45 percent of Chinese participants expect the China-US tension to ease, and 39 percent expect to maintain the status quo, but only 11 percent in the US expect the two sides will see an easing of tensions in the future, and 44 percent of American participants expect the status quo to remain unchanged.

Lü said China does not have an anti-US propaganda now, while all news reports about China-US relations are objectively introducing the facts and also trying to guide the public to understand the China-US relations based on good will. "But in America, the two major parties are trying their best to make China look like an enemy," and to use Sinophobia to cover their incompetence in internal affairs.

"If you read US mainstream media, you will see their reports are hyping and inciting conflict between the US and China every day, whether in politics or the economy, so US politicians and media should be held accountable for the worsening China-US ties that make the world concerned," Lü noted.

Among the samples collected from the 33 countries, 23 percent of them believe that the most likely cause of a potential conflict between China and the US is that "China imposes more retaliation against the US," about 22 percent believe it would be "troublemaking by Taiwan secessionists" and 19 percent consider it would be "the US strengthening its containment strategy against China."

Chinese analysts said it seems like the most realistic task for China and the US in the future is to keep managing their differences and competition to keep the current situation from losing control, and it would be very difficult to completely ease tensions in the short term.

The US elites should be aware of the danger of China-US conflict, especially on sensitive affairs like the Taiwan question, and to what extent the two major powers can avoid conflict depends on the US' attitude toward China. If the US stops its containment strategy, China does not need to retaliate the US at all, experts stressed.

Future globalization

The survey result also shows that the world is increasingly worried about the danger of conflict between the two biggest economies, while most participants around the globe believe that the world needs to find a new or better way to develop globalization. Chinese interviewees are very confident in "achieving satisfactory globalization in the next 10 years" and they are less concerned than other countries' participants on the problems like "war," "prices rising" and "food and energy crises."

Experts said this shows that China has protected Chinese people well when the world is suffering from the turbulence in recent years, so Chinese people have sensed less negative impacts of the current globalization. This also proves that China is qualified to share its wisdom and experiences to the world to overcome common challenges, and the people around the globe expect China to be more active in providing public goods to reform the problematic world order. 

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China will eye rapid economic growth next year, said economists when attending the 2023 Global Times Annual Conference 


UN biodiversity deal adopted at COP15 at watershed moment

Pushing forward deal highlights China’s leading role in preserving biodiversity: experts

 Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu (centre-rignt), Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, David Ainsworth (centre-left), Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity,  Elizabeth Maruma Mrema (2nd right) and Inger Andersen Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (right) during a plenary meeting at the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference, known as COP 15, in Montreal, Canada on Monday. Photo: AFP

Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu (centre-rignt), Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, David Ainsworth (centre-left), Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema (2nd right) and Inger Andersen Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (right) during a plenary meeting at the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference, known as COP 15, in Montreal, Canada on Monday. Photo: AFP

 Nearly 200 countries adopted a landmark deal set to reverse environmental destruction and preserve global biodiversity over the next decades at a marathon UN biodiversity summit on Monday.

The successful adoptionof the deal, under China's presidency, signals the country's leading role and commitment in converging and pushing forward global efforts in protecting the world's biodiversity at a watershed moment, said experts.

Now that the targets have been set, what matters most is whether nations follow through, said experts. The thorniest issue is still finance, and experts have called for this burden to fall largely on developed countries, which are equipped with technology and funds to help developing countries.

A UN biodiversity deal, entitled Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and aimed at reversing biodiversity loss and setting the world on the path to recovery, was adopted on Monday at the UN biodiversity conference, COP15, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday.

"The package is adopted," Chinese Environment Minister Huang Runqiu, the chair of the COP15 nature summit, declared at a late-night plenary session in Montreal as he struck his gavel, sparking loud applause from assembled delegates, the AFP reported.

The framework sets the target of effective conservation and management of at least 30 percent of the world's lands, inland waters, coastal areas and oceans, with emphasis on areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services, according to the final release the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity sent to the Global Times on Monday.

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework prioritizes ecologically representative, well-connected and equitably governed systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation, recognizing indigenous and traditional territories and practices. Currently 17 percent and 10 percent of the world's terrestrial and marine areas respectively are under protection, according to the release.

It also called for the progressive phasing out or reform by 2030 of subsidies that harm biodiversity by at least $500 billion per year, while scaling up positive incentives for biodiversity's conservation and sustainable use. The scheme is set to raise international financial flows from developed to developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, small island developing states, and countries with economies in transition, to at least $20 billion per year by 2025, and to at least $30 billion per year by 2030.

After the adoption, EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius tweeted, "DEAL Tonight, we make history at#COP15. The Kunming-Montreal deal for Nature & people all over the world. 30% degraded ecosystems on land & sea to be restored by 2030;30% terrestrial & marine areas conserved & managed by 2030."

A statement the UN Development Programme (UNDP) sent to the Global Times on Monday said it welcomes the historic agreement reached at COP15."This agreement means people around the world can hope for real progress to halt biodiversity loss and protect and restore our lands and seas in a way that safeguards our planet and respects the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities," reads the statement.

The agreement reached today in Montreal is a significant breakthrough for biodiversity. It reflects never-before-seen recognition from countries at all income levels that biodiversity loss must be stopped through high-ambition changes to our society's relationship with nature and the way our global economy operates. It also reflects a determination from political leaders around the world to make this happen, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility, said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Monday.

After four years of negotiations and 12 years since the last biodiversity targets were agreed in Japan, the Chinese president ofCOP15put forward its recommendations for a final agreement after two weeks of intense negotiations among 196 countries.

Reaching a consensus on global environment issues, such as protecting biodiversity and climate change, were never easy, as nations' interests on those topics always conflicted, Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times on Monday.

"That is why China put forward such a draft that had won wide applause among delegates from so many countries," said Lin. "This can be seen as a remarkable first step toward global biodiversity protection for the next decades, and this has highlighted China's leading role in this field."

Implementation matters

Speaking at a Saturday conference, Huang admitted that the most challenging remaining divergences lie in the financial mechanisms, resource mobilization and the goals of the framework. "Targeting these three problems, we have invited minister-level officials from Rwanda, Chile, Egypt, Germany, Norway and Canada, and have set up three coordination working groups," Huang said.

The final release said by 2030 at least $200 billion per year in domestic and international biodiversity-related funding from all sources - public and private are to be mobilized.

Developing countries previously pushed for half of that̶$100 billion per year̶to flow from wealthy countries to poorer nations, Reuters reported on Sunday.

Lin pointed out that the proposed targets show China's ambition and pragmatism in pushing forward a workable scheme, as setting the financial targets too high may backfire as many developed countries may refuse to pay.

"Setting up an agreement is for everyone to work on. Yet judging by developed countries' blustery promises on climate issues, whether they will pay the money on biodiversity remains questionable, so the final release lowered the target for developed countries to pay at least $20 billion per year by 2025," said Lin.

The developed countries still haven't fulfilled their pledge of providing $100 billion per year for developing countries to tackle climate damage.

Developing nations have limited capacity to achieve goals set at the current stage, thus the financing onus falls largely on those developed countries that have the technology and money to help, said Lin.

Huang Runqiusaid at a conference last week that the most important factor for a successful COP15 is reaching a framework of protecting biodiversity. What kind of framework is successful depends not only on how much we have agreed, but also how much we will realize, said Huang.

As presidency of the conference, China hopes that all the goals and promises are acceptable to all participants, and will endure the test of time, said the Chinese environment minister. He hoped that both developed and developing countries will feel they have fulfilled their promises by 2030, and only those goals and promises can be counted as a real success. 

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National disasters management agency NADMA warned of soil movement post monsoon. Those residing near sloppy areas >25 degrees steep to stay alert. Five states involving 20 districts now gripped by floods .>18,000 families affected. 469 evacuation centers activated.



Wednesday 29 June 2022

NATO’s expansion stumbles as members calculate costs


Europe will certainly not become more secure after this round of NATO expansion

 There is a lack of mutual understanding and compromise in European culture, where countries are focused on maximizing their own security interests without regard for others. The US is certainly glad to see Europe in this state.



Editor's Note:

NATO, which is constantly looking for imaginary enemies and justifying its existence by inciting confrontation, is holding a summit from Tuesday to Thursday, and it also plans to extend its tentacles to the Asia-Pacific region. Behind its aggressive narrative, contradictions and divisions within NATO have become increasingly prominent. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is not going according to NATO's playbook. This series of articles will provide some clues regarding NATO's predicament. This is the fifth piece.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was established in 1949, but to this day it remains an important tool for suppressing the opponents of the West. The initiative to unite 12 countries originally belonged to the United States, which became the most powerful world leader after the end of World War II. The US was the foundation of the organization's military power, a source of economic and financial assistance to member countries. It goes without saying that not only the highest command posts belonged to the Americans, but they also defined strategic objectives at all stages of NATO's activities. The main mission of this organization from the very beginning was the unification of military and economic resources under the command of the US to prepare an all-out war against the Soviet Union. The countries of another military bloc, the Warsaw Pact Organization (ATS), led by the USSR, also became enemies. It was created only six years after NATO - in 1955.

NATO played an important role in weakening the USSR and its allies. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the question arose about the feasibility of continuing the existence of NATO. But the US, which really ruled the bloc, set a new task for it - to involve former ATS member countries and post-Soviet republics in its structure. This was considered necessary to expand the zone of America's strict control over Europe as the most important part of the world at that time. NATO was also used to "sweep" the European space during the war against Yugoslavia. NATO and its de facto twin in the field of economics and politics - the European Union - were used in organizing the "color revolution" in Kiev and provoking the current Ukrainian crisis. In these situations, the US uses NATO as a tool for dirty work, saving the US from the loss of "precious American lives" and the risk of retaliatory strikes on the territory of the US.

NATO's successful fulfillment of its tasks in Europe led Washington to think about using the potential and experience of the bloc in another part of the world. Having recently identified China as the most serious threat to the international order, Washington is faced with a lack of resources to contain and suppress the growing Chinese power.

In order to mobilize the existing resources, the Biden administration has developed a concept of Indo-Pacific security, strongly resembling a similar concept for the North Atlantic. The concept has already been reinforced by the creation of the Indo-Pacific Command of the US Armed Forces. Already available resources were activated - military alliances with Japan, South Korea and Australia. The AUKUS military group was created. The activity of the QUAD military-diplomatic group is stimulated. The creation of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework was recently announced. But even these actions are not enough for Washington.

Therefore, it is urgently necessary to extend the scope of NATO's responsibility to the Indo-Pacific region as well. Obviously, US efforts are aimed at uniting all Asian and European allies, their military, economic and geostrategic resources to create a new tool for the realization of American global ambitions. It can be conditionally called the Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization according to the patterns of NATO.

Of course, the arrival of NATO to the East, especially since the new military bloc of the West, will threaten the security interests of Russia as a Pacific power. But first of all, it will be directed against China. Strengthening the militarization of the region will also contradict the interests of economic stability and security of ASEAN, APEC and other groupings of the region.

Serious obstacles may arise in the way of implementing Biden's chess game. We are not talking about the fluctuations of European satellites in NATO such as "ready for anything" Poland, the "Baltic troika" or the Balkan neoplasms. It is unlikely that we will talk about England with its age-old anti-Chinese traditions and loyalty to Washington at the level of a conditioned reflex. But such large "stakeholders" as Germany, France, Spain and Italy may think hard about the consequences of entering into a military confrontation with China, taking into account their trade and economic interests.

These powers are well aware of the benefits of bilateral trade with China, which amount to tens and hundreds of billions of euros. They are also aware of the intention of the White House to lift trade sanctions against China in an attempt to bring down the threatening increase in inflation. The role of trade and economic "cannon fodder" is unlikely to entice figures claiming some level of independence even within the framework of NATO. In Madrid, the leaders of significant European powers are unlikely to voice their doubts, but then they will try to "put on the brakes" in implementation of Biden's Indo-Pacific plan.

Another important reason for avoiding the dubious honor of becoming a member of the anti-Chinese coalition may be Washington's inconsistency. Just two years ago, then US president Donald Trump reproached NATO member countries for the insufficiency of military efforts, the desire to "ride for free" and even promised to dissolve the military bloc. What will happen after the next presidential election? Will Trump come back? Won't those business and political circles that oppose the dispersion of the waning power of their power, for the concentration of resources on solving domestic economic and humanitarian problems, win?

Europeans are already suffering losses from following Biden's anti-China course. The ratification of the China-Europe Comprehensive Investment Agreement has been disrupted. Taking into account the hostile policy of Poland and the Baltic countries, Chinese logistics companies are reviewing the routes of goods delivery to Europe via the Silk Road. Beijing is studying the experience of "crippling sanctions" against Russia. After all, Washington has threatened to impose similar sanctions not only in case of the aggravation of the situation around the Taiwan island, but even if China refuses to participate in sanctions against Russia.

The US' convulsive attempts to return itself to the role of world hegemon are unlikely to succeed. But they can cause considerable harm to mutually beneficial relations between countries, which will be difficult to compensate quickly.

The author is head of the "Russian Dream-Chinese Dream" analytic center of the Izborsk Club. 

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Asia-Pacific countries should not stand under 'dangerous wall' of NATO: Global Times editorial

The sewage of the Cold War cannot be allowed to flow into the Pacific Ocean.




NATO to set stage for extending into Asia-Pacific, faces internal difference

On the heel of the G7 summit, NATO leaders are scheduled to convene in Spain from Tuesday to Thursday for their annual summit with the main focus on Russia and toughening up its stance toward China, while analysts said including China in the US-led military bloc's new strategic concept cannot help alleviate US divergences with the EU, especially on China, and severe domestic problems will also weaken Washington's ambitious plan to maintain hegemony. 
